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Everything posted by rav0k

  1. I'm not going to quote the picture to save space...but LMFAO
  2. It's not based on luck though really. There's not equal chance in a situation where people vote for what is "best". Don't you remember what happened during the Fort Minor contest? Same exact thing. There were so many AMAZING remixes but the elitist remixers (community) on the website disregarded anything that sounded less than professional as far as the mix and sound quality goes. Mike only heard what was left over, thus choosing a remix of a person beatboxing with some arcade game music playing in the background (copyrighted material mind you). So yeah... there is really nothing fair about it. =P It will be really fun but it's still debatable if its worth someones time. If they are doing it just for fun and hope that maybe they get lucky, then sure. That's what I will be doing. For someone who is hoping to come out of this with some recognition of some sort for their hard work that may not be of standards for most of the LP community, well they might just be better off watching Judge Judy or something. Agreed.
  3. Just to once again clarify, I have nothing against the creative abilities of Alex and Astat. I was basically just stating my pet peeve against those who don't take the time to properly evaluate all music in contests such as this simply because they only care about the person they "have heard of". They both have my support. I shall be entering this myself as I have added a few instruments to my collection within the past month or so! I also live next to Trent Reznor...(just kidding, you would probably all shit your pants from fright if I was serious.)
  4. I'm not knocking their talent, I'm just trying to make the point that there are many other musicians (who have played shows as well) that are part of this website. I would hate to see everyone else shut off just because people "know of" the other.
  5. I'm just messing with you. Edit: I must return to my slumber, good luck to all who enter.
  6. Well, no disrespect to Astat, what has he done that you know of besides covering Linkin Park's music? edit: I have heard some original stuff from him but I wasn't aware he made that public. So are you implying that I have no talent simply because you don't like my style? I feel so much love in these forums today.
  7. Well to be blunt, let's use this equation: Subject A: Attractive, has expensive recording equipment, sounds professional Subject B: Not attractive, has very low quality recording equipment, extremely talented The shallow minds of the masses will choose Subject A, granted this is all my opinion and not scientifically proven...but you can just see it yourself most of the time, especially when you ask people why they choose one over the other. Edit: That was a very poor example of an equation. LOL
  8. LOL The Catalyst (featuring Trent Reznor)
  9. Just my input, if this system is based on votes...true talent never wins. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.
  10. I have a feeling it will just be the instrumental stems, no vocals (a few select words if any).
  11. I was actually just making fun of the whole situation. Covering music is one thing, but creating something original is a whole different ball game.
  12. Alex can sound like Chester.. Astat knows Linkin Park's guitar riffs inside and out.... but you want a remixer? I say we revive DJ Bloodfrost. Who's with me?
  13. I can already tell that I need to have my caffeine ready..
  14. Well unless he's gonna whip out an epic remix or something, I don't think they will want two Chester's on the same song.
  15. rav0k

    Puzzle Solved

    You mean...Minutes to Midnight?
  16. LOL That's all I have to say.
  17. That would be impossible because Mike has a hat.
  18. Does it really matter? I did not like Minutes to Midnight at all but I am pretty stoked about this next album, considering it was called a progressive approach. Edit: My first time posting on 4.0, I must say it is quite sick. Nice job guys.
  19. To be honest, I never heard the "Mike Rolled" term. All you have to do is replace Rick with any name, as it is a meme for this generation. lol Got a Coke that tastes like Mountain Dew? You got Coke Rolled.

  20. Damn...been a long time since I have seen that.
  21. Time to sue the band, as that was the hidden message I found. Of course, I am kidding.
  22. What is your favorite Linkin Park live moment and why? From 2000 to now, whether it's a show you've been to or not, what is your favorite moment of the band's live history? My favorite Linkin Park live moment has to be when they covered My Own Summer from Deftones. The song captured a certain vibe that Linkin Park had as a band and it was just a great choice for a cover. I remember listening to it every single day, despite how bad the quality was. My second favorite moment would have to be randomly meeting Samantha Bennington and Markku (Bassist from Hoobastank) at the Alltel Arena show in 2004 on the side of the pit. I didn't know who either of them were at the the time...and since then, Samantha is no longer with Chester and Markku quit Hoobastank. Guess I'm bad luck all around LOL I personally miss the 2000-2003 era of Linkin Park, perhaps it was just my youth that made all of their live experience seem so surreal but I felt like I could use that atmosphere as an escape from reality. Good times..
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