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Everything posted by danielpsoad-09

  1. I guess most of the songs on my list are somewhat "unrealistic" but since the question is about songs we'd "like" to see, I would have a A Line in the Sand and QWERTY at the top of the list. Then, I'd put Powerless as another option because it'd be awesome to see it performed live and also because I think Emily would crush it. Having said that, I'm fully expecting them to add FZ songs to replace some of the "deep cuts" they played this year as opposed to adding more deep cuts.
  2. As a drummer, this was pretty fun to watch. It's also nice to have a visual reference for the songs I haven't covered on my channel yet lol so thanks Drumeo!
  3. Emily pushing Dave was hilarious. Can't wait for some studio footage now that the album is out.
  4. I'll be in in Nashville and Greenville. GA tickets for both.
  5. As a long time, hardcore fan, I can at least tell you I'm more excited to see this "version" of the band than the band that toured during the last few years with Chester (THP and OML tours). Production is better, the band sounds fantastic, the setlists are amazing, 2 hour shows, there's a guitar player on stage that seems to enjoy what he does, the list goes on ...
  6. So it looks LP will be using both stages in the US. I plan on getting tickets for Nashville and Greenville, and both shows have different stage setups:
  7. I really like that From Zero Liquid Cream Tee, but zero chance I'd drop $35 on a t-shirt lol
  8. I'm kinda surprised where they ended up putting the US dates. I was fully expecting them to do a Winter US tour. Anyway, I'll try to do Greenville in May and definitely Nashville in August.
  9. I have listened to the album several times now and I quite enjoy it. It sure feels short but as a comeback album, I think it does a great job at reminding people what LP is all about , including some experimentation although for the most part it's a pretty "safe" album. My favorite songs are probably Casualty, Good Things Go and IGYEIH. We'll see how it ages but I think it'll rank higher than OML and LT for me. I hope next time around they do get to experiment a little bit more and they go beyond than a collection of 2 or 3 minute songs with the good ole classic song structures.
  10. So glad they'll be playing Nashville! Source: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/15NKcgmi3u/
  11. Overall the show left me with good feelings. I think Emily will eventually find her footing, at least I hope. I do agree she was trying way too hard to hit that "raspiness" that Chester was known for in some of the songs (Catayst, SIB). I think she sounded best when doing clean singing or straight up yelling/screaming. The problem was the in between. The hardest part will be getting used to the old songs being perfomred in a different key, but it makes sense why they had to do it that way.
  12. I dig the song and I'm both shocked and pumped that a new album was kept a secret in this day and age. I pre-ordered the CD Box Set + Zine. I wish the album was a little longer but if the songs are good, I guess that's irrelevant.
  13. The melodies are nice, but I guess this song doesn't really have anything "special" that would make it different from other OML songs (it reminded me a bit of Halfway Right) so it makes sense it didn't make the album cut (Lost/Numb situation). As far as the collection release, it seems kinda odd/rushed so I wonder if Mike and the band are really fully on board with this. I mean, Mike has been pretty active on social media in the last few months promoting his stuff but has barely said anything about this upcoming release. Anyway, if it's just a vinyl release, I guess I'll just save money lol don't care for vinyl. Also, no THP is a disgrace (it's my favorite LP Album). If it had been a "greatest hits" I would have understood it, but if it's a compilation of singles, put at least one song there.
  14. Just based on all the press the LP guys did during HT20 and M20, my gut feeling is that Mike, Dave and Joe are 100% on board on continuing with LP, Brad is cautiously optimistic about it, and Rob may be the one who does not want to continue as LP. Anyway, good for Mike for continuing to do music but I honestly have no interest for any of his solo stuff.
  15. Mike's interview with Amazon Music:
  16. Here are a bunch of Phoenix interviews for Meteora|20:
  17. A couple of new interviews with Mike: Lou Brutus / HardDrive Online Radio: Zach Sang Show:
  18. I ordered from the LP store on August 13, literally within an hour of pre orders being available. Package hasn't even shipped yet.
  19. Same eagle shirt at HotTopic for $17.52 https://www.hottopic.com/product/linkin-park-eagle-t-shirt/11410812.html#q=linkin%2Bpark&start=2. Sure, probably different (lower?) quality, but still a better deal.
  20. Check your PMs. I have two codes (LPU and Ticketmaster) to give away. I can't attend this show but I'd be happy to help members of this page.
  21. This is such a conflict for me. I'm a huge LP fan. I'm a fucking huge Chester fan. I would even go as far as to say I'm a bigger Chester fan than LP fan. One part of me wants them to just call it quits because Chester cannot be replaced. But another of part of me thinks it's just no fair for the rest of the guys. I mean, they have worked their butts off to be the band they are now, and it's just not fair for them to "start over" with a different name just because of what happened. Anyway, I'll support them no matter what they decide to do.
  22. Corey Taylor on Chester´s passing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6nDyC4Tkhw
  23. Great idea and work guys! I don't know if this is an on-going thing, but here's some more messages that I've seen: Tom Morello: https://twitter.com/tmorello/status/888191855598465026 Scott Stapp (Creed): https://www.facebook.com/ScottStapp/posts/10155578376808866:0 Shavo Odadjian (SOAD): https://www.instagram.com/p/BWylkadhwh6/?taken-by=shavoodadjian I Prevail: https://www.facebook.com/IPrevailBand/photos/a.387835951378344.1073741828.245054295656511/859436987551569/?type=3&theater Oliver Sykes (Bring me the Horizon): https://www.instagram.com/p/BWx4QQNliEe/?taken-by=olobersykes Scott Phillips (Creed, Alter Bridge, Projected): https://www.instagram.com/p/BWzV62WBDjl/ Slipknot: https://www.facebook.com/slipknot/photos/a.113128182671.101333.6478112671/10155019153382672/?type=3&theater Lars Ulrich (Metallica): https://twitter.com/larsulrich/status/888120800863174657 Vadim Pruzhanov (Dragonforce): https://twitter.com/vadlife/status/888507703248777218 Breaking Benjamin; https://www.instagram.com/p/BW0iyAhlxjM/?taken-by=breakingbenjamin
  24. I'm devastated and speechless. I'm still in denial. This is so fuckin sad
  25. A couple of new interviews with Mike: ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GYtec2sphU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K57_sJhopsA
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