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Posted (edited)

Im uploading my videos to youtube now, it should take a few hours since I have 13 (not all from LP).


If you do decide to watch the vids before LP, the camera sucked by\ut my LP vids are amazing quality and sound :) .



Edited by MrInfluXion
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Posted (edited)

In my small opinion, everybody has the right to say what has in their minds.

If dont like the set list ok, but neither opinion as if they hated the band, are supposed to Linkin Park fans therefore have to respect what the band does. linkin park once said his music was something that made it because they liked it, so we must also respect their music and their set list too. If they decide that the set list is (for example) Epicenter 09, respect that guys...

I think the set list is very good, can not be doing a different set list every show they do, the set list are tested before the tours and then they become on stage, can change one, two, three songs but not all the set list as some believe.

For the 2010 obviouslly the set list going to change because they have to play new songs at shows, but they can not do 40 songs in the shows. hopefully return runaway, with you, my dream is part of me but they can not do them all we want.

those who complain that Chester is singing badly, try to understand a human being who has to sing and scream at each concert, and you always get it right.

and each tour are shows every day or every two days and is very demanding, but now with DBS more tired even before it was different when LP had shows with 9 songs, easy, now are shows of 22 songs o more... they dont have 21 years anymore...

Think guys and be more reasonable with LP, and with you too.


I never saw linkin park live and perhaps never succeed that but many of you guys have the chance to see the band a lot of times, Enjoy it, live the opportunity that many would like to live. Like me...who live in south america maybe we never see LP Live like you... :( :( :(


do not complain, enjoy the best band in the world ...

six artists who are incredible, especially for my Mike Shinoda is almost a god and he is in my heart as though part of me....


pardon if all this words has little to do with the topic but felt that i had to say this after so many complaints against the band ... :(



sorry about my english, thanks google translate je je je

Edited by maik_gianino

The way I look at it is this... I have been a setlist complainer since the very first show of this tour. I was shocked to see pretty much the same songs bunched together in yet a slightly different order. Add New Divide, a cut-down version of Session, and a little busier POA intro and thats all.


Why should I even be complaning? I wasn't at any shows this year. It doesn't effect me in any way shape or form if LP plays In The End or And One. However, I am a fan of the band and if there was a tour to ever change something up, this was the one.


The setlist that was played during this tour is not bad. While I think Session is extremely overrated in general and on this tour, it was certainly a different way to open the show. I am a fair person and I have not seen this song live so I can't say whether or not I would really like it or not. From the videos and just my preference for LP's kickass intros, it seems a bit anti-climatic TO ME. This setlist also contained my 3 favorite LP songs (Lying, Faint, POA) and my two favorite songs from MTM in Given Up and No More Sorrow. But its the principle. This was simply a small tour played on 3 continents. Wouldn't you think the band as a whole would try and say hey, we probably won't be bringing these songs out next year with the new album and such, why don't we bring back With You and Figure or something. But no. They couldn't. They brought the same stuff that they have played in Europe, USA, Asia and everywhere else in between the past few years.


Fact of the matter is, as fans, and as this being a freakign "live guide" site, anyone has the right to complain or suggest something about the setlist. This is what this site is soley about: Linkin Park in its live form. The old "If you were there, you wouldn't be complaining" is true.... I have seen Linkin Park 8 times and it was all during the MTM time period. But either way, its still makes me wonder why this band can't simply change the set and/or add more songs. I don't think anyone here is asking for 8 singles to be dropped and the set be filled with Step Up, And One, By Myself, With You, Easier To Run, QWERTY, and Annoucement Service Public. One or two or something would be at least sufficient. But LP cannot do that and I don't see them doing it on their next tour with new songs having to be played. Probably the thing that bothers me the most is the way their setlist is designed: It kickass for the first 30-40 minutes then really, really slows down in the middle. The encores usually kickass (and this year's set certainly did) but a whole change of pace is needed. They have kept this basic setlist design for a LONG TIME. It's time to ditch it.


I just saw this tour as an opportunity for the band to have some fun and do something they haven't done due to being on the MTM cycle and such. But apparently we should be very thankful that the Lord Shinoda changed a few verses here in there, and added a few keyboard pieces identical to what he did mid-PR 07. Apparently we should be content with that.

Does it ever occur to you that just like you have your favourite Linkin Park songs to listen to, the band has their favourite Linkin Park songs to play? Hence the absent songs and present repeating songs on their set list.


It won't do anyone any good especially the fans to have Linkin Park playing songs they are not that fond of looking bored and forced.


Hey guys, I'd really appreciate it if someone could rip the audio from this show and upload it somewhere. Downloading the videos will take too long thanks to my slow-ass internet connection. Thanks in advance.


I went and I have to say lp put on a pretty good show. However dbs killed it, meaning the energy the crowd had. When fire came on, many people started booing and flipping off chester. Chants of lp/tool were also starting. I haven't read this thread because it's huge but I just thought I'd mention that here. I don't think dbs should have played in the middle of lp's set, it should have been before, that would have averted people being disappointed over it.


I actually came to this thread to say the same exact thing. A lot of people were rocking out to LP up until DBS started playing. Then the booing started and when LP came back on it was like all the LP fans disappeared and everyone just started chanting for Tool. Usually I love Faint because of the crowd energy but this time I felt nothing coming from the crowd during that song. It bummed me out :(


I talked to some of the people around me that were Tool fans and they didn't think DBS was bad. It just didn't fit in with the type of music being played that night. One guy said it was "an interruption" and I have to agree. DBS played great but to plug them in the middle of an LP set like that kinda throws you off.

Posted (edited)

I love Crawl Back In, Fire and My Suffering all equally, but I do think LP should not have had them come out as an encore on this tour. Maybe at one show in Europe or something, but not as much as they did. Especially at Sonisphere since Chester was saying they were aiming to be the best live band in the world. I don't think this was personally a good time for DBS to come out to be honest. I think early 2009-spring 2009 would have been a perfect time, get it all settled with before the LP tour that way after the tour LP could put all their time and effort into the new album. The middle of October is too late for DBS to come out. I feel like I've been waiting for so long now that I don't even care about the album anymore. Why hasn't the album like leaked or anything yet? I mean, I highly doubt that Chester is expecting DBS to sell loads of copies so it should be leaked or something by now, I mean, fuck, we've been waiting since what like late 2004 or something?

Edited by Geki

Hey All,


I was one of the lucky ones to be able to see LP at Epicenter this weekend. I took some great photos for a publication called BeatCrave - you can check out my review here:




inside the article, you can click on LP's name or on DBS's name and you'll be led to a gallery to see the other pictures too.. check them out and let me know what you think!


I don't think this was personally a good time for DBS to come out to be honest. I think early 2009-spring 2009 would have been a perfect time, get it all settled with before the LP tour that way after the tour LP could put all their time and effort into the new album. The middle of October is too late for DBS to come out.

DBS did not come out in Spring 2009 because the guys from Julien-K released their debut album at that time, and Chester always said that obligations with both their other bands always come first.


I actually would have loved it if Julien-K played as support act for LP on the European tour and maybe the Epicenter show, and played like 5-6 songs. After that, Chester should have come out for the 3 DBS songs, just like they did at the Club Tattoo show in 2008. That would have been the ideal solution, I think, because then Julien-K also would have had the chance to present their main band to an European audience (which I'm sure would have either liked them or just ignored them, since it is a support act - but they wouldn't have booed, as they did when DBS came out as an encore) and they would not only have made the overseas trip to play 3 songs a night. To me, this short appearance every night sounded a bit ridiculous at first, to be honest.

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