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If there is one overwhelming conclusion we could draw from the show on Friday, it is that Linkin Park absolutely possesses the tools to continue forward as a band.

Perhaps one of the largest talking points of the performance is Mike on lead vocals. Going in to the show, quite possibly the biggest question was if Mike could handle taking over on singing lead vocals. We know Mike doesn’t need to sing One Step Closer, but could he actually sing songs we THOUGHT he could sing as well as piano versions of certain other songs? Right away, Mike put those questions to rest.

The very first song of the show, after the Robot Boy intro, featured Mike taking lead vocals on a mashup of Iridescent and The Messenger, both of which he sang live for the first time (outside of his normal parts). Then, he once again took lead vocals on the very first performance of Roads Untraveled ever - five and a half years after it was released. Both tracks sounded outstanding, and we might possibly be the band's harshest critics.

When it came time for One More Light, the key of the song was changed and Mike took over that song too. On Waiting For The End, he performed a piano intro with him singing the first verse and chorus. Pretty damn good for the first show ever with him on lead vocals at a Linkin Park show. These songs weren’t even discussed in the “possible Mike songs he could sing live w/ LP” talks over the past few months… which adds even more tracks to what can be played at possible LP 2.0 shows if the band continues forward.

Mike showed throughout the show that he has the ability to be the lead singer of Linkin Park, and fans have come out in big numbers afterward to show their support for that possibility. If any reassurance is needed, just look around social media and the fan forums - you don't have to look far.

The top/most liked comment on Linkin Park’s post the day after the show says, “Anybody else think that Mike Shinoda did an incredible job with the role of frontman last night?!? He sang Chester's parts really well and did an incredible job. Would love the band to move on as a 5 piece!!”

Another heavy-liked comment reads, “There is no doubt he would have been incredibly proud of you but tonight also proved something else ... as a band ... you should absolutely stay together. The energy was electric and you started to enjoy it which is totally allowed, don't ever beat yourselves because you enjoyed it, just look at how it reflected in the audience!!!”

In terms of what WILL actually happen, we are unsure exactly. The band has made vague comments in the past few months that they are going to “work on building the future of Linkin Park”, which is reassuring. It sounds like they are wanting to move forward together but haven’t fleshed out how exactly that will happen. Three months is really soon to even discuss what is going to happen, but there is more reassurance to be found in the live debut of a brand new song.

Mike before Looking for an Answer said, “I don’t know what’s going to happen to this song…. But if we do continue, I want to continue to build on this song and keep writing it and keep working on it. It’ll be a unique time for you guys, for us to be able to share with you guys a glimpse into how a song gets made. And after this, on our Instagram and Twitter and everything else, we’ll show you how it goes… assuming it goes.”

And again on the intro of Bleed It Out, Mike said, “You guys we don’t know where we are going from here, but we certainly appreciate your support as we get there.”

There’s a good bit of optimism to be found in that comment.

Another comment on Looking For An Answer’s YouTube video says, “Please never stop making music. In memory of Chester please continue this band no matter how much time you guys wanna take we respect that but don't ever disband that's not what Chester would want from you guys.”

You’ll always have those who say bands should not continue after tragedies, but in this case it’s about 10-to-1 saying Linkin Park should forge a path forward, with Mike on lead vocals. It is clear that many of us need them, if they wish to continue; when their time comes, we will be ready.

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Posted (edited)

I got the vibe it was their last show. The nice thing is, retirement doesnt work in music like it does in sports. The game doesnt pass you by. You can always pick up where you left off and literally not miss a beat.


That being said, my strong preference is they continue as a 5 piece. This is not my original idea but a couple of close friends have suggested that the show doubled as a tryout of sorts for Jon Green. I would love that. I think he clicked well. And as was also mentioned to me, it would free Mike up to move around the stage as a true frontman. I also think Mike has a great and unique voice, and lets not forget he wrote a lot of what Chester sung. He can sing terrible and an octave down on Chesters screaming parts and it will still be music that is in part his. Ill be fine with it. Even on OSC.

Edited by lakersfan13

Too early to say. If they do continue as a 5 man group I can see new material being made with Mike singing the less demanding stuff from previous albums. I'll support their decision no matter what.


In the days since the show, I can't seem to get Mike's voice out of my head. The songs that get stuck in there, I hear his voice singing them now. I knew no matter what they'd planned he would do great, but I'm blown away. I revisit certain parts of the show and each time, I find something new that makes me love it even more when I didn't think that was possible. I sincerely hope Mike never doubts his ability to take the lead here, he more than proved himself capable. And Joe too! Joe's backing vocals were beautiful throughout the night and I never would have expected that because I don't think I've ever really heard him sing before.


