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Everything posted by sckofelng

  1. he searches for a very strange band, otherwise i'd also put my hands on it, there are 2 other traders who taped the show, they are not that easy to get though
  2. thats why mike said in an interview back in 2004 that they had to think about adding stuff to their set.. yeah a couple songs were dropped, still, nearly all the older shit was played. i did not complain about the MTM era either. if the band does not rotate their sets starting in europe then this is in my eyes for sure one of the wrongest decisions of their live career ever, they can really start losing their old fans who did not like ATS because it was not the stuff they hoped for (including me). they said they would play enough from all eras. then they should rotate everything imo.
  3. i was not saying what you were saying, at least i was not meaning it^^ still, just because a new album is out you drop all the others? this is not how a good live band handles all songs imo
  4. just cause its 'ridiculously old' it does not mean that the band is not allowed to play it. now should be the time to bring back some nasty old stuff actually, starting up with 11 songs from the new album is unfortunately the complete opposite at least papercut is back
  5. it will return once they come back i am very sure about that
  6. bleed it out edit: crawling/papercut had no intros at buenos aires either.
  7. W&K will open again: http://twitter.com/#!/m_shinoda/status/26892152432
  8. Just his comment shows me once more how great and really unselfish he is .. Dude, you really are an amazing person, i've met you as a trader, but you also helped me many times if i needed any help. Just a huge thanks yet again. Happy Birthday, i hope you'll have a great day
  9. Don't Stay Europe/Asia/PR 2004 or OSC 2007/2008 i had the OSC intro in frankfurt 2 years ago as starter of the second encore and it made me feel like going crazy
  10. i think there are tapers for the show same for argentina
  11. there ain't any special treats and i am very sad about that
  12. 2 songs? hm.. only crawl back in had been broadcasted from the DBS performance
  13. Slipknot won't return 'til 2012. Joey and Corey confirmed that as far as i know.
  14. OSC, ITE, maybe SIB, Faint, BTH, Numb, WID, BIO, all ATS thats it gonna be. sad but true :/
  15. I listened to it all night long, and actually, i've done it as the full ATS experience twice! And actually i heard guitars, but what does it help if you hear some hissing electronic noises over them? As I said the band changed. And Stefano, just because you like it and i don't, it does not mean that you have to assume that i did not "listen" but just heard it.
  16. Well i complaint about the slow songs of MTM too But they still had a guitar. If LP had done a album full of their wishes back before MTM it would not sound like ATS either. The band changed, but it can't be possible that there are no more real guitars/bass/drums. It's just ridiculus (to me and a couple others) to hear to a couple of these songs if you know that a band called 'Linkin Park' brought out this after 3 years.
  17. how often do you plan to keep on bitching at people who bitch? i think a couple of here don't get that people are angry with this band. many people here followed the band from its kid's days. it is a big change now and a couple of people (including myself) were still hoping that there could be influences from these old days which most of these fans love. since there aren't any influences (except for a rapping here and there) we are all shocked and angry. i am not saying anymore that it's total crap by them, but it definiatly does not fit in any of my music tastes. and don't tell people to grow up if you bitch as well! sorry, but that's my opinion.
  18. pure truth in my opinion. i like catalyst from now on /2 cents.
  19. This. But it ain't help. Too many fans who started getting fans on LP when they brought out MTM i bet. Seriously, this is crap !
  20. that stuff disgusts me... blackout is nasty, W&K pretty good too, the rest is just some shit imo. i can listen to onerepublic if i wanna hear that, but not LP ! i'm quite pissed off -.-
  21. Yeah, happened cause i had a few issues with my computer, i may be able to seed again if needed.
  22. Haha. Well i was only considering helping twice
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