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Everything posted by spraypaintninkpens

  1. Confirmed, yeah I still don't like it lol. It's cool how they released it a month early though.
  2. I don't like the song but I'll buy it just to give it a chance.
  3. Anything over a half hour for dbs would be iffy for me. Anyways have fun guys, the festival as a whole sounds fun.
  4. Yeah I also think that order is about right. Cookies and the live stuff to me never even made the ipod.
  5. I'll believe it when I see it. I won't ever get excited for another lpu cd after cookies. Technically that crap was unreleased too so, we'll see.
  6. EW, this might be the worst post I've seen in a long time. I disagree with just about everything you just said.
  7. Point in case why lpu chats are pointless.
  8. Don't get me hyped up man . I do agree though, after 7 and 8 debacle, lpu 9 should be a nice year.
  9. LPU chats are a waste of time although Mike typically answers questions and doesn't dance around them like a politician.
  10. 3/4 of those songs were singles though. Most singles are watered down to an extent which is why I'm not being overcritical of crawl back in because I understand it is a single.
  11. TRT was one of the best albums lyrically. Granted the singles had weaker lyrical content than the rest of the album.
  12. Hence the weak lyrics to crawl back in.
  13. Yeah it did happen, I remember. Julien k is a bad influence on him. It happened on a new years eve show in vegas.
  14. I don't have an issue with dbs playing but they needed to play some more uptempo songs. And wow, my suffering used to be so much cooler. Oh and yeah that's a good point about New Divide. That intro is just so awesome, it gets people going.
  15. Yeah, and you're exactly right, once they heard the New Divide intro, people starting screaming and jumping up and down again.
  16. I went and I have to say lp put on a pretty good show. However dbs killed it, meaning the energy the crowd had. When fire came on, many people started booing and flipping off chester. Chants of lp/tool were also starting. I haven't read this thread because it's huge but I just thought I'd mention that here. I don't think dbs should have played in the middle of lp's set, it should have been before, that would have averted people being disappointed over it.
  17. I got a good feeling something exclusive is going to happen. NRL I think would be a possibility.
  18. Lp will still have a 90/100 minute set. It'll probably be very similar to the European tour set lists but I'm hoping for something different.
  19. Like Mark said, you can support them in other ways. Tell a friend about dbs and get them to buy a cd or some merch. You'll be doing the band a greater service that way.
  20. I think when someone says they have a song and lie about it, that's an automatic ban.
  21. Do you think Fort Minor will make another record?
  22. I really like the song which is weird because I never really liked the snippets I'd heard.
  23. I think Chester writes very basic lyrics. Let down is not that well written either. Then again it's a single and most singles aren't that in depth.
  24. Someone pm me a download link to the song. Thanks.
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