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Everything posted by spraypaintninkpens

  1. I don't know if this is good or bad news, I would have thought they'd have more than 5 songs completed by now. Also the 4-5 minute thing isn't necessarily a good thing cause the songs on the mtm that were that length such as sotd and tltgya were lame.
  2. I wonder if they'll do the extended outro on that song like they did in pr 04. That'd be so dope.
  3. Breaking the habit and faint as well, I'm still in love with meteora to this day. Figure.09 is a close 3rd. I really could careless about the mtm demos besides across the line.
  4. I happen to like tom/chester's voice just as much.
  5. Like I've been saying, after this lp album, Fort Minor will be back.
  6. Ah well I was wrong, the tracklisting just seemed fishy. Now that it's confirmed, I'm happy and looking forward to hearing these tracks.
  7. To get people to preorder it? It just doesn't make sense for that to be the track listing.
  8. It's fake. No way a.06, by myself, stick n move would be on it. Black Friday is almost here.
  9. I think it's fake just because of what mark said basically. I could definitely see some of these mentioned make the cd though because they're all what people are guessing to be on it.
  10. It's a fuse award people, not a big deal at all.
  11. I was expecting a bad video, although I liked the video to an extent. Much better than the cbi video for sure.
  12. Rick rubin/ mtm, lack of mike's rapping, waiting 3-4 years between albums and the lack of interaction they have with crowds at the shows lately.Also they need to start playing new songs or different setlists at shows. I'm seriously tired of hearing osc/crawling/in the end/numb/ all of mtm/etc. Do something different or don't play the song please lol.
  13. Rob chats are the worst. Hey he may tell us they are working on a song called guitar song. Wow, inside information galore!
  14. True love and false idol t's are expensive so I'm sure that's why it's 55 bucks. 5.99 for the digital copy of the album is a steal.
  15. Obama as president was a mistake IMO. He won because of celebrities and young adults, buying into the concept of change without looking at credentials. He didn't do damn thing before he ran for office either.
  16. Yeah, I love that track. I hope this cd makes mike wana come back with fm again.
  17. They're nice but 150 is too much. Mark, I agree. His first remix shoes were better and we're like 80 bucks as well.
  18. Exactly, they always delay shit forever, especially with santa clause being their producer again. If it's anything like mtm, I'm fucking over my love for them.
  19. It's a good cd. It's like the mixtape songs on we major minus mike. It's still dope though, you gota love ryu, holly and scoop.
  20. To a degree, but he pretty much had a similar style before fort minor. I'm not sure why but the whole chaz makeup thing has bothered me ever since he first did it in 2005 or so. I look at it as like Mike added a gold tooth to his look or something. Changing the bill on a hat isn't as dramatic as wearing makeup and eye liner IMO.
  21. What the hell is going on with Fort Minor. Is it ever going to be revisited or was it a one time thing? He keeps avoiding this question like a politician whenever it gets asked.
  22. I don't get why he feels the need to change his look cause of julien k. I didn't see mike wearing do-rags when he toured with 50 cent.
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