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Kicking off what might be the biggest scavenger hunt in Linkin Park history...


Everyone saw the Xero demos Fiend and Drop that were just posted online, from Urban Network's Rapology 13 and 14. Everyone noticed immediately when Mike said "we're back" on Drop, meaning he could be featured in another earlier Rapology.


Almost immediately, all available copies of Rapology 13 and 14 disappeared online as collectors and fans scooped them all up. While we are pretty sure Xero isn't on a later edition, volume 11 has no available tracklisting so several fans have bought those available copies which are incoming so that they can be checked out.


HOWEVER... Drew has found the tracklisting for volume 12. It's a mess, probably because the listener on last.fm played it before naming the track titles. However, it shows one person has scrobbled this song four times.


Xero has another unreleased song entitled "Closing" on volume 12.


Announcing the massive scavenger hunt that is set to begin in 3...2...1....


Let's get it.

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Posted (edited)

Gotta be honest. It's quite sad that fans are the only ones who bother to find stuff like this instead of the band actually once in a while releasing exclusive stuff (either releasing it on iTunes, Amazon, etc or LPU), it wouldn't take that much time. I know they don't want to look back and I'm sure they're proud of what they've made, but they need to be aware that some hardcore fans still appreciate to hear more rare and unreleased tracks and not just demos on the LPU.


With that said, I hope some good human being finds that treasure even if it's buried deep down the ocean.

Edited by KlaytonShinoda

I would love to own this album.

Gotta be honest. It's quite sad that fans are the only ones who bother to find stuff like this instead of the band actually once in a while releasing exclusive stuff (either releasing it on iTunes, Amazon, etc or LPU), it wouldn't take that much time. I know they don't want to look back and I'm sure they're proud of what they've made, but they need to be aware that some hardcore fans still appreciate to hear more rare and unreleased tracks and not just demos on the LPU.


With that said, I hope some good human being finds that treasure even if it's buried deep down the ocean.

LP fans are never satisfied, bands that have fan clubs like the LPU that release demos every year are rare, it's also cool for the fans to find stuff like this.


I mean you guys do realise that it says "Closing - Xero" and not "Xero - Closing", yes?

Yes. The entire tracklist is using the "Title - Artist" format.


Such a great way to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Xero's sampler tape.

Posted (edited)

Such a great way to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Xero's sampler tape.

hadn't thought of it, but you are totally right, what could be better than getting 3 more Xero songs for the anniversary right? :D


Ontopic Note : Is there any way we can find who is the one who uploaded the track list at lastfm ?

Edited by LinkinParkDrew

Ontopic Note : Is there any way we can find who is the one who uploaded the track list at lastfm ?

We tried, no way to see who are the listeners. There's only one listener and it's probably the uploader.


LPU has released some great demos over the years. Imagine if we hadn't gotten Across The Line or Primo. Two fantastic examples and I love stuff like Cumulus, Basquiat, Pretty Birdy, etc. If we can get this other stuff via another means, people would complain the LPU isn't releasing stuff "deep in the vault" that fans can't access.


Just need Pictureboard to leak, though.


Just need Pictureboard to leak, though.

It'll be the most anticlimactic moment in the history of Linkin Park lol. I have a feeling Mike wasn't lying when he said it wasn't that great.

Posted (edited)

so i got in touch with Mtume Salaam (the guy who sold vol 13 & 14 to Almamu) this is what he told me :
(if you want me to ask him anything else let me know)

"From what I can tell, Mike Shinoda was friends with Lee Cadena, the guy who was the Executive Producer of the Rapology series. I don't know anything more about the relationship other than it seemed to be more than business based on a shout-out Lee Cadena does on one of the Rapology tracks. It sounded like they were friends, but I could be wrong.

I discovered the Linkin Park / Kenji / Mike Shinoda connection by Googling and following links online.
Mike Shinoda is also credited with Illustration for Rapology Volume 16. I just updated that listing to reflect that credit. That's all I know. I hope it helps....

