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I can't wait but I have to watch it before I do my school-leaving exams. :D

What's the difference when you will look this concert, before or after the exams ?

I have also school exams this summer, form 11 I finish. :lol:


i think we should get whole concert not just LP, but idk what you guys have and i know its an LP fan site but i just wish i could somehow get whole show


Why so long ... have long been waiting for. Disappointed.

I'm sorry they couldn't release it today just to meet your high expectations. I'm sure the staff are crushed by your opinion.


I can wait three weeks, I just think it's awesome you guys got such a high quality show from that long ago. It's gonna be epic!


...Fack! this is firin' awesome!! I LOVE the intro!! The sound is very clear... I think is better than the Rock AM Ring soundboard... I'm loking forward to hear/see Points with Reanimated intro...


I can wait 3 more weeks! no problem!! <3


I'm sorry they couldn't release it today just to meet your high expectations. I'm sure the staff are crushed by your opinion.





Anyway, This is certainly the biggest live show release since Mountain Veiw 2004, who would've thought we would soon be watching a full proshot LP show from P:R 2004?! Not I, that's for sure, but more props to this website.


On a side note, you guys must have the slowest upload speed ever. Still on 56k huh? Three weeks explains it all.



(jk, jk, lol, no hate) I can't wait for this. Kudos to you guys.


Niceeee. I cant wait!

Totally off topic but your sig deserves some recognition. It needs an award or something. ITS JUST TOO GOOD!


Totally off topic but your sig deserves some recognition. It needs an award or something. ITS JUST TOO GOOD!

HAHA, his sig is what MarioLPU said in reply to what I posted!

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