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Posted (edited)

omg... they killed Kenny drop ETR and HTF after ~1 month  from release... it's unfair... :( i would like to hear them live once again...and P5hng Me A*wy - the only full Reanimation song that was played ever... (additional bridge in OSC isn't a full song)



I'm pretty sure the answer is "no," but can someone confirm? has LP ever done Dedicated in any form besides rapping it over POA?

2009-08-16 Dedicated Verse1 over POA intro - isit something you've searched for? Edited by ivan_astahov

I would love to see With You, Hit The Floor, P5hng Me A*wy, and QWERTY be some top poll songs. That would make each DSP unique if they follow through with the idea. Pretend To Be would be cool to see played live as well, songs not terrible and it sounds like they could pull it off in a setlist or two.


I was reading the List of All Songs Played section and I noticed a mistake:



Wish (Nine Inch Nails cover)

First known performance: 6/3/2004

Last known performance: 9/11/2004

*Note: Played once, very briefly, by Mike and Chester, more as a joke than anything. No recordings exist, unfortunately


I remember a few months ago the band Muse had their fans put songs they'd like to see played, on their official message boards and they would randomly pick two or three of those songs and play them, they eve rotated with each show, maybe linkin park should do something similar.


Hit The Floor didn't translate live too well. I can understand why they would stop playing that, but some of these other ones are just making me sad.


One of my favorite songs is High Voltage Reprise 2000.


I want some hip hop in the Setlists like, High Voltage, Nobody Listening, Step Up. Also i think that will help to the Chester's voice, and the Set will be more longer.


LP needs open his mind to a new kind of Set live.


I remember 'Step Up' being played in full back at a Projekt Revolution concert in Holmdel, NJ back sometime in August 2004 (they had us chanting "like this" during the chorus) just before they surprised us at the time with Jay-Z.


Anyways, I'd like to see any of these songs: High Voltage (remix), With You, Runaway, the Reanimation version of One Step Closer (with the current possible extended outro included?), Hit the Floor, No Roads Left, Qwerty, Blackbirds, Not Alone, Across the Line, Reading My Eyes, and maybe even do Crawl Back In from DBS.


Out of all those though, No Roads Left, Qwerty, Across the Line, and Blackbirds are on the top of my list.








P5hng Me A*wy


Reading My Eyes







and play songs to never LP played how:


PART OF MEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1








Muse didn't follow through with that poll. They said they'd do it for each show and did it for maybe half, or even less. I guess that's improvement but when they say they're doing it for each show and can't even come close...eh. I saw the first concert of the USA tour earlier this year in February. Gwinnett, GA...their first headlining USA arena show ever. Bliss won the setlist poll I believe a LOT because that's how I got introduced to the song. It was nowhere to be found in the setlist.


Yeah Muse changes the set up a little bit but I actually think LP plays more songs/a bigger variety than them on a touring cycle. LP's rotating setlists on the MTM cycle have blown away the Resistance touring cycle setlists in terms of how many songs total have been played I believe.


I remember 'Step Up' being played in full back at a Projekt Revolution concert in Holmdel, NJ back sometime in August 2004 (they had us chanting "like this" during the chorus) just before they surprised us at the time with Jay-Z.

I don't think so...that was the Hip Hop Medley. It is likely you were thinking of this:



Also, Hit The Floor live wasn't the best, yeah, but it could be improved. Maybe an intro or outro. Chester is the only thing that sounds weird and his voice is totally different now than it was in 2003 so maybe it could sound a lot different.


Would love to see Forgotten back in setlists. Also, One Step Closer just seems too short without the Jonathan Davis bridge.


To be even more unrealistic, I'd like to see QWERTY, Fuse, or perhaps She Couldn't in the setlist. Listening to some of that old stuff makes me wish I could've seen some shows from 2000-2004. =/


I'm pretty sure the answer is "no," but can someone confirm? has LP ever done Dedicated in any form besides rapping it over POA?

I bet that there are no known performances of this song by LP, but Mike has rapped (I guess) full song over some beat at the Wake Up Show of some radio (can't remember which one) back in 2001 probably. That was from top of my head, so I might've remembered something incorrectly.



Anyway, I would love to even get the recording of the show with next songs, not saying that it would be the best live show I'd visit... So the songs are - High Voltage (Remix); Nobody's Listening (oooh, with the extended version and Ivan breakdancing); And One; Sweet Child O' Mine - that's probably one of the covers that I like the most. Wish would be awesome too.



Unrealsitic wishes are Carousel and She Couldn't. :)


I really wish that


1: The hip hop meledy returns, perhaps a new updated version with maybe a bit of hands held high thrown in.


2: The reanimated version of Crawling returns with the bridge, the bridge is epic. it makes a good closer, even if it's just the closer before an encore or before the final curtain!


I have read here that many people want to see the performance of the song Easier to run. Let then at the next Meet & Greet or LPU summit anyone of Staff will speak with someone from the band about the performance Easier to run Live. I consider the song Easier to run the most underrated on the album Meteora.


I have read here that many people want to see the performance of the song Easier to run. Let then at the next Meet & Greet or LPU summit anyone of Staff will speak with someone from the band about the performance Easier to run Live. I consider the song Easier to run the most underrated on the album Meteora.

That's because it's Crawling 2.0. just a bit better :D

So they will never play Figure.09 cuz it's..probably.. By Myself.02 ?


Nar lol cause Brad would have to bring another guitar on tour for his rig. As much as I'd like to hear Fig.9 live, its guitar tunning makes it insanely impractical. :(

Posted (edited)

I'd to love to see play live any song from HT and Meteroa they hadn't play in a while, And in my top stands proudly "Runaway", even though he's not that rare comparing to the other songs on the list. It my might be my fav song of LP.


I'm less familiar with their older, Hardcore fans stuff, like Xero and HTEP but from the songs i'd heard till now the best was Carousel and seeing it live would be really cool, it really is a great song.


I'd also want them to bring back hip-hop medley and do the reanimated intro of crawling, which is amazing (maybe my fav part of reanimation)


Also i just want to thank you for this thread, it's really intersting + i'm learning from here about a lot of rare stuff and materials i didn't know of.


EDIT: Damn it, just read the interview posted here with chester and the part about Runaway :( :( My few hopes a completly gone now.

Edited by Arielbimba
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