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Everything posted by spraypaintninkpens

  1. They're trying to make an example out of her. See guys, it's worth paying for your tracks.
  2. Don't apologize it was my bad for posting it in here. It's sort of related and there's usually more news on the topic on top of the front page.
  3. Awesome, can you see the fine print where it might say what was written by lp?
  4. I found the tracklisting for the score of revenge of the fallen. Can anyone enlarge the picture without distorting it? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B0...ASIN=B00297FEUI
  5. The extras were in the original show and therefore should not be deemed as being extras. Warner was being deceitful in making that statement.
  6. It doesn't make us any less of a fan, we have a right to be disappointed and stress our frustrations on band forums. I agree with the poster above on having frustrations over those things but I've moved on and am hoping for a legit lpu 9 cd and a full album cd next year because we are still fans.
  7. It's a fake album he made up which had me confused at first too.
  8. Completely disagree. After the just okay music videos from MTM, this one is amazing. I love it, he should direct every music video they make.
  9. Grab a seat guys, I actually really like the video.
  10. In America there is such a thing as freedom of speech and expression, deal with it. Just because you don't agree with my opinion that doesn't make yours superior.
  11. He's actually right, Mike said about half of the songs are already completed for the new album. "I'd say we've got about half the music done, though I shouldn't say halfway because who knows how long the next batch of songs will take". Source- http://lptimes.com/news2009/may/news05232009.html
  12. Maybe 90 percent of your lyrics. The lyrics I tend to listen to have nothing to do with love. Chester's at his best when he's pissed. I was at the first dbs show and the best song was my suffering because it displayed that energy and aggression. I didn't think love songs were the direction that DBS was headed because mike described it as a rock record. We'll see though but my initial reaction is that's a bad sign. Also why am I chastised over everything I say? I understand we all love lp, but just like you're allowed to have an opinion on a topic, so am I.
  13. I thought he was gona say I'm doing my 2nd Fort Minor project too. I disagree with fm sucking though, IMO it's better than lp.
  14. The lpu chats are worthless anyways. As an lpuer, I have no problem with lplive posting the transcripts.
  15. It'd be nice if Mike raps 90% of the time on the album and chester is barely featured to make up for MTM.
  16. Which would free mike up for fort minor!
  17. Okay, I'm impulsive at times. It's a good song, I would say it's up there with the likes of wid, definitely not their best song ever though as some of you are saying. IMO
  18. Maybe just cause it's new but you guys saying it's the best song ever or lp's best need to re-think what you said. It's okay at best, once again I'm disappointed.
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