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Everything posted by spraypaintninkpens

  1. Mike could have professionally talked to the head of Warner about the issues and explained his point of view. It didn't have to escalate into anything beyond a conversation between the two. I think tak's rightfully upset because mike made no effort what-so-ever to help out sob after they signed with machine shop.
  2. I thought friends had each others back? Mike had nothing to risk at all. What is Warner going to do drop linkin park? Please.
  3. I agree that mike did not support them enough. Mike can pull more weight with the label than tak or ryu could. I wish mike would of just stayed making fort minor tracks; then sob would have gotten the attention of the label because mike shinoda is in the band.
  4. They're selling out big time with this.
  5. Guys who are complaining about posting styles and julien k news: Stop. There's nothing going around lp now; these bands are affiliated with mike and chester in different bands. I for one am looking forward to the chat tonight. It's good to see holly back in action as well.
  6. Warner delayed their cd almost two years.
  7. Good info hahninator. Got to see ryu dance a bit ha, good stuff.
  8. I never understand why people think just because lp takes longer to make something it's better. Songs that all came together quickly were numb, qwerty and what I've done. You're very bad with time. lp releases albums 3-4 years apart, not 1 and a half.
  9. I'd rather a winter arena tour. I'm so sick of projekt when the only band I care about is lp and it's 120 degrees outside.
  10. Management ultimately decides where they tour. It's all about $
  11. You'd never find unreleased music on a bands myspace especially lp's.
  12. Exactly logging into a bands myspace to send spam. Big deal. I don't think this case is like the previous one involving Chester luckily.
  13. lol at the promo video. That's the best you could do? Not like it matters.
  14. 3-4 years is what we should expect for lp to make 12 album songs. It sucks but it's just reality.
  15. This would be extremely lame but it'd get them one record closer to getting off Warner's label so I wouldn't mind. Why not a b-side cd though? Anyone who buys a greatest hit cd, really isn't that big of a fan anyways. So I don't really see why anyone here would buy it.
  16. What he said. If I didn't already have it on cd then this would be a possibility but I don't think it was that great of a show to purchase twice.
  17. People are still listening and buying it because its Linkin park. Their previous albums built up a huge fanbase which explains your question you asked. They didn't stay true to themselves, they went out of their way to change peoples perception of the band. In short they changed because nu-metal isn't popular anymore.
  18. Tough guy here. He clearly stated he didn't know what spam was being as though it's a cultural phrase.He was the one who first broke the news. Mark would never treat contributors like that.
  19. Lupe's above mikes level. I like both but like I said, I don't think mike can rap like he used to, because well he never does.
  20. lol. News is really slow. I'm expecting 2009 to produce this kind of news. We may get an article saying the album is almost done, then a year later one saying its coming out soon.
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