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The fourth bi-monthly track for the LPUnderground 15 package is here, and this time it's a 1999 Demo entitled 'GRR'. The track is one of the shortest released Linkin Park songs to date, clocking in at an impressive 27 seconds. The song itself if pretty simple, composing of a beat, effected piano, and some minor background synths on repeat for a few seconds.


We've heard the song before, and quite recently, too. It's first use was back in 2003, in the LPTV episode "The Art Of Meteora". Mark Fiore strikes again! It was most recently used in the recent time-lapse clip of the band in the studio, posted in April on the band's Instagram and Facebook pages.


LPU Members can go to the LPU Shop after logging in to download the song for free.


The song can be heard at the 3:13 second mark in this 2003 episode of LPTV.

Linkin Park's next studio release is shaping up, and as more info comes in, things are starting to get a bit exciting. Be sure to follow us on Twitter, like our Facebook page, and register on the forums to make sure you don't miss any updates!


I'm really pretty disappointed. I mean, it doesn't sound bad, but 28 seconds? Plus 17 seconds of it was released two months ago? Mike's discussion video was over three times as long as the track


I'm really pretty disappointed. I mean, it doesn't sound bad, but 28 seconds? Plus 17 seconds of it was released two months ago? Mike's discussion video was over three times as long as the track

you're not the only one! I waited 2 months for a song that's 28 seconds???!!! Oh well, next song might be good. (I liked HURRY a lot)

Posted (edited)

HURRY was better than this for sure. Guys, why you can't just release a demo featuring Chester's and Mike's vocals for the sake of our ears? Or I don't know, cooler and longer tracks maybe?

Edited by KlaytonShinoda

HURRY was better than this for sure. Guys, why you can't just release a vocal demo featuring Chester's and Mike's vocals for the sake of our ears? Or I don't know, cooler and longer tracks maybe?

I hope they do…


I almost thought he was going to mention High Voltage in the track by track video, when he said they were leaning towards one hip hop song on Hybrid Theory. The ending of Cure For The Itch has the same strings as the intro of the High Voltage remix (on the OSC single, not H! Vltg3). It would have fit there pretty well, but definitely would have been a different style than the album. Strong, strong track though. I probably would have put it there in the end.

Posted (edited)

It's a cool track, but it's definitely not worth waiting 2 months for. Especially because they already gave us more than half of the track two months ago and we know they have more interesting stuff. Doesn't even need to be vocal stuff, I would love to get the original long version of "Technique" for example.


I also wouldn't mind if "Grr" was included in the initial CD release. At least we would be getting other demos too instead of only a 27 second track.

They announced 12 tracks for LPU 15 but instead Mike split Pods into 3 different tracks for no reason at all, taking up the place of two other demos they could potentially release.

Edited by lpliveusername

I'm not disappointed in the song, I just wish it was fleshed out (which it probably was at some point.) After seeing these throwaway demos, you'd come to the conclusion that they're just running out of content that they want to hold on because they might use it in the future. On the other hand, we've heard so many things like "they had a full album before Meteora that was scrapped" and "100 demos for minutes to midnight" that were whittled down.


At the end of the day, I don't know what to believe, but the trend has been a little worse quality in LPU albums from year to year since 2009. I feel like releasing one long demo as 3 tracks, with two sub minute tracks is tough to swallow for those like myself who purchased the CD.


I don't mean to complain though, I'm still appreciative that they go out of their way to give us this music every year. The alternative is no music, and they've released more than their share over the years IMO


I'm not disappointed in the song, I just wish it was fleshed out (which it probably was at some point.) After seeing these throwaway demos, you'd come to the conclusion that they're just running out of content that they want to hold on because they might use it in the future. On the other hand, we've heard so many things like "they had a full album before Meteora that was scrapped" and "100 demos for minutes to midnight" that were whittled down.


At the end of the day, I don't know what to believe, but the trend has been a little worse quality in LPU albums from year to year since 2009. I feel like releasing one long demo as 3 tracks, with two sub minute tracks is tough to swallow for those like myself who purchased the CD.


I don't mean to complain though, I'm still appreciative that they go out of their way to give us this music every year. The alternative is no music, and they've released more than their share over the years IMO


Like you said, they've shown in the past that they've created so much music in previous album sessions, I find it hard to believe that they've used up their interesting content. Not to mention they really haven't given us that much unreleased demo content. A majority of content we got prior to LPU9 was live music.


There's so much more that they can give us other than a less than half a minute track. Demos of completed songs, demos that we've already heard in LPTV/Making Of's/whatever else, significant live performances, more Mmm... Cookies-like stuff, remixes, hell, they could even re-release the Xero demo tape in high quality and I'd be happy.


I'm not even entirely that disappointed in the length, more so that it was already released without us knowing it two months ago already, exclusively. Why did we wait 2 months for something we already had?


As a Linkin Park fan, I'm glad I can have this "full" demo in an official way.

It's short? Yeah... but it's a demo.

2 months for 27 secs? Maybe they could include it on the CD or release 2 demos this month to compensate.


But hey, in the end you're all "bitching" for having more official content??


