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[April Fools 2017] (Good) Goodbye, Linkin Park


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It's been a long time coming, but we have a big announcement to make. We've been considering this for awhile now, but we're following in the steps of former Linkin Park crew members and moving on to a new artist. LPLive is changing gears. Our staff is aging in reverse and getting younger every day (high five, Nick!), so it's only right we change to fit our own desires. We're happy to introduce...

Justin Bieber Live

Made for the pop, by the pop.


In case you didn't know, a couple of key components of Linkin Park's live crew, such as sound engineer Pooch and Dylan Ely, another audio mixer in the crew, left the band to go join Justin Bieber's crew last year. Pooch has been so nice to us in the past, it's only right we keep on following him. In fact, we're still thinking that the site should be Pooch Live instead.

Regardless, you probably won't notice the change much. Linkin Park is full pop now, anyway. Fake pop, and we're a site that doesn't tolerate fake news. Linkin Park isn't even a real park - they even spelled "Lincoln" wrong! Instead of One More Light, we're changing our own promo campaigns to One More Purpose to support Justin's latest record.

Our first Bieber exclusive: we have information that says Justin Bieber will perform a special mashup of 'Sorry' and the Linkin Park song 'Sorry For Now' on his upcoming tour.

Every aspect of our website will be changing to accommodate our new focus. Over the next few days you'll start seeing the changes; we're working on moving the site to jblive.com, Linkinpedia is moving to Bieberpedia, and we'll be adding his shows into the live guide. We already have a new wiki page for him, as well a show page (check out the setlist for his show in London 2016 here). You won't have to worry about signing up again to the new site, as everything's being ported over. And we know you won't be leaving so there's no point having a function to delete your account. You can't leave.


There's a lot of cool things to look forward to in this new era for the site. The Bieber crew saw our old petition to bring back DSPs for the band that stopped around 2012, and will be bringing the program back with HQ recordings of Justin Bieber's shows, and they're back and bigger than ever! Now you can purchase every single show in the super deluxe audio recording package featuring colored vinyl, a personalized ringtone from Justin, and even a CD of 'Burn It Down' remixes that Pooch could never get rid of. We also have a rumor going around the Linkin Park's summer tour may feature the Biebs as the headliner, the lineup being Justin Bieber, Jared Leto and his backing band, Kiiara, and Linkin Park (in that order). This is what happens when you make fake pop. You get fake headlining contracts.

Justin puts on a crazy show - check out this wild production! Pyro! Linkin Park doesn't use that anymore because Joe gets scared and messes up all the intros to the songs due to his shaking.

Who's excited to join us for this new chapter? We've seen the YouTube comments (as well as Geki's and Castro's), so we know everyone hates Linkin Park anyway, so there was really no point continuing to go down this road. Be sure to follow our Twitter and Facebook pages (which will also be changing soon) so you get all the latest Justin Bieber news. For those select few who still like Linkin Park, rumor is that Bieber may feature on all the unrevealed tracks on One More Light, so we will have a bit more LP news to report in the future.

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]the lineup being Justin Bieber, Jared Leto and his backing band, Kiiara, and Linkin Park (in that order)..


Any idea if linkin park will bring their touring member for this tour, or it's gonna be just two of them?

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Any idea if linkin park will bring their touring member for this tour, or it's gonna be just two of them?


I'm not sure they are going to use those session musicians anymore, I think they are more a two piece now.

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Our staff is aging in reverse and getting younger every day

The Benjamin Button tease, I am excited though, cannot wait for the lipsynced mic feeds, I mean singing in 2017? Linkin Park has been overrated for years for doing that ;)

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"Justin puts on a crazy show - check out this wild production! Pyro! Linkin Park doesn't use that anymore because Joe gets scared and messes up all the intros to the songs due to his shaking." :lol: :lol: :lol:

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