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Everything posted by jakolp

  1. I think it'll feature Justin Bieber.. That's the only logical progression to LP's future the way the have been with their careers the past two years
  2. I really hope LP can make the kid's dreams come true!! And they can make it happen!!!!!
  3. OMG!! IT'S IN SLOW MOTION!! Great innovation!!! Sorry, but I'll call "boring" on this one..
  4. I was between Robot Boy and Blackout but I voted for RB.. Really, I think it's a very bad song. Monotonous(except the synth in the end which is nothing special really) and the lyrics are nothing special. LP have written much better songs and this is the worst song on a mediocre album (just my opinion ^^ )
  5. So, almost everyone agrees that Mike has the most influence on LP while almost everyone thinks that LP would be nothing without Chester.. Interesting.. About the other members For me, Brad is a weak guitarist with amazing riffs (they're not complicated but they are super-catchy) Rob is the most talented person after Mike.. He's an amazing drummer.. Just awesome Phoenix is also an amazing bassist but he's not as famous as he should be (hope you get what I mean) I can't say anything about Hahn 'cause I haven't heard any other dj on a rock band, but I can say that I love his scratches and samples. Overall LP has the greatest combination!! Just hope they can manage their roles as they're supposed to..
  6. You're saying that 'cause you know he reads the forums!! He is among us! O_O jk.. I know he is LP xD.. I was just pointing it out.
  7. 2000 Hybrid Theory is released. Mike is rapping and playing guitar on some songs. 2003 LP's second album Meteora is released. Linkin Park have already big success. Here Mike is rapping again but we can hear him play guitar on more songs. And he also has a keyboard too now. 2007 Minutes to Midnight. Shinoda goes a step forward. He is the co-producer of the album. Plays lots of guitar, all the keyboard, raps and makes his first appearence as a lead singer on In Between and the unreleased No Roads Left. 2010 A Thousand Suns. Mike is much more present than Chester, co-producer again with Rick Rubin, lead sings and raps, handles all the keyboard and palys lots of guitar. Mike is working silently but we're heading to the moment that he'll be doing all the work on LP's album!! Just some thoughts I had. Nothing special xD Feel free to comment.
  8. Good remix.. Sometimes boring but good overall.
  9. 5 years? Awesome.. Non-stop listening to Fort Minor today then Fave track? Can't say.. Maybe "The Hard Way"
  10. Now, this is interesting! Can't wait for the demos!!!
  11. Not really.. (Sorry for double-posting)
  12. LP with Katy Perry? Really??? WHAT AN HONOUR FOR LP!!!! Congrats!! -__-
  13. Oh come on.. What he did was like stating that pirate-bay has illegal movies..
  14. Your username: Jakolp Username of your nominee: VavourasLP Which prize they would receive: iPod Reason for nomination: He's the person I've known the most in the LPL community. I first talked to him icer1 year ago and since then I'm convinced that he would deserve any LPL prize. I've first met him at the 2nd LP Show at Greece. There was a period that we were trading DVD shows. He even wanted to record LP's show, but his camera broke 'cause a guy hit him by accident when the opening act was playing. In spite of that, he didn't complain because he knew that LP's show was more important to him that his camera. He even caught a pick that Mike threw to the crowd. I think he still might have it. Now, we're two good friends that met each other through our love for LP!. Anyway, Vav is a great guy, you can find him anywhere on LPL and he loves LP as much as anyone else here. Maybe even more. I really hope he wins.
  15. I can make a list with lots of songs I think are better than WFTE, but I have to say that I like this song a lot more than the first time I heard it. I also don't agree that it's the best song by LP.
  16. That's what I'm saying. EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO HIS OWN OPINION. That's the 3rd or 4th time I mention that. If I made my argument sound like a fact, then I'm sorry. That was not my point. But I don't read anything about those that place a tag that writes "HATER" on everyone that does not like the album. If they are harsh on me, I'll be harsh on them.
  17. Did I call anyone deaf? Did I call anyone stupid? Come on... If it sounds nice to your ears, then I'm happy for you. Did I say I didn't like it only because LP made it? I didn't like it because it's not good. And that's my opinion. You can't force me not to say stuff like that. If you think they don't make any sense, then don't reply to me. Just feel pity about me and pray that someday god will save me. That's ok by me
  18. Again, as I said, everyone is entitled to his own opinion. I'm not trying to be aggressive here.
  19. Lol.. It's not the truth 'cause I say it. If you think this is a "masterpiece"(I really haven't called ANY album masterpiece.. Very heavy word), then ok. You're entitled to your opinion. If I was a hater, what the hell would I be doing here? Just trolling? I am 2 years on this site and I am constantly trolling? Of course I am a fan. And LP has done lots of things that are awesome. I do not bash everything they make. But if I don't like something I'm "magically" a hater. And I didn't say the music is terrible. I said it's not good. I made a review earlier. I gave the album 6/10, which means good, but horrible with the LP standards. What the should have done to improve it? I don't know. Yes, I do not know. So? I just wanted something to sound nice to my ears. This does not. And as I said, if you were a concerned LP fan, you would see the flaws in that album. Don't just eat what they throw to you and like it.
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