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Posted (edited)

I am not mad but I wish we had something more, like IDK, the countownd reaches the zero and we get right there slapped on the screen the new symbol and a DATE, a clear date, just that would have been ok, like, being 100% sure that something is coming on, say, September 5.

As I already said, expecting a video presentation of the new singer and title, release date of a new song coming in a few days and then an album announcement for a late 2024 release would have been too much... 

Edited by Somebodyangry
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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, igus said:

It really looks like instructing us to care a lot less. They could display a big fuck you at 00:00:00 - it would have the same effect. I'm trying to laugh it off, but in truth inside I'm disappointed. 


I'm not a kid anymore either. I already have a child myself. I watched this countdown while holding my 5-month-old daughter in my arms. My wife and I were together and waiting for this important moment. I feel like a fool for taking the time to do this and even mentioning out loud that such a countdown was taking place. If there's news I'll see it on Facebook..


The band released their debut album in 2000, so most of the fan base is now 30-40 years old. What I'm cracking up at is that LP don't seem to realize that time is much more valuable at this age, oddly enough as they are already reaching 50 themselves. Unless being a rich musician means you can live freely like a teenager all the time when you can afford nannies at your call and a private jet. Perhaps then you might be under the mistaken impression that people have plenty of time for figuring out puzzles and staring at a clock. 🙄


It would be wise for the outcome of what they announce to be worthy of us forgetting this slip-up. 

I didn't order a yappacino goddamn I ain't reading all that

Edited by Awalkinthelinkinpark
Lmao I meant the other guy wrong quote mb lol
Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, Awalkinthelinkinpark said:

I didn't order a yappacino goddamn I ain't reading all that

lol that’s not even that long of a post


edit: just saw your edit. Lulz

Edited by milkshake227
Didn’t see his edit.
8 minutes ago, PetarCROATIA said:

Is Deryck in the picture again?
"A Matter of Time" is Sum 41's song...

That's a Foo Fighters song as well. Dave Grohl is the new frontman. Breaking news, let's tell all the people

1 hour ago, Darkstryder said:

Long time lurker here. I’ve been a fan since Meteora. I was 15 then, 36 now.


Yesterday was the first time in 21 years where I’ve felt genuinely angry at the LP team for something. Like others I also needed a good night sleep to fully articulate why.


I’ll take a detour to explain it. Fifteen years ago I lost a parent. Last my living parent sat me down and told me they had met someone. I was happy for them and told them that it was wonderful and that I wished them the best. After the discussion, which was straightforward yet emotional, I also acknowleged to myself that it was okay for me to have complicated feelings about it, even though I was happy for my living parent and looked forward to meet their new partner.


What I would NOT have been okay with would have been for my living parent to give me a cryptic treasure hunt about whether or not they had met someone and the identy of the new partner.


Now LP is technically not our family, yet it always felt like one for many of us over decades. Mike literally named an album Post-Traumatic and embarked upon a tour of the same name because he acknowledged that since LP fans always had a parasocial relationship with the band, many of them did experience a parasocial grief on 2017 july 20.


So what really really grates me about the countdown is that they should have known better. Mike spent every interview of the Meteora20 cycle saying that the band was emotionally intelligent, and yesterday was not the emotionnally intelligent thing to do.


It made me feel punished for caring, so I will care a little bit less in the future.


It also made me feel stupid because (european time) our family dinner was running a tad late and I excused myself in the middle of it, explaining to my partner and daughter that my favorite band from teenagehood had the most important annoucement to make since 7 years, and I highly valued the fact of sharing this moment in time with all the LP community. Afterward I felt really stupid to neglect some precious family time for this tasteless stunt.


I’m also disappointed that we traded one date for another without any new information. For all we still know, on September 5 they will announce the 4K remaster of the Shadow of the day video. Hopefully this will be a little more than that.


Whatever happens on September 5, or whenever, I won’t probably be following it in real time this time. Following this thread used to be the funny part of my day and now it feels like a chore. And I’m caring a little less, and I’m a little less open to whatever they might propose in the future.


