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Everything posted by spraypaintninkpens

  1. Because they're always slow in the studio. If they do not have material by this summer then were at least a year away.
  2. So this basically confirms the album isn't coming out this year with chester's statement.
  3. They haven't put out anything grammy worthy since 2003. Someone else should win.
  4. I didn't think they'd release the new cd that quick. I doubt we see a pr 09.
  5. Mark, we've been wishing lp was off warner's label since 04. This is no exception. I think mike understands how controlling and unbearable they are. I just hope they release 3 cd's quick.
  6. I agree with the muse/ lupe fiasco mention. Maybe mike and lupe could do spraypaint and ink pens. Classic. kAnd guys stop suggesting mcr. They've already been on projekt revolution and they were boring as shit.
  7. My respect for sob just went up a bit. Ryu is absolutely correct. I think mike's lying about not being mad warner ruined machine shop.
  8. How can you say that after you liked mtm so much? After meteora I was on an lp high til mtm came out.
  9. After thinking this over more and more I thought maybe mike,joe and chester would create art pieces for every song, to create a full story. Not sure if that's been done before though.
  10. I'm not sure what mike means by this statement. Maybe a short film or something by hahn with their concept album as the theme. I was kinda hoping for a double disk cd, but that's unlikely.
  11. I doubt the album is out this year. I will probably do online only. I'm not paying for that cd.
  12. Not a huge julien k fan, although a shinoda remix is always something to look forward to.
  13. Damnit I hope you're wrong, but I think you're right.
  14. This sounds so good. Much better than anything I've heard from them in the past 4 years. Here's to hoping we get a meteora type quality cd at NRG.
  15. Here's the direct quote. Oh by the way, you were clearly making things up. Mike: No, the leftover live songs won't be the new LPU CD. We heard your comments about the last LPU CD needing to have more unique material, so we're trying to do that. I think this year's LPU CD will be one of the best ever. At the very least, it'll be the most unique. Here's what it won't be: live tracks, new unreleased Linkin Park album music. (insert frantic guessing game here).
  16. No he did not. You're making things up now.
  17. I'm sick of typing this so I'm taking this from hahinator. "First of all, Mike did NOT say it won't be a b-side or demo. He said it won't be new Linkin Park album material. Aka shit they are doing off the NEW record. Pictureboard for example is old to Mike. He isn't going to refer to that as NEW. We just had like a 6 page LPU fight about this last night. Mike never said it won't be old LP material aka b-sides off MTM/Reani/HT/CC/Meteora/ANYTHING they've done in the past" I swear I'm just going to post this in my sig.
  18. Thats why I was so upset that mtm took 4 years to come out. We didn't get to hear chester all that much in his singing prime.
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