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Mike's and Chester's gloves were awesome too. Going to sleep now, 5:46 here... I'm a crazy man, I know, but it was totally worh it!


is I said before:




and arbiter, I fucking now what CookieMonster is talking about. Just by watching the videos from 2008 I get really sad because the band hasn't got that "feeling" for the crowd anymore. They aren't really talking anymore, and that's the sad thing about the new shows. I remember Berlin 2008, they made up an awesome atmosphere and were talking like shit. And now? A few times "Thank You!" and thats it? No talking, no interacting? That isn't the LP I used to know back in 2008.

Based on my experience of all the time I've seen the band live, my favourite concert to date was the one in New York City this year. At that concert, they didn't even introduce the new songs like i expected one would considering... And they didn't tell us any stories, say hello or anything like that. Chester spoke to the crowd towards the end thanking the fans for supporting them. But that was the extent of "talking" to the crowd. They've said more to the crowd in all the other shows i've been too in between songs and whatnot. But what made this show special to me and a standout was how much the band seem to enjoy themselves up there and seem more cohesive and a unit. They were more energetic and very present in their performance. And because of that, i felt even more excited. The love for what they were doing as they enjoyed themselves was infectious. It transported itself onto the audience. It didn't feel like Brad was off in his own little world or Phoenix was on automatic. Many of the time i caught them smiling and looking pleased. And when Chester said thank you, it felt genuine. And the band is impulsive sometimes. And one of those was Mike and Chester coming down into the audience to shake hands with fans after the concert.

I strongly think that part of the bands new atmosphere is a result of the new album. It requires them to be more interactive with each other, their stage, and their performance in general. And basically the atmosphere is just different from all the other times I've seen them in the past 3 years. And i would rather the band not say a single word to me if it means they actually look like they want to be there as much as i do. And that they are having fun playing the songs as much as i am listening to them.


I am very excited to go see them on the ATS tour.


I hate fake infos. Some people saying LP played APFMH, but I guess it's impossible..

Considering the show had just started about half an hour ago when you posted that, uhh, yeah. The band probably wasn't even done with Numb yet. :lol:


did someone who's at the show recorded it.

I just want a full 2010 show in good quality after rhe disappointment of Argenitna's government.

Posted (edited)

did someone who's at the show recorded it.

I just want a full 2010 show in good quality after rhe disappointment of Argenitna's government.

It seems like the only sources we got are youtube videos and the LPL User felipeintheend (he was there, don't know whether he recorded it)...

Edited by tschenneck

Oh, we got three songs? Nice, didn't expect that at all. Wretches and Kings is simply amazing, Mike seems to ejnoy every second of it. Only thing I don't really like is the beginning of Given Up right after Papercut. There should be an instrumental (Session/Wake), so that the clapping would fade in way better :)


And lol at people saying 2008 was LPs best year. In my opinion it was their worst (expect the Winter Tour that was amazing) because they seemed kinda bored and tired to me. =/


it's a shame they can't extend their setlist and add some older songs... as much as i want to hear the new songs live too, they just look a little uncomfortable performing them (at least compared to others, like, you can tell when they play papercut straight after WaK).


or is that just me?

Posted (edited)

Oh, we got three songs?

And lol at people saying 2008 was LPs best year. In my opinion it was their worst (expect the Winter Tour that was amazing) because they seemed kinda bored and tired to me. =/

But then they were really enjoying the shows and were interacting much more than now.

Edited by tschenneck
Posted (edited)

but then they were really enjoying the shows, not like now.

lol, they are enjoying their shows right now. Take a look at some 2008 videos, Joe was only there, Chester just stood there with his micstand during their slow slows and Phoenix and Brad didn't move that much as well. As I already said, they seemed bored to me.


Now, Joe is getting this energy back, Chester is walking around or going down to the crowd during songs like Numb or Breaking The Habit, Brad is playing other instruments, the whole band is singing... You just have to look at the NYC videos. For me, they are a unit and enjoy everything they do on stage.

Edited by DecanoLP

I agree that Berlin was a good show, one of my favourites from the summer tour. But if you compare 2008 (imo, the US tour was even worse than the European run) to the two other years of the MTM touring cycle - 2007 was awesome - you'll notice big differences.


Of course you could compare them to 2000 - 2004 as well but we all know this wouldn't make that much sense :D So, my opinion is that 2008 was LP's worst year and I'm happy to see they are getting better again :)

Posted (edited)

If they add some talking during the European Tour I'm the happiest man alive. Becuase the actual performance is pretty good but I still miss some talking or interacting.

Edited by tschenneck

the setlist was:


01. The Requiem

02. Wretches and Kings

03. Papercut

04. Given Up (extended outro)

05. New Divide

06. Faint (extended outro)

07. Empty Spaces

08. When They Come For Me

09. No More Sorrow (extended intro)

10. Jornada del Muerto

11. Waiting for the End

12. Wisdom, Justice and Love

13. Iridescent

14. Numb

15. The Radiance (piano version with Mike singing a bit of The Catalyst chorus)

16. Breaking the Habit (extended acapella outro)

17. Shadow of the Day

18. Crawling

19. One Step Closer (extended outro)

20. Fallout

21. The Catalyst

22. The Messenger (outro with drums and vocal extended)

23. In the End

24. What I’ve Done

25. Bleed it Out (with Mike singing Burning in the Skies chorus at the bridge and extended outro)


Yes, they finished with Bleed it Out, instead What I've Done.

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