So this countdown certainly was a letdown for me.


I might laugh about it in 6 months, but I’m not laughing now.


I agree with you 100%.


Honestly, I didn’t want a comeback with a new vocalist. If the band decided to return by just releasing new material without any shows but with Mike alone on vocals, I would love it.

I’m also not in favor of a comeback unless all five members agree and are together in this new phase.

What do I mean by that? I was completely irritated by the way we were treated, even though I didn’t want to receive the news they were probably going to give.

We’re not talking about something we experienced between 2000 and 2017. We’re talking about a new phase after losing someone who was important in all of our lives.


I think it was a disastrous marketing move, and they lost all the attention the world was giving them. I don’t think there’s any justification for saying it’s something they usually do. It wasn’t the time for this "joke."

Now they ended up hurting a lot of people’s feelings.

1 hour ago, Darkstryder said:

Long time lurker here. I’ve been a fan since Meteora. I was 15 then, 36 now.


Yesterday was the first time in 21 years where I’ve felt genuinely angry at the LP team for something. Like others I also needed a good night sleep to fully articulate why.


I’ll take a detour to explain it. Fifteen years ago I lost a parent. Last my living parent sat me down and told me they had met someone. I was happy for them and told them that it was wonderful and that I wished them the best. After the discussion, which was straightforward yet emotional, I also acknowleged to myself that it was okay for me to have complicated feelings about it, even though I was happy for my living parent and looked forward to meet their new partner.


What I would NOT have been okay with would have been for my living parent to give me a cryptic treasure hunt about whether or not they had met someone and the identy of the new partner.


Now LP is technically not our family, yet it always felt like one for many of us over decades. Mike literally named an album Post-Traumatic and embarked upon a tour of the same name because he acknowledged that since LP fans always had a parasocial relationship with the band, many of them did experience a parasocial grief on 2017 july 20.


So what really really grates me about the countdown is that they should have known better. Mike spent every interview of the Meteora20 cycle saying that the band was emotionally intelligent, and yesterday was not the emotionnally intelligent thing to do.


It made me feel punished for caring, so I will care a little bit less in the future.


It also made me feel stupid because (european time) our family dinner was running a tad late and I excused myself in the middle of it, explaining to my partner and daughter that my favorite band from teenagehood had the most important annoucement to make since 7 years, and I highly valued the fact of sharing this moment in time with all the LP community. Afterward I felt really stupid to neglect some precious family time for this tasteless stunt.


I’m also disappointed that we traded one date for another without any new information. For all we still know, on September 5 they will announce the 4K remaster of the Shadow of the day video. Hopefully this will be a little more than that.


Whatever happens on September 5, or whenever, I won’t probably be following it in real time this time. Following this thread used to be the funny part of my day and now it feels like a chore. And I’m caring a little less, and I’m a little less open to whatever they might propose in the future.


So this countdown certainly was a letdown for me.


I might laugh about it in 6 months, but I’m not laughing now.

What a fantastic post. You’ve articulated things with a real unique but lived-experience perspective.


A lot of people invested a lot of emotion into this. People couldn’t sleep, people planned their days around this, some people booked leave from work from their limited holiday entitlement.


it was tone def to say that least, and played on peoples emotions.


You guys take life too seriously. It's sick. I'm in my 30s too, I grew up with LP and I also changed my routine for yesterday's announcement. It turned out to be a joke... and that's okay. Keep a young spirit, guys. You're all too eager and it's bad. It's a journey, enjoy it, I missed that kind of thing. 


Now let's see how far the rabbit hole goes...


I think its interesting how some of you point out that the people who are not offended by this or even think its a good idea are not as active in this community, indicating that LP does not mean as much to us and therefore we do not unverstand. I personally think you make this too much about yourself and while pointing out the weight of the tragedy of seven years ago and also reflecting on your own past it shows that you are not willing to move on and leave all this behind. Which is okay. 


