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Everything posted by jakolp

  1. Ok, mr. "hardcore LP fan".. Vavouras said that it's not a bad thing for a song to be radio-friendly.. And who the fuck said that LP is just a band with beats and a DJ? LP is an awesome band. No one here denies that.. Otherwise they wouldn't be here on an "LP Fan-site". Everyone that doesn't like something is a hater. Why's that? I stated before(and I'm sure Vav agrees) that no one has a problem with LP changing their sound. Even if they started writing classical music I would love it as long as it was good. But, let's face it, this album is not good. And I don't like the fact that I say that. But it's the truth. Now you'll say I'm not open-minded, I don't appreciate the band's work and all that stuff. But guess what? I wanted as much as anyone else this album to kick-ass. It does not though. Live with it. Open you ears and listen. Listen carefully. It is not good. Unfortunately.....
  2. Well, this is what I'm talking about Way to go, Vav
  3. Well.. welcome to the world of the brand new LP.. It sucks..
  4. *Off-Topic*I actually knew the song before I watched Donnie Darko xD (awesome movie btw) Mad World might be one of the saddest songs ever written *Off-Topic*
  5. Well, I'm also tired of people saying the loved it. If you loved it just listen to it and stop preaching about it. And I don't like not because it's not HT and Meteora.. I don't like it 'cause it's just plain mediocre. I have absolutely no problem with LP changing their music. Damn, they can start writing classical music for all I care. If it's good I'll love it.. But this is not good..
  6. Have you heard Mad World by Gary Jules?
  7. Just listened to it 3rd or 4th time.. I'm confused.. I definitely think it's their worst rock album and their best Pop album(well.. they don't have any other xD).. Some songs are catchy, others are just plain weird(not in a good way) and others didn't even caught my attention.. What I didn't like was that there was nothing innovative at this album.. There were songs that any other band in the world could have written and others(like Blackout) that are one of a kind, but not good.. I also felt like I was listening to the same song over and over.. Worst song: Robot Boy I think the best song is Jornada Del Muerto and that is an interlude.. Others that I liked: Wretches and King, When They Come For Me 6/10 (Maybe it a little too early to make a judgment but I don't think there's anything more I can absorb from this album, even though I've listened it only 4 times)
  8. Listen to them and don't judge the album then xD
  9. Sounds to mediocre on the first listen.. But, yeah. No one should judge a whole album only by listening 30secs of each song.. I wish the album is awesome, but the chances of that happening are slim now(imo opinion, judging by my own taste). Still it sounds over 9000 times better than MtM xD
  10. This song is so fucking awesome!!! 1000 times better than The Catalyst!
  11. Just saw the vid.. Really good.. Sometimes monotonous but maybe it's 'cause the song is a bit monotonous.. Anyways, Joe has done it again!
  12. jakolp

    New JoeHahn Blog

    Awesome blog.. Let's hope it'll have awesome news
  13. This sounds awesome!!! Let's hope it's awesome
  14. The majority of the LP fans haven't listen to most of this new material. And I don't care if you don't care but also the majority of these songs is not good.
  15. I think the video is far away from the song release 'cause it's still summer and lots of people are on vacation. Releasing the video now would not be good promotion. Releasing the song now was alright. Everyone's got radio everywhere
  16. It's epic over nine thousaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand times xD Sorry, I just had to say this xD I also think this song is not epic.. It's great, not epic.. Maybe it'll become epic if I listen it a few more times..
  17. Just heard the song.. Now hearing it second time! I have to say it's a good song but the LP Remix contest ruined it for me.. I shouldn't have listen to any remix and no snippet to really get into the song. I knew what to expect.. If I hadn't listen to any of the song, it would really hit me and I think I'd like it even more. Everyone's saying that it's repeating. Just think if you hadn't listen to any of the snippets. It would be a totally new experience!! Damn, I have to learn and be more patient with songs and not want to listen to them right away even if it's a snippet.. I admire those who didn't listen it at all. And I'm sure that this will be the song I'll hear the most 'till the summer it's over and the time for the album arrives!!!!
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