I also got the feeling that this show felt like an ending, but I have high hopes that it was just an ending of a chapter and not the ending of the book. Even if they spend the next few years in the studio and make another album with even more music that can be put into a show, I will always want them to get back on stage.


Without a doubt though, I will support them whatever they decide to do.


When Mike sang on his own (without backup) to be honest it was a hit or miss.. sometimes he sounded great but there are some vocals that are just out of his league and in certain moments his voice sounded shaky probably because he felt very emotional but if you revisit some other moments of Mike singing that's just the way he sings (See NRL live).


He sounds great specially when he harmonizes with someone else like during the intro of Nobody Can Save Me.


I feel like a lone wolf by always saying the same thing but the band do needs a guy with a powerful voice to maintain the high energy of the show and to keep playing their biggest hits.


Rotating guests would be the best way to go.

Posted (edited)

Continue as a 5 piece. Take Jon Greene out on tour. Tour with bands who would be willing to have singers guest on a couple songs. For example... first tour back could be with Sum 41 and Deryck comes out for a couple songs...etc.

Edited by Casey27

I think Mike did such a great job and surprised a lot of people. I think they can easily continue as 5-piece and maybe add some musicians for touring like Casey27 suggested like Jon Greene.


Mike did great, the whole band did great. Hats off to them.


Before the show I was fairly certain the band would continue in some form, but after the show I do not have that feeling. I feel like the comments Mike made during the show were not that positive. It was as if he wanted to continue, but not all band member were ready... Maybe I'm wrong, but that's the vibe I got. And lets be honest, if this was a last show, it was a hell of good one.


Still I hope they continue. Mike proved worthy in my eyes. And in the end, it should matter.


(sorry for the pun :P)


Mike did great, the whole band did great. Hats off to them.


Before the show I was fairly certain the band would continue in some form, but after the show I do not have that feeling. I feel like the comments Mike made during the show were not that positive. It was as if he wanted to continue, but not all band member were ready... Maybe I'm wrong, but that's the vibe I got. And lets be honest, if this was a last show, it was a hell of good one.


Still I hope they continue. Mike proved worthy in my eyes. And in the end, it should matter.


(sorry for the pun :P)

We probably have to give them more time. In the Karreng magazine where Mike talked about Chester and the band, he pointed out that some of the band members couldn't listen to their own songs with Chester on it (So almost every single one) for weeks. This show was harder than we think. I believe that they tried to hide their emotions as much as possible, even though we saw Phoenix, Brad and Mike being very emotional during certain songs. Especially during songs like In The End.


We probably have to give them more time. In the Karreng magazine where Mike talked about Chester and the band, he pointed out that some of the band members couldn't listen to their own songs with Chester on it (So almost every single one) for weeks. This show was harder than we think. I believe that they tried to hide their emotions as much as possible, even though we saw Phoenix, Brad and Mike being very emotional during certain songs. Especially during songs like In The End.

Oh yeah, they totally should take their time. But after some time they have to look forward. And I hope that when they do, that they decide to continue with eachother. Eventhough I got the impression that they maybe won't. But everything in due time ofcourse!


Talking about In the End, it almost looked to me as if Brad was mad during that song. He also dissappeared off stage after the bridge, or did I see that wrong? Maybe you guys saw that differently, but I'd love to hear your take on this.


I think Jon Green is a great "7th" member of the band. He can play, and he can sing. A lot of grey areas can be filled in with Jon, but there will still be some that remains for the heavy or aggressive vocalized tracks (OSC, Faint, BIO.)
Alternatively I could see Ryan Shuck fill the boots on some songs. He is a good singer with a great range.

I think Jonathan Davis or M. Shadows would be great to take out on tour for those heavy moments. The band could continue to produce music from all genres, including the heavy stuff but without screams (unless guested), but primarily keep it as a five piece, Jon as a seventh member, and the sixth slot kept unfilled.

I know physically what I said makes no sense, but it wouldn't feel right to say anyone else could be the 6th member of the band; Chester will always be there, even when it's not physical.

Posted (edited)

I know I'm in the minority here, but I don't think they can go on with Mike as the lead singer. The other night was amazing, and I think he did a great job, especially under those circumstances. Mikes singing has improved over the years, but he can't carry a lot of the old songs, he just doesn't have the pipes.

Edited by castro78
Posted (edited)

The band's energy isn't there without Chester. I can't see how they'd go on as a 5-piece or even with guests. I'd also be torn seeing them live again. This opinion may change for me, not sure.

Either way, they need a long break to see how they want to proceed, if they want to.

I did like the one song (forget which it was) where Chester sang and was synced with the Hollywood Bowl show from 3 yrs ago.

