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New Song Title? 'Painted Me Wrong'

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Today on Mike's Instagram story, he shared a few clips of making a new beat that excited him: he took a few cowbells, played a little tune on them, then put the recorded samples through guitar pedals and a vocoder to make a cool beat. He was inspired by Michael Jackson, who in one of his songs sampled Coke bottles in the same fashion Mike did here with the cowbells. Here's the video, in case you can't see it:



What's interesting about this video is that not only is it one of the first tastes of new music we've been able to hear in awhile (since the studio updates have been largely just confirming a new album is on the way again and again without anything to show for it), but we have a potential new song title revealed!


At about 1:18 in the video above, you can see a post-it note with a few things written on it: one of which is 'Painted Me Wrong 2.7'. What exactly this is is unknown, but there's a lot of of possibilities: a new song? Could it be the title of the upcoming Blackbear X Linkin Park track?


The "2.7" could also be a variety of things - a release date (February 7?), a version number, anything! What are your thoughts on it? We've already updated the 7th Album page on Linkinpedia, so be sure to check there for more information. We'll keep you posted on any more developments.


February 7th being on a tuesday is, at least, a good coincidence. But i guess it's just the version of the song.


The only thing i can think right now is how far we may be from a release. They're still creating sounds. This is a step far from the end. All those pictures os studio with guitars show how they are still in the creative process, and after that we still got production, mixing, mastering, the graphic part, marketing, and everything burocratic.

Well, take your time LP. I can see things are to be released at least 4 or 5 months from now.

Posted (edited)

February 7th being on a tuesday is, at least, a good coincidence. But i guess it's just the version of the song.


The only thing i can think right now is how far we may be from a release. They're still creating sounds. This is a step far from the end. All those pictures os studio with guitars show how they are still in the creative process, and after that we still got production, mixing, mastering, the graphic part, marketing, and everything burocratic.


Well, take your time LP. I can see things are to be released at least 4 or 5 months from now.


The demo idea thing sounds awesome. It sounds kind of like ATS in a way. I like that. If the album is more of stuff like in this direction as opposed to full on pop I will be happy. But I'll probably love the album regardless because it's LP.


I would say maybe a single in March and then album in June. It's basically October now and like you said, it seems like they are still in the creating sounds phase which isn't close to finishing up an album at all. The thing that a lot of people forget is that it takes months for an album to come out even once it's done. With MTM, the final deadline ended up being February 2007 and that's when they finished it. But the album didn't end up coming out until May 2007. With ATS, I'm assuming the final deadline was maybe June 2010 and then the album ended up coming out in September 2010. With LT and THP, the album wasn't even finished being written yet when they released the first singles (BID and GATS). They ended coming out about 3 of 4 months after those initial singles came out. So think about it. The album probably isn't very close to being done yet. They probably haven't even chosen which songs will make the cut yet. And then once they do that, they have to further narrow it down for the album. We know the band chooses more songs to make the cut then what appears on the album because it's further narrowed down (examples are stuff like ATL and Blackbirds).


Basically, what I'm saying is that we are probably a long time away. June 2017 is now my new guess.

Edited by Geki
Posted (edited)

Makes sense the band waiting the LPU XVI release and all those holiday mass releases, then droping a single in january/february and the album 1 or 2 months later

Edited by vinifeijo

I think it may also be useful to look at the whole paper, because in full it says 'PAINTED ME wrong 2.7 To Both DB13' which may mean a variety of things. For example the 'DB13' that he wrote may be a chord (Db13), a sound generator or an effect. And I'm not sure if it really says 'wrong', because that 'R' looks more like a 'P', since it doesn't have any line that goes aslant (I mean like this '\'), and it can't be a small 'r' either, because that letter has a ring or a 'D' looking shape in it. Another important thing to notice is that it looks like 'Painted me' looks like it is written in capital letters, which could indicate that only 'Painted me' is the song name. What do you think ?


I read the below line as "To Both DBX's".


The cowbell remembered me a little "Tools of the trade"


I actually thought about Tools Of The Trade as well when Mike was talking about how Michael Jackson came up with the idea by using Coke bottles and stuff.


I think the deadline is Christmas and the album will be out in March.


Make sense since Rock in Rio Brazil made an offer for Linkin Park. The event will be on September... Album might come before April. In time to announce the touring dates.


Make sense since Rock in Rio Brazil made an offer for Linkin Park. The event will be on September... Album might come before April. In time to announce the touring dates.

When they release the album in March they might play some shows in the US before going to Europe and playing these big events.


Maybe it's just me but when they use hashtag "#LINKINPARK2016:, i'm confident that they will release the album this year.

they haven't been using that hashtag for a while right

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