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Remember the LPU Platinum Poll from a month or so ago? The one where they wanted to make another 'tier' membership level for the LPU, thereby charging fans $80 a year for supposedly "exclusive" online content as well as a new LPU 8x10 plaque? Remember how many people voted against it? 164 out of 330, which is 45%, a majority. They listened to the fans, but they are still going to go ahead with the plaque. And yes, you know it's a slow news day when I'm posting something like this. Anyway, here's what they said.


LPU HQ (Jessica):

"Thanks everyone for taking the time to vote on this messageboard poll!


Based on your helpful feedback, we're going to offer the LPU Plaque as a new bonus package item to every member who chooses to purchase it in addition to their regular package. We have decided online membership benefits for ALL members will remain the same.


The "Official LPU Certified Member" 8X10 plaque will be a really cool extra merch item for anyone who wants to display their LPU member status! We'll have more news in the coming months about the different LPU8 membership package options and all the package items...get ready for 12/4/08!"


Sooooooo.....if you want to feel special about yourself and buy an LPU plaque, knock yourself out. I guess that's the moral of this story. Otherwise, you can join me in waiting for the supposedly epic 8.0 CD that Mike has said WON'T be full of live songs.


Minutes To Midnight b-sides anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Ready for December 4th?

Posted (edited)

Awww right yeah! Cant wait for the CD!


I like the items and goodies, but a plaque? hmmm why would I need it, and for 80 bucks, I need gas...heh

Edited by BrandonR24

im guessing the plaque will be made every year with a new design and year?

wow, that will be a lot.

they should just be one simple plaque for all the years than trying to make a new one every year

because if they do

there will be a lot of fans complaining about it...


im guessing the plaque will be made every year with a new design and year?

wow, that will be a lot.

they should just be one simple plaque for all the years than trying to make a new one every year

because if they do

there will be a lot of fans complaining about it...

we dont have to complain, its an option, if you want it you cant buy it so dont yell about it

and about the CD, i expect atleast 2 unreleased songs, we deserve them!!


i dont understand why warner doesnt allow them to release more extra stuff

other bands that are in warner release a bunch of shit , why not LP? =X


how about i just give them my bank account details and they can just take my money? easier that way..


CD should be good though


I'm an LP whore, so I'll probably buy the regular membership and ask for another account for Christmas to get the plaque. Unless they are going to put your username on the plaque (which I doubt) in which case I'll wait to renew till Christmas.


@ the lpu 8.0 cd - i just smell a bunch of remixes, something in the line of WID distorted mix. as mike has already stated "no b-sides or live tracks". but that's just my guess.

having said that, new m2m remixes reanimation style would sound dope...innit?? i wasn't a big fan of the WID remix, it just din't do it for me. but anything reanimation style's gonna be off the hook for sure.


Yay! I don't get why people were so against the plaque. I would totally want that on my wall instead of a poster. You shouldn't get it if you can't afford the damn thing unless you're stupid. If i want it, I'd do what normal people do: I'd freaking save up for it. I won't get it because i want to "feel special" (Hahninator) after all, LP's touring crew got plaques and it was cool. I'd get it because i think it's different from the normal merch available and will be better suited to getting autographs in my opinion. I may not get it considering that I'm a student living off financial aid so i have to prioritize my luxuries, but i most certainly do like the option open to me.


I am eagerly awaiting the release of LPU 8.0 cd. Although, i know Mike said it will be unique, i don't recall him saying it will be epic per verbatim.


@ the lpu 8.0 cd - i just smell a bunch of remixes, something in the line of WID distorted mix. as mike has already stated "no b-sides or live tracks". but that's just my guess.

having said that, new m2m remixes reanimation style would sound dope...innit?? i wasn't a big fan of the WID remix, it just din't do it for me. but anything reanimation style's gonna be off the hook for sure.


he didnt say no b-sides, he said no new album material and not all live tracks.....either way it should be a great cd since it seems like every other LPU cd is good


When I think of plaques, I think of achievement and reward, and paying $80 is neither. Unless it looks incredibly cool, ie, Mike's artwork is all over it, it sounds pretty ridiculous to buy yourself a plaque for being in Linkin Park's fan club.


Mike never said we wouldn't get b-sides, he just said no new album material. Have some faith! As for the plaque thing...why? It's a waste of money IMO, but at least they're not affecting the online statuses or anything.


Yay! I don't get why people were so against the plaque. I would totally want that on my wall instead of a poster. You shouldn't get it if you can't afford the damn thing unless you're stupid. If i want it, I'd do what normal people do: I'd freaking save up for it. I won't get it because i want to "feel special" (Hahninator) after all, LP's touring crew got plaques and it was cool. I'd get it because i think it's different from the normal merch available and will be better suited to getting autographs in my opinion. I may not get it considering that I'm a student living off financial aid so i have to prioritize my luxuries, but i most certainly do like the option open to me.


I am eagerly awaiting the release of LPU 8.0 cd. Although, i know Mike said it will be unique, i don't recall him saying it will be epic per verbatim.

Two things. 1) We weren't against the plaque itself save the costliness of it. We were against the idea of a new tiered membership being offered. The LPU already has enough problems they aren't dealing with. They need to work on fixing those issues before adding new ones. And they did listen to us, we said if anything they should leave membership alone and put the plaque in the LPU store, they compromised and added it as an extra to get with membership without changing the membership itself, which is almost the same. 2) The touring crew's plaques are different. They were given those in recognition for their work. They earned them. LPU wants us to buy them ourselves. It's not the same. I don't want a plaque if I have to buy it myself, it's something to be earned.


Mark, you forgot to mention that in the poll there are like 5 'yes' options and only 1 no. Way to go, LPU. The next LPU CD had better make up for all of this.


i think the 8.0 could be either b- sides, some meteora remixes, or for some reason i think they might make some studio recordings of some of the live versions of their songs...... just an idea


i think the 8.0 could be either b- sides, some meteora remixes, or for some reason i think they might make some studio recordings of some of the live versions of their songs...... just an idea

I thought the same thing about the studio recordings. They did say it will be the most unique and as far as i know they have never done that before.


i think the 8.0 could be either b- sides, some meteora remixes, or for some reason i think they might make some studio recordings of some of the live versions of their songs...... just an idea


yeah, i'd second that, keep ya fingers crossed fellas!!


@ "some studio recordings of some of the live versions of their songs" >> only wake 2.0 comes to mind, if only that happens at all, on the first place. studio versions of the other live versions with extended intros/outros seem highly unlikely....and to be true, kinda pointless as well.


he didnt say no b-sides, he said no new album material and not all live tracks.....either way it should be a great cd since it seems like every other LPU cd is good

I think you may have misunderstood him. He said:

Here's what it won't be: live tracks, new unreleased Linkin Park album music. (insert frantic guessing game here).


I don't enjoy nit-picking people's words XP but different people are taking his words different ways. It sorta sounds like he meant "new music that hasn't been released before." "New" meaning we have never heard it before. That would include b-sides.


If new meant the new album, then that would not include MtM b-sides. Let's just wait and see.

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