Edited by loulax07

Mike really has improved over the last years but his live-singing is far from good. His voice is shaking almost all the time and is cracking on many occasions. And that is not caused by his emotions as some people on youtube pointed out. The low-pitched and quiet stuff is very hard to do in between raps, yelling and moving around but he could handle it if Linkin Park decided to do shows that are mainly ballads. A show that is diverse in power and song-wise, he doesn't have what it needs. At least not yet.


I know many people won't like my opinion and I have to say I love Linkin Park and I love Mike but he is not a good singer in the sense of a person who can sing under live circumstances. People like the color of his voice and enjoy his performance therefore and so do I to an extend but that has always been the difference between Mike and Chester. Mike is a beast in songwriting and doing background vocals and in my opinion is great at rapping because he has his own style but Chester was the singer. Chester could sing. Most of the stuff Mike sings can be done by anyone. You don't even need to be a singer to sound as good quality-wise as Mike live from a musical standpoint. The thing that separates everyone from Mike is his unique color of voice but not his great ability to sing. As I said at least not yet


I don't want to bash him because I appreciate everything they have done and are still doing I'm just reasoning why I think they should get someone who can sing to do Chesters parts.


I don't see how people can expect them to tour the world and function the same way they did when Chester was here. That would be very hard for them to do now and they're obviously still very hurt by what has happened. It's only November. Chester only just passed on July 20th. That is a scar that will probably never heal - and if it ever does, it won't be for a while. With that said, I can see some fire still in the band, a little bit. They could continue as a 5 piece, I would support that. I will not support them continuing with a new lead singer, that's something I just couldn't bring myself to support. This is a band who has been making music together since the late 90's, it's 2017 now. They've had 7 main albums, and tons of other projects. They've won Grammy's and countless other awards. They've toured the world time and time again. I could see them hanging it up, for sure. So I'm really not sure at the moment what the ''future'' of Linkin Park is. If they did want to continue as a 5 piece, I'd go see them on tour, buy their music, etc. I just would never support someone replacing Chester as a singer. You can't replace Chester fucking Bennington. It's not possible. I don't think the band wants to anyways. It goes beyond just Chester being an insanely good vocalist. It's the chemistry they had, the bond they all had, all of that goes in to account. It's not just the epic vocals and stage presence that is now missing. The Hollywood Bowl showed that Mike can sing. Will it be the same sound as Linkin Park had with Chester? Obviously not. But he isn't bad at singing stuff like he did at the Hollywood Bowl show. They could do it.


Mike really has improved over the last years but his live-singing is far from good. His voice is shaking almost all the time and is cracking on many occasions. And that is not caused by his emotions as some people on youtube pointed out. The low-pitched and quiet stuff is very hard to do in between raps, yelling and moving around but he could handle it if Linkin Park decided to do shows that are mainly ballads. A show that is diverse in power and song-wise, he doesn't have what it needs. At least not yet.


I know many people won't like my opinion and I have to say I love Linkin Park and I love Mike but he is not a good singer in the sense of a person who can sing under live circumstances. People like the color of his voice and enjoy his performance therefore and so do I to an extend but that has always been the difference between Mike and Chester. Mike is a beast in songwriting and doing background vocals and in my opinion is great at rapping because he has his own style but Chester was the singer. Chester could sing. Most of the stuff Mike sings can be done by anyone. You don't even need to be a singer to sound as good quality-wise as Mike live from a musical standpoint. The thing that separates everyone from Mike is his unique color of voice but not his great ability to sing. As I said at least not yet


I don't want to bash him because I appreciate everything they have done and are still doing I'm just reasoning why I think they should get someone who can sing to do Chesters parts.

I don't think you are bashing him, but personally I don't agree with you. But that's ok.


Whatever they do, they will never be the same and they will never please everyone. But hey, since when did LP please everyone? As long as we all respect their decision and at the moment I feel like everyone is very understanding. Luckily.


Before the show I was fairly certain the band would continue in some form, but after the show I do not have that feeling. I feel like the comments Mike made during the show were not that positive. It was as if he wanted to continue, but not all band member were ready... Maybe I'm wrong, but that's the vibe I got.

Yeah, that's kinda how I'm feeling too.

I think it's veeery hard for Brad and maybe Rob too. I mean... just think about the fact that Dave, Joe and Mike interacted with fans after the show and Dave and Mike even went to the afterparty (I didn't see Joe, so I don't know if he was there) but when Brad saw a couple of fans at the back entrance, he left right away and went back inside.

I'm not angry at him or anything, that just made me feel like he wasn't ready to "move on" and go "back on tour", you know what I mean?


I gotta say I'm pretty scared about Linkin Park's future. I didn't really get the chance to see them live before, so my first time was at the Hollywood Bowl and it was so amazing that I definitely want to see them again and again. Of course I missed Chester and there were moments where I had tears in my eyes and was kinda angry that he couldn't be there in person (I'm sure he was there in spirit, though)... but Mike and the others did great.

