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Everything posted by Trumtram

  1. Well, so I've had my fair share of listens right now and I guess it's time to review it a bit. I'm overall pleased and had some moments with a nice smile on my face ("War", the count-in on "Mark The Graves"). I really enjoy most of the album but one thing really bothers me. Why did they re-use older songs or even parts from the same album? That was something they got bashed for on Meteora. I spotted several parts, some of them even hugely bothering to me. 1. ALITS - the intro reminds me of "Fallout", but just a bit, so that's not too worrying. But why the hell did they almost copy "VICTIMIZED" when the drums kick in? It's basically the same structure and pattern (even when the guitar kicks in). Plus, the main riff resembles GATS quite a lot. These three things were apparent on my first listen. Especially the "VICTIMIZED" rework is a real downer for me. Even a friend of mine pointed it out (and she is not too familiar with everything LP related). 2. "Mark The Graves" marks an use of "Blackouts" second half. I still can't believe that no one inside the band pointed it out. Both, "Blackout" and "VICTIMIZED" are songs which got played live. 3. "Wastelands" chorus vocals are pretty similar to GATS', too. But that's just a minor problem for me because the riffing is not similar. A quick review: Keys To The Kingdom: 8/10 - The vocal effect at the beginning feels unnecessary to me. The song is straight forward, even though the main riff feels really uninspired. What makes this song so special is its outro. That's new LP territory here and something which I know and love Thrice for, but not LP until that point. Still gets me everytime. Cool solo at the end. All For Nothing: 7/10 - Solid song with great rapping and an addicting hook. Enjoying Mike a whole lot here. The talking at the end is a fucking sweet transition. Guilty All The Same: 9/10 - I tried not to listen to that one too often before the album because I was afraid of overplaying. What can I say, it's the best song on the album. It is energetic, has a great breakdown, sweet verse from Rakim… It pushes me everytime I listen to it. Plus, it has the biggest Thrice influence which I highly enjoy. The Summoning: 5/10 - Nice build up interlude. Sets the mood for what's about to come. War: 8/10 - This song is so great for many reasons. It is straight forward punkrock but feels fresh and might be a new live hit. Chester fits in perfectly and it is highly enjoyable to listen to it. Length feels perfect. Again, really cool solo. Wastelands: 7/10 - The pacing on this album is well set and it begins to show on this track. Fucking grooving riff, solid rapping… the chorus is alright and provides some sweet energy. Grew on me from it's first listen. Until It's Gone: 7/10 - That would've been an 8 for me as it grew the most from its initial listen. It fits so perfectly on that position and still feels energetic in a way which unfolds in the album context. I have to cut it one point short though, because even though it has some nice spots lyrically, it's really lazy overall with it's main phrase getting repeated all the way through (which is not even a special one). The songwriting is pretty cool, though. Rebellion: 8/10 - Could be a great live track. Love the dual vocals, the riffing is alright and the lyrics are one of the best of the album. It sets the pace again very nicely after UIG. Mark The Graves: 6/10 - It starts off as a banger but loses itself in weird arrangements and not too interesting parts. The chorus doesn't do for me. Still it contains one of my favorite parts of the album when Mike counts in the heavy riff. It gives the album a great jam-feel and feels raw, something that I give them credit for on this album. Still, the progressive nature of the song give it a legitimation to be there. Drawbar: 4/10 - I can't believe how bad LP are at jamming. For a band which exists for so long it ashames me a bit to imagine poor Tom Morello stepping in and trying to do something creative and all that he can do is repeating the same melody over and over again, hoping, that the rest of them come up with something. At least it feels like this to me. His part is ok but I could've done without the piano outro which feels like a seperate track. I listen to a lot of post-rock and Drawbar is cringy worthy, as it kind of steps into this territory. Final Masquerade: 6/10 - Nice power ballad which grew on me, but still doesn't touch me emotionally. It's an ok transition to the furious ending of the album. A Line In The Sand: 8/10 - It would've been the best track on this album if it wasn't for all the recycling (see above). It is everything I hoped for, when I read about "The Little Things Give You Away" back in 2007. It was this first long track ever for them and described as an epic build up. Having their sound from that era (HT and Meteora) in mind, I hoped for something like ALITS. It's still one of my favourite songs by them, but that's another topic. ALITS combines sweet vocal melodies from Mike with a raw and energetic Chester. The riffing is amazing, the solo is great and it is a really fitting closer for that album. Pretty Epic. Total Score: 7/10 Ranking: HT > THP = Minutes To Midnight > Meteora > A Thousand Suns > Living Things
  2. 11/25/00 9:13pm had the OSC file from napster for a long time. it had the bridge two times which I thought was right until february of 2001 when HT was released in germany.