My father died shortly after Chester, I was lucky to attend one of their last concerts. Their music, the PT Album, the fact that Mike made new music and how he spoke about Mental Health during that time helped me a lot dealing with my own anxiety and depression. I think with the show at the Hollywood Bowl, PT, HT20 and M20 the band has already done a great job showing respect to the legacy of Chester and allowing them and their fans to heal. Now, they seem to be ready to move on. I myself have come to terms with my past and I want my life to be as fun as possible. I learned to stop projecting my fears and anger on others. Just breathe and accept things I cannot change for what they are and be as grateful as possible. 


With that said, of course I was disappointed when the countdown went up. Then I tried to apply something I learned in therapy. Can I make positive assumptions instead of digging myself a hole of anger and disappointment? A lot of you interpret their current strategy as disrespectful, even betrayal. This is YOUR interpretation, not by any means facts. I decided to go with a positive outlook and I feel good about it. My interpretation is, to begin with, that no one in the band intended to disrespect me or my personal loyalty towards the band. I think it is not only a clever move  marketing wise (which I already pointed out) but also showing that they want to move on, without negativity, just trolling, keeping us engaged, discussing and having fun. That's it. And I am happy and grateful for the possibility of new music by my favorite band.

On 8/29/2024 at 5:54 AM, Trumtram said:

Just to write down my 5 cents after a night of sleep.


After being away for more than 7 years, after stopping your band activity because of tragedy, after giving us only vague and cryptic answers to where the band stands for all these years, a 100 hour countdown appears on lp.com. Seemingly out of nowhere. There were rumors (and only that) brought in by Jay Gordon and Billboard before. The LPU is getting some kind of makeover, too. Major portions of the music industry and fans, both old, new and forgotten, are showing interest in this countdown, being curious on what comes next for the band that many loved at some point of their life.


This is not another cycle like before, it's time for a statement, a glimpse of a future for the band. 100 hours to go until there is some kind of resolution. If not balls to the wall, then at the very least... something. But no, nothing aside from a couple of glitches. I pity these poor souls among us who are now monitoring a potential 100 hour count-up(?) just to find more glitches for an extremely uninteresting "riddle". A riddle that isn't needed with this type of situation. We all can wait for a couple weeks.

Of course it could all be for one collaboration song or something in that vein. But, again, it would be the FIRST NEW LP SONG in more than 7 years.


To address some points that a couple of never before seen faces on here bring up to defend this:

1. It gives the band more attention: The band HAD all the attention in the world. Other bands felt the need to get out of the way with their stuff because of that 100 hour countdown. They had an immense spotlight on them. If they would've posted something like a small teaser or whatever, people would be talking EVEN more than they do right now.


2. They always do something like this: Of course they do, it's their way of creating buzz and interest in a new output. But this is not JUST another new album cycle, it's not an anniversary (which they made really special with the throwback stuff, even if it was glitchy). It SEEMED like something we waited for more than 7 years. Something huge, a new era, finally! At least something small would have been a start.


3. It's exciting: What exactly is more exciting than before? We still don't REALLY know what will happen just like before, we got nothing new.


4. To those whom it may concern: It is ok when your favorite artist blunders. You don't need to find constructed arguments to defend them. If you genuinely love this and think "hell yeah, what a cool move" then good for you, have fun and enjoy the ride.


I will obviously wait and see what comes up, listen to new music whatever. But my point still stands: It was unnecessary to do it that way and dragged out something that could and should have been magical.


Everyone have fun staring at a timer.

I definitely agree. This countdown-countup thing is not a clever move at all...

Checked out the news first thing I woke up, and all we've got is another count-up...Nearly another week to go before we find the answer when we thought it was already over(pun intended)...That's really frustrating for the fans. Why on earth would Linkin Park need to attract attention through such a bad joke, as the fact that they're coming back is already exciting enough? And does anyone sincerely enjoy trying to solve cryptic riddles on a timer, more than getting news and music straight away? Every single LP fan here in my local community was like WTF when they found out😂

If you have to say it's more exciting now, the only reason I can come up with is that LP must be holding something really really huge, something that's worth all the hype and suspense and backlash this timer has created, not just casual reunion shows or something.