Especially Mike. It was sooo brave of him to do a lot of singing and in my opinion he did absolutely great! He may not hit all the notes, but he has the emotion to carry these songs and let's be honest here... who minds a few wrong notes at a rock concert when you're screaming/singing along? I definitely don't.


They tried every option possible for future live shows and that gives me a little hope. They invited guest singers, they let the fans sing, they played a clip of Chesters voice, Mike sang.... so now they can decide how they want to do it, or maybe they're going to mix it up all the time now :) Well... if they decide to continue.


I really hope they do and I think at least Mike wants to. It was the way he said it's helping him to make music, that makes me feel he doesn't want to quit Linkin Park. We all know it won't be the same, but that's okay. I would be fine with whatever they do (except break up ;)) but I'm not sure about the rest... even if the Japan cancellation sounded a lot like they really want to find a way.

"We sincerely wished to play, even in the wake of Chester's passing. We are working each day to grieve, heal, and work towards stepping on stage together without our dear friend."

Does this really sound like a band who doesn't know if they want to continue or not? It just sounds like they didn't know HOW yet... but I hope last friday cleared that up.


Ahhh I just don't know. And not knowing is driving me crazy. I know they need time. I want to give them all the time they need...

But I need them.

And I hope they need us as much as we need them. I hope they need Linkin Park as much as we need Linkin Park :D


Yeah, that's kinda how I'm feeling too.

I think it's veeery hard for Brad and maybe Rob too. I mean... just think about the fact that Dave, Joe and Mike interacted with fans after the show and Dave and Mike even went to the afterparty (I didn't see Joe, so I don't know if he was there) but when Brad saw a couple of fans at the back entrance, he left right away and went back inside.




They tried every option possible for future live shows and that gives me a little hope. They invited guest singers, they let the fans sing, they played a clip of Chesters voice, Mike sang.... so now they can decide how they want to do it, or maybe they're going to mix it up all the time now :) Well... if they decide to continue.


Wow didn't known Brad couldn't face the fans. Totally understandable tho, but I think that shows how the whole band isnt ready yet.


And yes, they indeed tried every option during the concert and I do think that if they continue that they will look back on the concert to decide how to move forward.


It's definitely understandable! And maybe it doesn't mean anything... or maybe it means a lot. I don't know. It just gave me a certain feeling that some members might be more ready to face the everyday life of a band than others. :)


Yeah they probably will look back on that if they decide to keep going!


I think Jon Green was basically trying out for the 7th member role (whether unofficially or not) at the show. I have a piece written on him I'll post tomorrow.


Wow didn't known Brad couldn't face the fans. Totally understandable tho, but I think that shows how the whole band isnt ready yet.


What? LOL. Because Brad didn't do a non-LPU M&G after the show, he isn't ready to face the fans? Brad, Rob, and Joe are really shy whereas Chester, Mike, and Dave are the outgoing members of the band. Mike and Chester regularly chill with fans after performances, sign stuff, etc. Brad has always been quiet, just look at him at the LPU M&Gs. The last thing I'd want to do if I was Brad would be to face hundreds of international fans after the show hearing all about Chester from them all, that takes a big emotional toll on someone. It doesn't mean he CAN'T face the fans. Brad doesn't do M&Gs almost at all unless it's via the LPU, which is more than fine and there are no complaints about that.


LP gives way way way more access to their band members than any other big band in the world and that's a 100% fact. Coldplay, U2, Rolling Stones, Muse, Metallica, Foo Fighters, etc. Of all of those, only Metallica does M&Gs and it's 8-10 people a show. LPU M&Gs are regularly 30+, and at all the non-normal concert events, the band signs after and hangs out. See: Jimmy Kimmel, etc.


I think you made a lot more out of it than what we were trying to say!

He kind of made a u-turn when he saw the fans, even though the Van was so close. Nobody expected anything from him, but if you saw it, you would probably think the same.

No one said something about a M&G or anything. He could've just waved, say hi and get in the car. Boom. But he literally stormed off.

Nobody is blaming him or is putting this in a negative direction... it's just waaay different to how the others handled it and I don't think that was about Brad being shy.

It just didn't have that feeling, you know? I may be wrong, but who knows...


Maybe I just should've kept quiet about this but I just wanted to share my feelings about that night.


I agree totally fo your opinion, Mark! Amen!!

The loss of a loved person is the most oppressive situation you could ever be in. Time can heal but the pain will never be away completely. You have to learn to live with that tragedy for your own future and so the life will go on and you learn to laugh again.

I think they will take their time. Maybe 1 or 2 years... we will see. I hope that they will continue as band. They hold their backs together and get strong... for Chester, for themselves and for their LPU family

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