vinifeijo Posted July 11, 2017 Posted July 11, 2017 this next single took so much long to release. Don't think it was a smart marketing move. Quote
Soeffingnaive92 Posted July 11, 2017 Posted July 11, 2017 Yes it wasn t, they should have released it 3 weeks ago, when Heavy began to fade Quote
Soeffingnaive92 Posted July 19, 2017 Posted July 19, 2017 Anyway, in terms of pure cd sales the album is still doing fine, in the US it sold 2,100 copies this week placing #87 in the top 200, the problem are sales + streaming, LP is weak compared to other bands in terms of streaming Quote
AwesomeLP Posted July 20, 2017 Posted July 20, 2017 Anyway, in terms of pure cd sales the album is still doing fine, in the US it sold 2,100 copies this week placing #87 in the top 200, the problem are sales + streaming, LP is weak compared to other bands in terms of streaming A part of the music stream is moved by video games/MMOs players... OML is very boring to hear when you are playing video games/MMOs, no energy... Quote
Soeffingnaive92 Posted July 21, 2017 Posted July 21, 2017 After what happened, I m even more convinced that OML is a TRUE album, it s honest and it speaks to heart and soul, it s Chester opening himself to us for the last time. He couldn t take all the weight he felt on his shoulders, everything was heavy for him. Just listen to the songs, some of them literally scream help and desease. It s unbelievable Quote
FLAME-XIII Posted July 21, 2017 Posted July 21, 2017 A part of the music stream is moved by video games/MMOs players... OML is very boring to hear when you are playing video games/MMOs, no energy... I like to listen OML when i'm playing CS 1.6 Quote
Jesper Posted July 22, 2017 Posted July 22, 2017 I have may not always been 100% positive about the album. But I enjoyed it since it is out. But sadly the events have shed a totally different light on the tracks. We were listening to pieces of his mind, he was literally dancing with his demons, sadly enough. I hope he found his peace. Quote
SFNL14 Posted July 22, 2017 Posted July 22, 2017 I hated this album when it came out. After what has happened, I don't like it, but I understand it. This was his way of reaching out to others, but we didn't get it. Quote
JZLP-Benningstrong Posted July 22, 2017 Posted July 22, 2017 (edited) Sharp Edges is so beautiful. Edited July 22, 2017 by jzeXlinkinparamore Quote
gorast Posted July 25, 2017 Posted July 25, 2017 I've listened to the album several more times since Thursday, and I feel like I was a little too quick to judge it initially. I wasn't connecting with any of the songs, really, aside from the last two. But the more I listen, and maybe (almost certainly) with new context, the more I can enjoy a lot of the songs. Heavy is still kind of bad, Halfway Right is boring, and Talking to Myself doesn't really land with me, but some of the other tracks have become really, really good to my ears. Maybe I just needed to open them up a little and not be weirded out by the new sound. Nobody Can Save Me is a gorgeous song. Invisible and Sorry For Now are great showcases of how far Mike has come as a singer. I'm still disappointed that there's only a single rap verse from Mike, though - one! That's crazy. Imagine finding that out in 2003. I don't know if it's because of what happened, or if it's just the additional context of letting the songs exist for a couple months. But One More Light is a much better album than I thought. Quote
Soeffingnaive92 Posted July 26, 2017 Posted July 26, 2017 Happy to see You guys giving new vault to the album. I always thought it was honest and emotional, well it s not perfect obviously, but it has his Great moments. After Chester's death some songs become masterpieces for Their lyrics, like NCSM, HR, OML and SE. Heavyv is also a lot more meaningful. 😢 Quote
spraypaintninkpens Posted July 26, 2017 Posted July 26, 2017 The two songs that were pushed to market the album, I'll never really love but as a whole, I do appreciate the album and am thankful they were able to release it before his death. Quote
darkviruz Posted July 27, 2017 Posted July 27, 2017 Have heard album now several times during a bicycle tour.Just now where Chester is no longer there, I especially like the slower songs. Quote
Soeffingnaive92 Posted July 27, 2017 Posted July 27, 2017 Shit TTM is hitting 37 million in no time Quote