But personally, I do think they should at least give us an album and a round of touring to make up for what they have done to us (alright, just kidding😂


I am not that upset tbh...probably because I have been too occupied lately. But I wouldn't criticize those who feel hurt by the timer. I mean, some people just are more emotionally attached to the band and they care more about the comeback. It ain't a crime. It ain't a sign that indicates they're immature. There may be the influence of personality(e.g. I would be more sensitive and neurotic than average), or there might be personal stories that you don't know. They care and they're disappointed, they are angry and need to express their emotions, they need time to process this whole thing, and that's totally fine. If you're stronger, or better at dealing with emotions, or know better how to balance between this and normal life, you should support, understand and help them, not simply criticize them.

LP fans do take the timer very seriously. Since I'm in China(that's UTC+8 btw), it was like 3AM when the timer went to zero. And a new school term is starting soon, many of us need the time to get prepared for school. They decided to stay up instead to witness the historic moment(some of them may be too excited to fall asleep)... and then what happened?

I thought LP always care a lot about their fans, and anyway they should be mature and emotionally intelligent now as they're in their fifties... this is simply not like them.


Why should I be mad, we've been waiting 7 years, couple of another 100 hour countdowns won't kill me. They like to play and I'm okay with that.

Posted (edited)

I had couple of beers yesterday, their trolling is funny, actually 😂


On September 5th we will get public apology for putting shit sound quality of The Hunting Party on Youtube which is bizarre (noticeable on Mark The Graves, A Line In The Sand...) 😊

Edited by PetarCROATIA
48 minutes ago, mrfox said:

Why should I be mad, we've been waiting 7 years, couple of another 100 hour countdowns won't kill me. They like to play and I'm okay with that.

A year ago or so new LP stuff seemed highly unlikely so waiting for another, say, week won't kill me if the payoff is worth the wait. I would have wanted somethingmore maybe a hint more but it's fine ahah 

2 hours ago, HT_lash said:

You guys take life too seriously. It's sick. I'm in my 30s too, I grew up with LP and I also changed my routine for yesterday's announcement. It turned out to be a joke... and that's okay. Keep a young spirit, guys. You're all too eager and it's bad. It's a journey, enjoy it, I missed that kind of thing. 


Now let's see how far the rabbit hole goes...


1 hour ago, mrfox said:

Why should I be mad, we've been waiting 7 years, couple of another 100 hour countdowns won't kill me. They like to play and I'm okay with that.



LPU members have received an email with an invitation to an event in Los Angeles on the 5th. If you can make it and you’re in, you should hop on that ASAP.


I have no doubt: they understood yesterday's reaction and decided to fix. Sure the timer was supposed to continue but they rushed it and gave us something REAL. Good move, they fixed it.

1 minute ago, max91 said:

Well, now we have something ladies and gentleman.

This should have been at the end of the timer. 


Although again I think the timer should have just been for Sept 5th originally. 


Sleeping on it, I still think it wasn't rolled out right and still support people upset 


For me, I was exhausted by the "you did this to yourself expecting anything" replies. So I'm just waiting for an announcement from Rolling Stone or something. I can't take part in whatever codes or games they want to do. I hope the new and old fans enjoy it. 


If they actually are coming back then I will pop in again, but they totally soured this for me by not catering to the hardcore fans who are very emotional about a potential comeback. 


So member wise Twenty one pilots would be perfect for LP. A singer replacing Chester and a drummer replacing Rob. Also they're currently on world tour, around that time they're in Texas but they're free on September 5th. It's not that much of a stretch...


"Be part of something".

What if they will ask us all to record gang vocals for what would be Chester's parts?

No singer to replace Chester at all, but all the fans around the world together.

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