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Everything posted by Aiman

  1. who knows maybe they'll release some unreleased stuff from every era except MTM lol
  2. hmm chester says "whoaa" 4 times in the chorus. i think i know why its called inside of me
  3. i love his LOATR remix but no one else seemed to like it. everytime i listen to it i think about how mike talked about finding the right sound for a song and i thought he nailed it with this remix.
  4. i was just thinking of something. it was completely random. i thought it would be pretty rad if they performed WTH>YOU and mike can replace aceyalone's with a verse from Right Now.
  5. i love you with all of my heart.
  6. i hope someone uploads it soon. i will NEVER buy mp3s ever in my life.
  7. i was gonna say that exact same thing. i found that out when he posted the DTA remix.
  8. http://www.lplive.net/shows/20080129.php In Between wasnt released on the Given Up CD single it was just released on the digital single
  9. its great but i recommend you create some extra vocal effects like some extra echoes or something. same with your new divide remix. you're really talented with making beats. they sound great and are very catchy. i also think it would sound nicer with the original piano loop but thats just me
  10. ive seen alot better ambigrams. this one looks like it says "LIDKIN HHHH"
  11. i recognized it was metric right away. i havent heard that song before so i didnt know it was a remix until i saw the credits. i wonder if mike will make it a free download.
  12. dont get your hopes up man. just expect it to be the worst thing ever and you wont be as dissapointed or youll be even happier (depending on the CD of course)
  13. id say its about the same as CC in a DVD case and possibly LIT in the DVD case as well.
  14. i have a feeling if mike tells us about the song he'll just tell us the name or the style and that'll make us want it more. but if we kinda get the message clear that we really want to hear it then maybe he can do something about that.
  15. its just an ambigram that says linkin park lol nothin too special
  16. Aiman


    if you need help with that you should use ninwiki as inspiration. thats a good site.
  17. on the lpumb. lol i actually searched for that just to make sure. and it took forever since "dc hat" are both under 4 letters lol damn lpu. and dont worry man i still love chester and well i guess i realized that chester and i have very different tastes of clothing ya i remember when i saw pictures/videos of him without a hat it felt like he was naked lol
  18. pfft lol coming from the same people who bitched about mike not wearing a hat anymore...
  19. why is chester so weird now... first eye liner then skinny jeans now a dress wtf
  20. Aiman

    LPC is back

    yes i loved that site
  21. when i made that post it just mentioned sources for ABC HD and it said "MTV: New Divide only".
  22. how bout a site icon this way when i add it to my bookmarks bar it'll show a picture instead of a blank piece of paper lol
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