I don't know the original year of release for any of the Rapologys. But it's fairly easy to determine it. Those discs were created as in-store play CDs for new rap records. Emphasis on the word 'new'. Therefore, if you Google the songs on the playlist, you will be able to tell which year the CDs came out. "
"I am the same Mtume Salaam that used to work for Warner Bros. back in the day and I did a fair amount of music journalism and writing too. That's how I ended up with the Rapology CDs - they were promotional / industry-only CDs. Never intended for commercial release.
I don't know a thing about Linkin Park specifically though.


...Those other Rapologys you guys are looking for will turn up eventually. Those CDs were fairly common back then - they pressed a decent amount of them. Of course, a lot of disappeared over the years, but they'll turn up sooner or later."

Edited by LinkinParkDrew

Very interesting information. I guess we don't need any other information from him. That confirms the 1998 date for vol14.


It'll be the most anticlimactic moment in the history of Linkin Park lol. I have a feeling Mike wasn't lying when he said it wasn't that great.


Coming from someone else who has heard it that isn't Mike, it sucks and is not a good song.


But it's just one of those things... ha.

Posted (edited)

Very interesting information. I guess we don't need any other information from him. That confirms the 1998 date for vol14.

I'm trying to get in touch with more people connecting to Rapology, you know one leads to another, so i'll get some more info soon enough (i hope)

Edited by LinkinParkDrew

Executive Order #1998: All LPLive projects both public and behind the scenes/private are on hold until further notice, aka until this Xero song is found. :P


He didn't reply to yesterday's questions from us nor another way to contact him, and we got nothing from Ryu either. We can try it, sure, but I doubt he will reply.


He didn't reply to yesterday's questions from us nor another way to contact him, and we got nothing from Ryu either. We can try it, sure, but I doubt he will reply.


I think it's more likely that he'll confirm once the tracks are found, like he did for Drop and Fiends. I get the feeling that Mike's memory of what songs are where are pretty fuzzy at best, honestly lol. He would probably be the first to admit that, too.

Posted (edited)

LPU has released some great demos over the years. Imagine if we hadn't gotten Across The Line or Primo. Two fantastic examples and I love stuff like Cumulus, Basquiat, Pretty Birdy, etc. If we can get this other stuff via another means, people would complain the LPU isn't releasing stuff "deep in the vault" that fans can't access.


Just need Pictureboard to leak, though.



So It's not volume 12 but it is volume 9. The reason I'm posting this is because maybe the seller knows information on how to obtain the other volumes. Maybe we could reach out to the seller and see what he says?


EDIT: I don't have an ebay account so it would have to be someone else.


EDIT 2: This seller is selling Rapology 13-16, maybe he knows more information?



Edit 3: This website currently has volumes 1-3. http://www.musicstack.com/show.cgi?search_type=artist&find=rapology&find_focus=0&x=7&y=12&cur=USD


Edit 4: That's all I could find with a quick google search that brought up 9 pages of results

Edited by Bliss
Posted (edited)



So It's not volume 12 but it is volume 9. The reason I'm posting this is because maybe the seller knows information on how to obtain the other volumes. Maybe we could reach out to the seller and see what he says?


EDIT: I don't have an ebay account so it would have to be someone else.


EDIT 2: This seller is selling Rapology 13-16, maybe he knows more information?



Edit 3: This website currently has volumes 1-3. http://www.musicstack.com/show.cgi?search_type=artist&find=rapology&find_focus=0&x=7&y=12&cur=USD


Edit 4: That's all I could find with a quick google search that brought up 9 pages of results


1: I don't have an ebay account either so if someone has he could pm that guy.


2: He is not a seller, he is the one who did the mastering at Rapology i have already lent him an email but if someone has LinkedIn he could contact him throught there as well : https://www.linkedin.com/in/stu-jacobs-69699113/


3: Already contacted him.


4: I have pmed about 25 Rapology owners, but i have gotten about 5 responses and they all got it randomly, if I get anything i'll let you know


Bonus: Atm since im done with the owners of Rapologys I'm trying to get in touch with people who worked for those collections.

Edited by LinkinParkDrew
Posted (edited)

I actually have LinkedIn. What should I ask him? Should I link him the thread?


Edit: I also contacted the seller of the two other Rapology samplers, but since you already got a reply in the meantime, I suppose he won't be able to tell me more^^

Edited by Seelentau

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