Geki Posted December 29, 2017 Posted December 29, 2017 (edited) I was never able to write how I felt about the album since I was banned at the time that it came out. And since the community is basically dead, I don't mind bumping an old thread. 01. Nobody Can Save Me - Probably has the best lyrics on the album, IMO. This is basically a pop-rock song that is leaning strongly on the pop side. It's probably the best song on the album. 02. Good Goodbye - I hated this song when it first came out. This song is probably the most trap and modern day hip hop influenced song on the album by far. I don't think it really belongs on the album, either. It sounds much different in terms of attitude and sound than the rest of the album does, it's kind of almost jarring in that sense. But it has grown on me. 03. Talking To Myself - When I first heard the live performance of this song, I liked it. I think the live version of this song is superior. Something about this song just sounds better live, I don't know why, it's strange. As far as the lyrics and melody, they are very pop driven. Like Nobody Can Save Me, the sound is basically pop-rock, but this time, the song is leaning towards more the rock side of pop-rock. Overall, it's a good song. 04. Battle Symphony - When I first heard this song, I liked it. It reminded me of Minutes To Midnight, slightly. I think the lyrics are actually pretty decent in this song. It's not that good live. 05. Invisible - One of the most poppy sounding songs on the album by far. I know Mike wrote the lyrics for his kids, but I can't get past the sound and delivery of the vocals. Very ''Disney'' sounding. One of the worst songs on the album to me. I've seen people saying they liked it because it showed that Mike could sing, but I knew he could sing from No Roads Left and In Between off of Minutes To Midnight, amongst others. 06. Heavy - When clips of this song first started to surface, I tried to be optimistic about them. I hated Kiiara's guest spot here so much that I was essentially banned for it, because I got so pissed off upon hearing it. I know the lyrics meant a lot to Chester, but just because they meant a lot to the person who wrote them, doesn't mean that they have to mean a lot to me. I think it's very generic in terms of lyrical content, it's a song any human can relate to at one point or another. Linkin Park had changed their sound so much with this song that it became almost ''uncool'' to be a Linkin Park fan. I do enjoy the live version of the song more, without Kiiara. But I still don't love the song. 07. Sorry For Now - When I heard the clip of the chorus that Blackbear posted in 2016, I loved it. But if you listen to that clip and the final product, it was changed. Had a different melody, different beat and different music overall. The chipmunk shit really ruined this song for me. I didn't like how Chester rapped a verse on this track, either. A verse from Blackbear would have even been better, IMO. So all in all, I was let down by this song, but some of it is OK. 08. Halfway Right - It sounds like a third rate twenty one pilots to me for some reason. I know Chester loved that band, but still. It's just a really weird song. It sounds almost like a demo to me. I can't believe it made the album over a likely more fleshed out and advanced song. I will say that it has grown a lot on me, but idk. 09. One More Light - One of the gems of the album. It has good lyrics. It has a good performance from Chester. A lot of fans have shown relation to the song. I can't say anything bad about this song. I like it a lot. Kind of like Good Goodbye, it sounds like it doesn't fit with the rest of the songs, it definitely stands out. 10. Sharp Edges - I liked this song when I first heard it. But over time, the lyrics and pop beat that comes in midway through are what ruin it for me. I hate the lyrics ''We learn what doesn't kill us makes us stronger'', it ruins the entire song for me. I also hate the smoking cigarettes line, it's kind of corny, similar to how I thought the cigarette line from Into You by Dead By Sunrise was very corny. I like the almost folk vibe it has, but the pop-EDM type thing that comes in ruins that for me as well. I think One More Light should have closed the album. Edited April 30, 2018 by Geki Quote
Soeffingnaive92 Posted December 29, 2017 Posted December 29, 2017 I love Talking with people from the fanbase because You can find 200 different opinions about the same thing. I mean, I often agree with You Geki on a lot of things but oh on this I 100% disagree. I respect Your opinion a lot but I absolutely LOVED The album at first listen and i still play it in full like 3 Times a week. Halfway Right and Sharp Edges and NCSM are in my LP top 20 Quote
Geki Posted December 30, 2017 Posted December 30, 2017 I love Talking with people from the fanbase because You can find 200 different opinions about the same thing. I mean, I often agree with You Geki on a lot of things but oh on this I 100% disagree. I respect Your opinion a lot but I absolutely LOVED The album at first listen and i still play it in full like 3 Times a week. Halfway Right and Sharp Edges and NCSM are in my LP top 20 That's awesome that you love the album so much, even after all this time. Linkin Park has always had fans that come from each era. From the HT fanboys, to the Meteora lovers, to the MTM era fans, to the ATS and LT era fans, to the fans of THP, even OML. We shouldn't be divided as a fanbase. Doesn't have to mean that I have to like OML or everything the band has done, just like you don't have to love the older shit. We're all just humans, we like what we like. But no matter what era we love or come from, this band has impacted us all at one point or another. Quote
