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Everything posted by spraypaintninkpens

  1. How did NRL and ATL not make MTM? It's definitely better than in between/wake
  2. The verses/scatting on fear = The chorus=
  3. I can't believe our source is leaving us hang like this!
  4. Qualifications to be a best buy employee: Be alive.
  5. Yeah I wouldn't put too much stock in that. Someone in NY go get the cd!
  6. Well to me that seemed like an excuse to not upload it.
  7. She said she found it in Central New York. It looks like she won't be uploading it because her computer is slow apparently. So anyone in NY?
  8. Yeah look at your best buy's but it definitely is only at a few who didn't look at the release date details. I'm still working on getting them from the person who posted the pics of the package, since they do not know how to upload tracks!
  9. http://s216.photobucket.com/albums/cc226/T...t=AAAAAAAAB.jpg I'm working on finding out where we can get this at.
  10. LPU9 is out in a few Best Buys! Has anyone gotten theres yet? Someone in the LPU has and posted the link to the cd and pics of the entire package. Picture here Friendly LPLive reminder - If and when the audio is made available online (as we expect it probably will be out there sooner rather than later), the only thing we ask is that NO download links are posted in the forums.
  11. I noticed that, what do you think that means? That place was dead for a long time though.
  12. Hell yea, let's do it. Today is #fortminor day. TRT is a genius album to this day.
  13. Hopefully they can release the cd in 2010. Also the possibility of FM starting back up in 2010, is the thing I'm most hoping/looking forward to.
  14. Never understood why the battle made the record, some mixtape songs like 100 degrees or spraypaint and ink pens would have been a better fit.
  15. Yeah but everyone would make out on that. Warner/ the band grabs in some bank and the fans are happy. I'm sure they'll do that eventually. It'd kinda be like songs from the underground except ones that we haven't heard before haha
  16. I mean have Warner sell a cd in stores that anyone can buy. I wasn't referring to the lpu at all. I'd just like to see some of these songs that never made the cd's.
  17. More demos sound good to me. Why don't they just release a cd of demos if they have so many? I'm sure a lot of people would buy it.
  18. The lpu is nice and all but the chats are so outdated. A video chat should be used instead of typing to a screen.
  19. Most of us like a wide variety of music but lp tends to be our favorite hence us wanting them to release albums more frequently than every 3-4 years. Some of us realize the wasted potential here as they get older, they will not sound as good, ie chesters voice. The perfectionist label they have has to be lifted, with all of the material they write, there's no reason that every 2 years we should have a 15 song cd. Mike wrote lockjaw in one day and it's amazing, I think they just tend to over analyze stuff.
  20. Don't you sound bitter.. Anyways I think everyone here pretty much agrees that lp takes way too long making an album, some of the best song they've made were done in a short period of time. We're approaching the 3 year mark since mtm and it doesn't look like we'll have the album out anytime soon.
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