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Where is Uncasville?!? I'm getting sick of Bristow already. Chester's screams in Uncasville were amazing that night.


Uncasville was the worst show of the tour that I saw. Sucks the intro is gone but what can you do, at least we get DSPs. Pooch said the other DSPs were cut because the venues demanded too much of a cut from LP so LP mgmt said fuck it. I don't blame them. Glad we are getting some shows. Camden was fucking epic.


Uncasville was the worst show of the tour that I saw. Sucks the intro is gone but what can you do, at least we get DSPs. Pooch said the other DSPs were cut because the venues demanded too much of a cut from LP so LP mgmt said fuck it. I don't blame them. Glad we are getting some shows. Camden was fucking epic.

I kinda figured it would be along these lines. Didn't Wantagh pull the same crap in '07?


If the @#$% LP download site worked for me I'd have Uncasville right now. Until then I'll be listening to Bristow, waiting to hear back from tech support, and reminding myself to not deal with LP's Java BS ever again. Wish they gave you an option to download the files manually like livedownloads.com does. /RAGE


I kinda figured it would be along these lines. Didn't Wantagh pull the same crap in '07?

Yup, but in 08' they were able to strike a deal.


I guess history is doomed to repeat itself.


What the fuck. I just downloaded and paid for the Uncasville DSP, and I am missing 4 songs? The best ones too. What do I do about this???


What the fuck. I just downloaded and paid for the Uncasville DSP, and I am missing 4 songs? The best ones too. What do I do about this???

Do they usually e-mail you when the show is available to download? Maybe we jumped the gun and tried to get it before it was on the server or something. I downloaded "Faint", the pictures, and then it said "Download Complete". Total bullshit. This is why we pirate lol!


What I did to remedy the problem is click the TINY "Help" text in the top right of the screen on downloads.linkinpark.com and it had me submit a form asking to reinstate the download on my account. That was hours ago. I assume they will fix it Tuesday but hoping to get a refund for such a difficult and anti-user-friendly process.


Do they usually e-mail you when the show is available to download? Maybe we jumped the gun and tried to get it before it was on the server or something. I downloaded "Faint", the pictures, and then it said "Download Complete". Total bullshit. This is why we pirate lol!


What I did to remedy the problem is click the TINY "Help" text in the top right of the screen on downloads.linkinpark.com and it had me submit a form asking to reinstate the download on my account. That was hours ago. I assume they will fix it Tuesday but hoping to get a refund for such a difficult and anti-user-friendly process.

I emailed them too. Just sucks. I don't want to wait to have the 4 files!


Yes, I am starting to think that way now. Why pay for it only to get the uncomplete DSP and not get the 4 songs I need? Why not get it all for free? Fuck it.


If the @#$% LP download site worked for me I'd have Uncasville right now. Until then I'll be listening to Bristow, waiting to hear back from tech support, and reminding myself to not deal with LP's Java BS ever again. Wish they gave you an option to download the files manually like livedownloads.com does. /RAGE

What the fuck. I just downloaded and paid for the Uncasville DSP, and I am missing 4 songs? The best ones too. What do I do about this???

is there a customer service email, if files are missing your best bet is to email them.


We have a new usual place? That was quick.



This all just proves a point - never buy. Wait for the pirates to raid.


if no-one buys the DSPs, the service stops (supply/demand etc.)

be quiet


it's uncasville's torrent already surfaced?

All the DSP's are added to the same site. How about you check there instead of spamming this post even more than you already have?


Still haven't heard back from "support" about my faulty download. Is there a particular web browser that seems to work better than others when using the LP download site? I updated Java before downloading but it crashed in Chrome, freezed in Firefox and gave me an incomplete download in Internet Explorer >:-(


All the DSP's are added to the same site. How about you check there instead of spamming this post even more than you already have?

but if you don't remember the ex-usual place was crashed down before this run of DSPs and I don't know what other site it's using now!


but if you don't remember the ex-usual place was crashed down before this run of DSPs and I don't know what other site it's using now!

Discussion of that is no longer allowed here as something has been said to us by LP management so please refrain from discussion on that topic.


Discussion of that is no longer allowed here as something has been said to us by LP management so please refrain from discussion on that topic.

Based on what was said on the last tour and what we saw last year, I can't say I'm surprised to see that.

People should remember that this is a forum that can be seen by guests

and that member-only forums aren't exactly private since anyone can be a site member.



consider this in terms of LP management, folks...


I'm not surprised we've had emails

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