Soeffingnaive92 Posted December 30, 2017 Posted December 30, 2017 I totally agree on this Geki in fact I d never criticize someones taste just because it s different from mine. Unless you tell me I d use OML instead of toilet paper You can legitimately say u don t like it 😃 I mean, LP is awesome because their discography runs through different genres that appeal in different ways to different people Quote
Kilmer Posted December 30, 2017 Posted December 30, 2017 My biggest love for this album is that every song is so great to sing along to, the work on the melodies was really great. And even if they went for a poppier sound, the lyrics still have substance and meaning, they're not talking about being rich or getting hoes(except for Stormzy ) Quote
Soeffingnaive92 Posted December 30, 2017 Posted December 30, 2017 Yeah Kilmer OML is super catchy but is lyrically solid, and I love it because that s what OML was missing IMO Today I was discussing with a friend about how big LP is and I told him : all I can say is that their least successful album has hit 3 gold certifications, sold 1 million copies WW debuting #1 in the US and Top 10 everywhere in just 7 months Quote
Geki Posted December 30, 2017 Posted December 30, 2017 Yeah Kilmer OML is super catchy but is lyrically solid, and I love it because that s what OML was missing IMO Today I was discussing with a friend about how big LP is and I told him : all I can say is that their least successful album has hit 3 gold certifications, sold 1 million copies WW debuting #1 in the US and Top 10 everywhere in just 7 months Hate to be a dick but do you think it would have done that well if Chester didn't shock the world with his passing? It didn't do that well before July 20th. It still did better than THP, I think, overall, before that. But does it even matter? Sales don't mean anything. Hybrid Theory sold a Godly amount and I don't consider it the best album the band has done by a long shot. Some of my favorite songs of all time are by pretty underground artists. Anyone that doesn't already know how huge Linkin Park is has either been living under a rock for the last 17 years or is just messing with you. Quote
Soeffingnaive92 Posted December 30, 2017 Posted December 30, 2017 Yeah true, it was influenced by Chester s death absolutely, but I was just using that Number as an example to my friend of how big they are. I totally agree that sales are not a synonim of quality, I prefer ATS over Meteora and ATS in fact and I love some underground bands Quote
Geki Posted December 31, 2017 Posted December 31, 2017 Yeah true, it was influenced by Chester s death absolutely, but I was just using that Number as an example to my friend of how big they are. I totally agree that sales are not a synonim of quality, I prefer ATS over Meteora and ATS in fact and I love some underground bands Like I said, MTM was the last album that I loved right away and what not. But even though the albums after it weren't my favorite when they came out, or I liked them, ended up not liking them, liking them again, etc, I found that with Chester's death, I did start listening to all of the band's music in a different way. I have come to appreciate ATS, LT, THP, OML, more. While they aren't my favorites of all time, I've come to appreciate and like them in certain ways. Like for example, LT has Powerless, which is one of my favorite songs of all time. You know? ALITS from THP is something I think is amazing. And ATS has come pretty good to me. Quote
Soeffingnaive92 Posted December 31, 2017 Posted December 31, 2017 Yeah Chester s death affected the way we listen to LP now, for ex, before his death I had become More critical about their Music and objective, now I returned to the 15 year old me in terms of LP consideration, You know what i mean... it s weird Quote
Geki Posted December 31, 2017 Posted December 31, 2017 (edited) Yeah Chester s death affected the way we listen to LP now, for ex, before his death I had become More critical about their Music and objective, now I returned to the 15 year old me in terms of LP consideration, You know what i mean... it s weird Yeah, I totally agree. I've come to appreciate all the music now, even if it wasn't my first choice. All of the music he was ever of a part of. Edited April 30, 2018 by Geki Quote
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