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New LPLive Contest: Win A 9/14 NYC Ticket!

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That's right LPLive, we are giving you an opportunity to win a ticket to the September 14 "A Thousand Suns" release party show in New York City! The only people that had access to win tickets to this show were LPUnderground members, those who preordered LPUX, and those who preordered "A Thousand Suns" on linkinpark.com. Now, LPLive is giving YOU, one lucky LPL member, a chance to go to the show completely FREE. See below for rules and regulations for this contest:




- This is a contest for ONE ticket to the 9/14 show for FREE. This does NOT include transportation to the show, so you better have your ride/transportation already sorted out!

- You have to be 18 or older. (Sorry, minors. Not our fault!)

- This contest is only open to US and Canadian citizens. International people, we have another contest coming for you soon.

- You need to be willing to meet me (Mark) in person on 9/14 at the Nokia Theatre. Here's how this will work: I will get in touch with you the day of the show in New York City and we'll meet up AT the venue. Once I give you the ticket, you need to go right into the show with me. This is to prevent the winner from grabbing the ticket and reselling it at the last minute (shit happens, I know it does, so I'm trying to prevent it). I trust 99.9% of you, but I'd like for the person to at least enter the show right before or after me so that the ticket isn't resold. I bought this with my own $ and want to give it to an LPL member.

- With that said, you have to be a CURRENT LPLive.net forum member to apply. For this contest, registration is disabled. Why? This is for one lucky LPLive winner...I don't want the site to be flooded with people that have only visited the site once before or something and have one of them win. I want this to go to a solid LP fan that's a member of the site.

- You can't already have a ticket to the show (duh, lol). This is available only for people that DON'T have a ticket.

- LPLive Staff is NOT allowed to enter this contest.


Please only enter if you are 110% SURE you are able to attend. Do NOT enter the contest if you do NOT have transportation to the show. We will pick several alternate winners as backups in case you are not able to attend at the last minute for some reason.


So to enter, you simply need to reply to this post by September 8 (one week from now) with:



-Location (State; City too if you want)

-A paragraph or two explaining why you think YOU should win the contest.


LPLive staff will get together on the 8th, collectively pick a winner and contact them accordingly. Good luck!


Dang it. I'm only 17

I have no way of knowing you're "supposedly" that age ;)


PS - 18+ is to cover our ass in the area of USA law. Sorry about that.

Posted (edited)

Nice contest, unfortunately I can't enter the contest because I'm not living in US or Canada ^^, guys take this unique opportunity :D, good luck from now the future winner :D

Edited by Andros

I have no way of knowing you're "supposedly" that age ;)


PS - 18+ is to cover our ass in the area of USA law. Sorry about that.

Ah, it's ok.

If I had a way to get to New York, I'd enter this contest so fast you'd be like: "whoa, that guy entered fast"


...or something



shut up. i'm tired.


Not staff but was in the past so I won't enter + I most likely can't go. But just wanted to say awesome idea and I hope whoever wins has a great time!


Mark: See you on the US tour lol. in NOLA hopefully :P


Woow, LPLive :wub:

One of the Best, if is not the Best Contest of the Forum ever...


Congratulations for being members guys !!! i'm feel proud to be a member of LPLive


Good luck to everyone !!!

Posted (edited)

Ohh Ohh I'll enter


Username- Orcalinkinpark


Age- 28


Local- NYC


Why I should win??


Besides the fact that it's a special opportunity to see them in an intimate setting (and i tried on 3 occasions for presales and didint get a ticket :( ). I cant explain, but there is something so relatable about their music. To me -their role models they do so much like habitat for humanity and MFR and that is a something that to me shows there is so much more to them besides music and art. They also inspired me to get back into playing the guitar and the piano. During the time their albums came out i remember doing the odd jobs to save money for HT, Re-animation and Meteora and i even scrimped to buy a ticket to see them @ MSG - i got lucky cause my husband got the tix as a christmas present.


