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Everything posted by Aiman

  1. my guess is classic rock vocals and or/guitar mixed with heavy electronic instrumentation
  2. i dont see how its cliche. if he believes in God and wants to thank him then whats the problem?
  3. i thought MTM had their best music videos, except for BIO of course. SOTD and LOATR are really interesting and GU just kicks ass. WID and WMI are pretty cool too. i dont like ND though...
  4. well the first person he thanked on HT was God if that says anything to you...
  5. what does this hafta do with the crawl back in video premiering on myspace? and thats not the official one. the only part thats official is up to the 2nd verse. that was the part that played at the title screen on the BTH DVD. the rest is made from that.
  6. ya i saw that on FTG a long time ago http://www.forfeitthegame.com/mike-on-met.html
  7. the audience from MSG was phenomenal when Jay-Z came out. they were amazingly loud the whole performance and it was just incredible to hear them get even louder when he said "From Marcy to Madison Square". that was so much win. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZL9QqwDl43k
  8. everyone always gives chester beef for singing now and i havent really heard anyone mention how mike got SO MUCH better live since FM. before he used to be kind of whiny but now he has a great flow with all of his rap parts.
  9. i think if brad can remix FM, then Mike, who has remixed for Depeche Mode (a huge influence for JK) can remix DBS.
  10. thanks lol i removed the top one. i made that one first and then thought it needed some improvements
  11. how about this one or if you're interested, i made one. and i truly am sorry if its complete garbage:
  12. maybe if were lucky mike will remix one.
  13. someone should ask mike or phoenix about that.
  14. thats completely normal for a rock band. LP isnt the only band to do that. the fact that we have 4 LP a cappella's on CD/Vinyl is pretty rare. the only other time ive ever heard of a rock band releasing an a cappella was Korn. you really only see it commonly with Pop/R&B/Rap. but i am kind of surprised that MA isnt on there.
  15. yes i know. im asking if thats how people found out about it or if the band told people about it
  16. For Hybrid Theory they had the 4 little emblems as a logo (the arrow, the LP sign, the signature and the graph). For Meteora they had the LP logo with the 4 brackets and backwards "P".
  17. lol who cares which show its from. theyre only 2 seconds each
  18. maybe its a member of Far? i didnt know that. did they ever mention that they wrote it or were they quiet about it like the Little Boxes cover
  19. lol knowing you i expected you to list out every LP song thats not credited to all of LP
  20. http://deadbysunrise.net just redirects to their myspace page link
  21. ya dude they have t-shirts for like $300!
  22. if they did play an LP song i could really only see them playing Given Up. sure there's other contenders like New Divide and possibly BTH but i see Given Up as the closest to DBS genre-wise.
  23. i was so happy when i found that out. both of those guys suck miserably.
  24. My December and all the HTEP songs except for Carousel and Part of Me arent the whole LP
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