With the 100 MTM seeds, it's truly doubtful that they're scraping the bottom of the barrel and releasing short demos like these because they don't have any more. They have SHITLOADS of demos. The trend has been releasing a lot of really old stuff lately, that's cool though.


If they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel THIS bad at this point (we all know there's better stuff in the vault, but it's becoming clear that they can't/won't release a large portion of it for whatever reason), I feel like it's probably about time that they went back to the 6-track EP format of the first 6 LPU CDs. I'd take that and knocking the price down a bit over stuff like this coming out every other month.

I'll be honest, I haven't found a single LPU track to actually be memorable since LPU 13. It's been a really bad dry spell...


I'll be honest, I haven't found a single LPU track to actually be memorable since LPU 13. It's been a really bad dry spell...


LPU XIV was almost a complete bust for me too. LPU XIII had legit 5 songs I thought were great, the best LPU CD since LPU 9, and the followup of LPU XIV was a letdown. But we had an album that year, so we knew 99% instrumentals were coming. Rhinocerous is the only saving grace of any kind on that CD to me. Some stuff shouldn't be released and those tracks would be the extremely early seeds like we see with the Berlin songs.


For LPU 15, I really like the Pods tracks but I do feel like they could have been in one mp3 track. Mike didn't make them that way so it doesn't bother me much that they are separate. The two pretty good songs on LPU 15 are Chance of Rain, a full b-side, and Hurry. Hurry is interesting just because of the similarities to So Far Away.


I can't complain because we are getting stuff we wouldn't normally get. I also think it'd be nice if we got a demo of The Messenger or something. Is the band afraid of the response an epic song like Primo got? "This is so much better than the album version", etc?


If the PODs tracks were all together, we'd end up with the 10 track normal we've had since LPUX, so it really does feel like they were split for the sake of filling up space since the album was being cut in half for the bi-monthly thing. I honestly felt this year had some pretty good choices aside from GRR and the PODs split up


I will agree that LPU14 was the worst of the demo focused LPU albums. I liked Mike's Breaking the Habit demo for the sake of knowing it's backstory, but on its own, it's not very good. LPU9 was for sure the best. Good mix of songs from different years, and a variety of instrumentals and songs with lyrics. Drawing is one of my favorite LPU tracks


Primo was amazing. I'd love more stuff like that. The problem with Primo in my opinion though was they released it early for everyone, making it seem like that LPU album was gonna have stuff of that quality, then it ended up being the best track on the album


5 demos with vocals and 5 without... Yeah GRR is short but i remember when i was watching lputv for first time in 04/05 or so, I liked this beat very much. And now we have it in wav that's really cool


You know… after listening to Grr a couple times, the song feels like an interlude. Maybe the LPU will follow it up with a longer song with vocals??? I hope so!

LPU CDs are not albums the best description to. me is that they are compilations.


LPU CDs are not albums the best description to. me is that they are compilations.

Or EPs but yeah I see what you mean. but In LPU9 they followed up a short song (Stick And Move) with a MTM b-side (Across The Line) I know we'll get something better than this next time, I just don't know what.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've been trying to think about why they released this song, and I might have a reason.


I think lately they've been releasing a lot of old old songs. (GRR, Hurry, Pods). We haven't been used to this stuff because they usually have recent era songs/demos.



I think somewhere down the line, in the past couple years, they released a demo and ended up wanting to use it for a seed in a potential song after.


It would make sense why we're getting 15 year old demos or close to finished songs with vocals that they know they'll never use. Grudgematch was stagelight with Mike throwaways, Animals and Basil were both throwaway Mike verses as far as I'm concerned, Chance of Rain was basically taken as far as it would ever be, and the rest have been pre 2000 instrumentals.


You look back on the previous years and the one thing most of them have that 15 doesn't have is anything in between songs taken as far as they can go and 15+ year old demos.


I honestly think they started being more selective on what makes it on the album, and opening up more seeds to possibly being reworked for final songs on future albums.



Or it's just a conspiracy theory and they needed a 30 second instrumental to balance out all the vocals this year

Posted (edited)

I've been trying to think about why they released this song, and I might have a reason.


I think lately they've been releasing a lot of old old songs. (GRR, Hurry, Pods). We haven't been used to this stuff because they usually have recent era songs/demos.



I think somewhere down the line, in the past couple years, they released a demo and ended up wanting to use it for a seed in a potential song after.


It would make sense why we're getting 15 year old demos or close to finished songs with vocals that they know they'll never use. Grudgematch was stagelight with Mike throwaways, Animals and Basil were both throwaway Mike verses as far as I'm concerned, Chance of Rain was basically taken as far as it would ever be, and the rest have been pre 2000 instrumentals.


You look back on the previous years and the one thing most of them have that 15 doesn't have is anything in between songs taken as far as they can go and 15+ year old demos.


I honestly think they started being more selective on what makes it on the album, and opening up more seeds to possibly being reworked for final songs on future albums.



Or it's just a conspiracy theory and they needed a 30 second instrumental to balance out all the vocals this year

Probably the latter haha

But seriously, I think you're right

Edited by RickLPL

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