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Everything posted by spraypaintninkpens

  1. Madison says hello. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNoSwzVYdkQ
  2. Can someone upload or put this up for download? The video keeps stopping in the middle.
  3. lol @ track 6,9,10. WIC, Condemned, Let down sound the best. I don't like how the keyboard and guitars sound out chester some of the time. It sounds like his voice is faded on most tracks.
  4. Well the time before he said he tried to rap over stuff and it sounded cheesy and cliche so that's why I'm skeptical. I think you have to agree that they're there best when mike and chester are both involved vocally.
  5. Sometimes I feel like that but I think that's because they've released 3 original full length albums in 10 years. There's just not enough material to hold interests. I think releasing more material will get me back in love with this band though because they do make some good tunes.
  6. 3 songs. That's what rappers do, they promote their label.
  7. The whole what the hell is wrong with me line should have been changed because it's identical to given up's lyrics.Besides that and the poor use of effects, i like it.
  8. I meant I like listening to rap and then I like listening to rock, not so much mixed although it can work. I don't listen to any nu-metal bands so don't put that label on me.
  9. Naw, not really. I think you can just see quality in the fm project. The beats and lyrics were just incredible. I don't like nu-metal at all. I do however like rap and rock.
  10. Yeah, no question fm> dbs although dbs is pretty cool.I'm starting to like this side project the more they release stuff.
  11. People are naturally going to compare dbs with lp. Of course Chester is one of the best singers of all time and has immense talent, so yes the band is better than the average band out there. When you start comparing it to lp though, it just doesn't stack up to some people which I think you should be okay with because this is just a side project.
  12. Yeah I see your point but if they don't put restrictions on the contests then probably half of the people who sign up won't even be able to attend. I guess there isn't a fail proof way to ensure the tickets will be used.
  13. I just think he doesn't want to detract attention from dbs/lp at this time. I could be naive but I don't see why he would just stop making rap albums, especially since he still signs his name on his dc shoe with the lp/fm.
  14. I don't see how he can incorporate fm type of music within lp's. It's totally different.
  15. Watch the making of the rising tied dvd. He says his dream was to always make a rap album and he still has that same desire.
  16. Yes Ryu came to his art show and he's still friends with a lot of rappers out there. Fort Minor will be back after the next lp album, I can pretty much assure you that.Rap is mike's true love and I think he will venture off and resurrect fort minor again in 2010.
  17. Yeah which is why they should probably just make people who live within driving distance eligible for the free tickets.
  18. It sounds like there's a fire truck playing in the background of fire's chorus.
  19. Kinda messed up unless you realistically think you'd make the show.
  20. Yeah the production in the song's we've heard so far also kind of ruin it.
  21. Thanks for the review but I disagree on your reviews for the songs that have leaked. Such as you saying crawl back in is not repetitive, and my suffering sounds better than it did in 08. Edit: Also I think you used the word amazing about 10 times to describe the songs.I don't see you giving the songs any negative feedback, yet they all didn't get perfect scores. Could you elaborate on what you didn't like?
  22. Can you provide any NEW information on the cd itself?
  23. So far, no dbs lyrics are that deep. Fire is the best lyrically for sure. I don't necessarily have an issue with it, but someone said that so far dbs has better lyrics than lp. I tend to think lp has pretty good lyrics to MOST of their songs.
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