But Their music always picks me up when I'm down or stressed and believe me, I've been having the mother of all bad years. Im not going to play the dead pet card. But This would make my year, plus it be nice to meet another LPL member :). I just would like to win- something to make me happy even if im waaaayyy in the back seeing dots, but hearing the music its so worth going. But thats on you guys. And last but not least..


PLease Please Please let me win .. Okay im done now. thanks for reading.


Edited: Cause I cant speellll

Edited by Orcalinkinpark

Username: SoxRock


Age: 19


Location: Massachusetts


Why I should win the contest:

I probably don't deserve to win the contest in all honesty. I've been mostly a lurker on LPLive and it would be better for the community for an active member to win in the eyes of many. But I think I should win the contest because this is a once in a lifetime oppurtunity and I want a chance to witness it. As a college student it's very difficult to find funds for things that I want and I need to find the balance between want and need.


But for some reason, I see Linkin Park in a different light. I have never found any band that captivates me as much as Linkin Park. They always push the envelope and follow their own hearts in making their music. I can see myself finding money to buy their music and support them and the causes they in turn support. I can see myself skipping classes to drive 4 hours to NYC to see them. Linkin Park has had an impact on my life and I can't really say how many other things really have. I would be honored if selected, but simply proud to be considered.


Username: arbiter


Age: 22


Location: Gilroy, California


Why I think i should win: First of all, i'm 100% certain there are several members on here that deserve to win. Too bad there is only one ticket. I would like to be awarded that ticket not because i deserve it more than any other LP fan(the ones on here anyways) but because i think the ticket would be guaranteed to be used for all that its worth. Which is a lucky LP fan having the time of her life. I missed out on the presale because i was at my lame job(both times.) I am also a poor college student who is trying to save money for school next year. Not meant to be a sob story or anything like that, but i would love to rather use the money i have reserved to buy the ticket for food when i go back to school. I am going to be in New York on that day because i had already booked a flight to go see my aunt. And the flight itself was a free round trip. So if i got this free ticket, it would be a dream summer vacation. In fact, seeing LP would be the highlight of my summer that has been spent getting my messed up family on some part of decency and holding us all together. I so need the break. I don't need to say that LP is my favourite band and hearing the new songs live would be orgasmic to me. Right?


- You need to be willing to meet me (Mark) in person on 9/14 at the Nokia Theatre.

Sorry Guys Count me out :P


Yeah I thought only a few would enter but that's the good thing - only a few to pick from, haha. Great entries so far! Only expecting like 10 to enter.


Not staff but was in the past so I won't enter + I most likely can't go. But just wanted to say awesome idea and I hope whoever wins has a great time!


Mark: See you on the US tour lol. in NOLA hopefully :P

Enter man! You're not current staff, give it a shot. If you can go for sure then enter.


Username: AkirraKrylon


Age: 21


Location: NYC


Why should I win this contest? I have no better reason than anyone else - just a genuine and sincere love for a band that didn't change my musical interest, but instead constructed and formed it. LP has been the center of that interest since 2000 when I first heard "With You" by a band called Linkin Park and was blown away by the blending of different styles and raw emotion. It was history from there. Since that time so much has changed not only in my life but in the world, but one of the VERY FEW things that has remaned constant is the 6 guys up on the stage that inspire and motivate me almost everyday to use my talents and work hard at achieving my goals.


With that being said, I would love to attend this concert that celebrates the release of the new album - I tried to get tickets through LPU but didn't have any luck. I have not attended a concert like this ever before - the only times I have seen LP have been on huge venues, high up in seats that gave a decent view but the disconnect was still there. I would be so appreciative and thankful if I won and guarantee that the ticket would be put to extremely good use. Either way, whoever wins will have a phenominal experience. Best of luck to everyone. Thanks.



