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Waiting For the End


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Ok, so In My Opinion Waiting For the End is the best song on ATS, but thats not all. I also think its the 2nd best LP song ever. This song has amazing lyrics with lots of meaning. The lyrics of the song touch me. The vocals are amazing. Especially, Mike's part. I think this is an amazing song with lots of passion put into it. I just love the song.


Thoose are my thoughts.


What do you think of the song?


Edit to changed opinion: its still my favorite song on ATS, not my favorite Lp song and not know where near the best song ever written i think i was just new song hyped and stanning back then

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It's an amazing song but the lyrics aren't as good as they could be (Chester's verses anyway). It's definitely one of my favorites though.

On a separate note, how many threads have been made in the last couple of days each regarding one song on the album? :lol:

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Ok, so In My Opinion Waiting For the End is the best song on ATS,



but thats not all. I also think its the best LP song ever,

And this.


but wait, there's more. I also think it's the greatest song ever written.

Close, but I've still gotta go with "The Fragile" and "Reptile" (both by Nine Inch Nails) as better.




Anyways, I love this song. I love how the parts with Chester singing remind me of The Beatles. The rapping is cool as well because of the melodic thing that Mike is doing. This song is really, really, really, good.

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the rappin is great, i've never heard mike rapping in this style. mike tried so hard to rap differently in the new album. but i think he failed. however, he succeeded in this track thus this is the only good rapping trackin ATS in my opinion.

the lyrics means a lot to me. actually, i only like half of the songs in the album. this one is undoubtly the best. this song cuts deeply into my heart like nine inch nails's songs such as ''sunspots'', ''The Day the World Went Away'' and ''The Line Begins to Blur'' etc. but in different ways :)

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Well I think the song is incredible, I don't think it's the best song on the album, nor one of LP's absolute greatest. Then again I'm having a very hard time deciding whether ATS truly is better than the rest of their discography or not. I need to listen to each album one after another someday soon, and figure it out that way.

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Well I think the song is incredible, I don't think it's the best song on the album, nor one of LP's absolute greatest. Then again I'm having a very hard time deciding whether ATS truly is better than the rest of their discography or not. I need to listen to each album one after another someday soon, and figure it out that way.

I did that on Tuesday and A Thousand Suns is the best. Saved you some work lol

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Its certainly one of the best tracks LP has put together. At the current time its my favourite track :)

Hey are you the same Ozzy from the LP PROJECT forums a few years back? This is my favorite song off the album and as I've stated before my favorite Linkin Park song currently, it basically summed up my life right now in three and a half minutes.

Edited by LPPRJKT4
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Hey are you the same Ozzy from the LP PROJECT forums a few years back? This is my favorite song off the album and as I've stated before my favorite Linkin Park song currently, it basically summed up my life right now in three and a half minutes.

But it's 4 minutes long...

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Hey are you the same Ozzy from the LP PROJECT forums a few years back? This is my favorite song off the album and as I've stated before my favorite Linkin Park song currently, it basically summed up my life right now in three and a half minutes.

Nah, i didnt have that username on LPP

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WFTE is definitely the most radio-friendly song off the album



haha doesnt stop it for being awesome though :P


Great song structure, great vocals, great lyrics, great guitar. Its different, but something about it makes it a great song to listen to.



Imo "iridecent" is probably the most comercial sounding song on the record, well that and "burning in the skies" (very 'what i've done'ish in some ways)

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haha doesnt stop it for being awesome though :P


Great song structure, great vocals, great lyrics, great guitar. Its different, but something about it makes it a great song to listen to.



Imo "iridecent" is probably the most comercial sounding song on the record, well that and "burning in the skies" (very 'what i've done'ish in some ways)


The first verse of BITS reminds me of a Black Eyed Peas styled vocal pattern.

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How would you even suck an ass? Think about it...

Well, since you must know, I thought I would tell you.


Sucking Ass 101


The activity of sucking the buttocks, in this case known as an ass isn't a very difficult task at all. It has been done for thousands of years, with some records indicating as far back as the 15th century when the Jewish population was forced out of Spain for sucking too much ass.


It is now 2010, thousands of years later. You throw in your brand new Linkin Park album and start listening to the number one album known as A Thousand Suns. Some songs are great, and some songs are the suckage. And then it hits you. Hits you like a fucking 'GET OVER HERE' from a very pissed off yellow Ninja. Hits you faster than a sumo wrestler wanting his subway sandwich that you stole from him. Hit's you faster than a punch from Mike Tyson as a rabid flying squirrel is chewing on his balls. One of the most suckiest suckages of all time, hereby known as Waiting For The End.


Low and behold, this horrendous monstrosity of a song starts playing over your overly-priced speaker system that you regretted purchasing two weeks after you did, but you lost the receipt so you couldn't return it, so now you have to deal with a suckage song playing on a just as equal suckage speaker box. What do you do? Yell out, "THIS SONG SUCKS ASS!" Of course, there is that one person in the world who may think he has won over a legend such as yourself, and says...


"lol sucking ass isn't possible. ur post failz. u snooze u looz. ass in front. can't suck. wut do?"


That is where you are wrong my friend, and Legend will hereby win another gold medal, and go to bed on his mountain of never ending diamonds. Sucking ass isn't very hard at all! Legend recommends finding a nice, smooth, shiny, female ass to suck. Why? Because it's fun time when the ass is enjoyable. Avoid hair, pimples, freckles, moles, and turd nuggets on your asses. Those are highly unattractive and any hair stuck in your teeth is a bitch to get out. Guys, this is a perfect time to call your wives or girlfriends and get them ready for one hell of an awkward time. Girls, call your female friends, because if a guy takes care of his ass, you have other things to worry about.


Any who! Once your ass has been chosen for this special occasion, you will need to get on your knees. Yes, your beautiful knees. This will be on of the most degrading BUT exhilarating moments of your ass sucking. Why? This is the most fragile moment where you will be face to face with the ass that you are about to delectably indulge. Make sure your partner is bent over for extra comfort. This is where the business happens. Softly place your lips on your partners ass, as if you were kissing a knifes blade. It needs to be slow, soft, and compassionate. You need to be very delicate. An ass is a very important part of the human body. A lot of business gets handled through it. Any extra force from your face to their ass is unneeded. We are trying to suck the love out of an ass, not head but the turds out of one. As your gentle lips are softly placed on the buttock of an ass, slowly draw in the air between your lips inside your mouth, carefully sucking in the top layer of the ass, as if you were creating a low powered vacuum with your mouth. The pressure gradient between your lips and their ass will slowly propel the ass deeper to the lower pressured area of your mouth, slowly but surely concluding to the sucking of an ass. Of course, more vacuum pressure from your mouth to the ass may be exerted for a more exhilarating and pleasurable experience for your partner.


And that my friends, is how to suck an ass.


But now, how does this song suck ass? Sucking ass is a negative. Waiting For The End is a negative. And a negative and a negative is a double negative. And a double negative is extreme sucking.

Edited by Legend
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