  3. if i remember correctly meteora was leaked on the 17th of march. some of it was well known by then because of the nottingham radio show (don't stay, somewhere i belong, lying from you, faint, from the inside), which was shared right after its online broadcast and i think easier to run and hit the floor were leaked from bootlegs during the lpu tour before release, too. anyway, fun times.
  4. wow, look how far they've come. good for them. even though I never really liked most of their stuff when they became Beta State (ex-Strata) after their inicial singer Eric (now 1/2 of The Limousines) left. Still, great work! You guys should check out "Strata Presents: The End Of The World". One of my favorite albums of all time for sure.
  5. there you have it. got it from an official source today that it will include a "live from berlin" show. so, chances are very high that this refers to the telekom street gig show. makes sense, since it got heavily edited in post-production in the first place.
  6. this is so amazing! thank you guys for that show. a true gem! the energy is just pure awesomeness. I saw them a week after that show in cologne and to this day I'm so glad to actually having had participated in an authentic way on a linkin park live show .
  7. just wanted to add, that putpat.tv will stream the show from berlin (telekom street gig) today at 20:15. this is only relevant for german users (thx geoblocking), but as far as I know it will be the whole thing.
  8. any live recording from back in the day would be appreciated. how amazing would be stuff from 2001?
  9. finally someone (?) who does a GREAT job mixing linkin park edit: listening to the EP right now. not sure anymore... the webcast was fucking brilliant, though.
  10. P5hng Me A*wy A Place For My Head Figure 0.9 Leave Out All The Rest One Step Closer Reading My Eyes Shadow of The Day _By Myslf Burning In Te Skies Little Things Give You Away With You Wth< You Points Of Authority Krwlng Enth End In Pieces The Catalyst No Roads Left Bleed It Out 1 stp Klosr In Between Valentines Day Easier To Run From The Inside Forgotten Dont Stay When They Come For Me Nobody's Listening Across The Line Waiting For The End Breaking The Habit Papercut
  11. about every band on there is worth seeing. either for their music and/or their entertainment abilities.
  12. i would give my right arm to have pendulum opening for lp. even more, i would give both if lp would open for pendulum.
  13. you are right and a smartass at the same time. people might've understood what i intended to say, anyway
  14. great that MCR get a lot of attention now
  15. it's quite unusual for a rock fan to not have heard of "dredg" actually. you really should check them out. i can't blame you for not knowing "middle class rut", though they have a realy dirty rock record out. they are just two people but sound massive!
  16. aaaaaaaaaaawesome!!! immediately ordered my tickets! "dredg" and "middle class rut" + lp, well that's just fucking fantastic
  17. yeeeeah, no! seriously, this crowd totally sucked! there was almost zero pit participation that i felt ashamed at times.next night in cologne was like attending a whole different concert.
  18. i feel amazed. thx, for all your effort .
  19. so, no torrent or other downloadable form?
  20. thought about going, but 60€ is more than half of a great festival. so i will leave the attendance to those with too much money!
  21. I'm a big fan of LP (insert whoever is responsible) ripping us of. happened with M2M and now again. well, have fun with your second ATS cd .
  22. hype, meh! but good job on getting this show!
  23. just out of curiosity: 3 weeks for the hyping purpose or other issues?
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