Posted (edited)

-Username: linkin0827

-Age: 18

-Location: NYC


I've been into Linkin Park for... I guess it's been seven or eight years now. I'm originally from Los Angeles and I've had a few occurrences where I've been able to see LP related events. I've sent Mark and/or contributed to this site material like a Bucket of Weenies show and the first video of the live performance of New Divide. The only time I've seen LP play together was for six(ish) songs from behind the left stage wing at the Transformers 2 premiere and frankly, that wasn't good enough for me.


I think I should win because I've been with this site from the beginning. I just turned 18 a few days ago so I'm actually allowed to go and I just moved to NYC for college (NYU) from California so it would be an awesome first concert here. Having a student budget, it's tough to make it out to shows like this, but I might just have the chance to thanks to Mark and LPL.


Thank you so much to Mark and the rest of the staff for funding and and holding this contest. Good luck to everyone that applies.

Edited by LINkin0827

So to enter, you simply need to reply to this post by September 8 (one week from now) with:



-Location (State; City too if you want)

-A paragraph or two explaining why you think YOU should win the contest.



Username: Shark1891

Age - 19

Location - Stamford, CT


A fan of Linkin Park, who always watches them live online, whether it was "Rock In Rio", "Rock Am Ring," Kroq Acoustic Christmas or House of Blues, all through via youtube. I watched in my room wondering when's the first ever LP concert I'll ever attend? (since I never attended one in my life). So i figured, what a better a way for me to win this contest, and not ONLY see my favorite band, but to watch them Perform songs from A Thousand Suns. I know everyone here must've been to a concert atleast once, and if not, maybe will have the opportunity but I also think this could be my lucky chance to really see why I chose these 6 guys the music to my life.


This is for one lucky LPLive winner...I don't want the site to be flooded with people that have only visited the site once before or something and have one of them win.

Hmm, what fansite does that remind me of?




-Edgewood, MD



Well first let me give a little introduction for thoes who are unaware of me. I've been part of the LP community since around 04, (aww I remember when hanhninator was just a little noob :P) I was a moderator/admin on Linkinparkforums.com(RIP) as Azemkamikaze03. I then moved on to Fortminorworld.com which was changed in to LPprojekt.com which appears to have died. I joined this page not to long ago, but I've always just kinda floated around the forum topics. I still do and occasionally post if I see that there is something worth saying. Alot of people may not know me in the LP community any more but I've always been pretty dedicated to LP and their community.


Anyways! So why I should win? To be quite honest with you, I've only ever been to one "concert" in my life and it was B.o.B. at Six Flags Great Adventure less than a month ago. And while B.o.B. put on the best show he could, it was basically lame. It rained the whole time, and the crowd was dismal. Since about 03 when I really started getting into Linkin Park I, like most people, have been craving to see them live. Especially in their glory days ProRev, SummerSonic, MWT, RockAm, etc etc. But my parents weren't in to the whole take your kids to concert stuff so I missed out. I think what sets me apart from the people wanting to attend this concert is not the fact that I want to just see linkin park perform, but more or less I want to see them perform music they want to play. They aren't making numetal anymore which is something I feel held them back for so long. when you see the interviews now a days about ATS you see a gleam in their eyes. they're excited about this music, it seems like for once they actually want to just get back on stage as a band and play again. I felt like they weren't happy with the band as a whole when m2m came out and that they were squirming to get free, and if ATS is a representation of their freedom to express their music as they would like to then I would love to be in that crowd when they do so. To me it's more than a fanboys dream, its the ability to for myself as a musician to relate to linkin park not on an emotional lyrical level but on a artistic level for one night. I could probably get a ticket for next summer when they tour, im sure most could. but I really would prefer to be able to see this one time event.


so yea, please consider.


love. praya. ;]


I am throwing my name in the hat for the ticket.



Dan Wohlrab


Eva, AL


I would love to go back to NYC my hometown and catch LP one more time back home. I was unable to get tickets because of possible situation to get a writing grant and that fell through and now I see the prices online and can't afford going to the venue and tickets. Seeing LP with a bunch of LP Live members would also be a great time. I always wanted to catch up with everyone and this would be a chance to do so.

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