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Everything posted by RogueSoul

  1. http://thehuntingparty.linkinpark.com/us/ We're getting a professional recording of at least the Hybrid Theory portion of the show. EDIT: I hope this still stands for if you previously bought the package. That would suck if it didn't.
  2. Maybe KTTK will be the LGM of the THP Era.
  3. Damn, that sucks! I wonder if they'll make up the show?
  4. Mike is going to be a guest star on Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday, June 20th on HBO, at 10 PM EST / PST. SOURCE: linkinpark.com
  5. KTTK will either suck or be amazing live. There will be no in between.
  6. For those interested, Imagine Dragons released the song for the movie. It's a great song, my only complaint is that it takes awhile to get going. I love the part where it really gets going (Around 1:50)
  7. I'm really excited to see how this touring cycle will plan out, they sound more excited than ever to be on the road.
  8. Somethings I'd like to see for Carnivores: Set A 1. The Catalyst / The Requiem 2. Lost In The Echo 3. Given Up (Ext. Outro w/ Extra Note) OR No More Sorrow (Long Intro) 4. Points Of Authority 5. Rebellion 6. All For Nothing 7. One Step Closer (Ext. Outro) 8. Blackout (Instrumental; Papercut Beat Transition Outro) 9. Papercut (Short) 10. With You (Short) 11. Runaway (Short; Outro Transition) OR Forgotten (Short; Outro Transition) 12. Wastelands 13. Mike Solo Medley (Outro Transition) 14. Numb (Numb/Encore Intro & Outro) 15. Castle Of Glass (Experience Version; Piano Transition) 16. Drawbar 17. In The End 18. Robot Boy (Instrumental) 19. Burn It Down OR New Divide 20. Waiting For The End 21. Joe Solo Medley 22. Faint (Ext. Outro) --------------------------------- 23. Keys To The Kingdom 24. Until It's Gone (Ext. Intro w/ New Divide, Catalyst & NMS; Ext. Outro) 25. Final Masquerade 26. What I've Done (Ext. Bridge Solo) 27. Bleed It Out (Ext. Bridge w/ Catalyst Refrain; Ext. Ending)
  9. You have a good point. I honestly completely forgot how close this date was to the end of the Euro Tour haha. Something interesting that I'm unsure will happen though, is that bands like to take requests from fans at this show. 30 Seconds To Mars (who often takes requests, though) and I believe Avenged Sevenfold took requests for songs to be played at the show and complied. Maybe LP will do the same, it being an intimate show and all.
  10. Short review as I listen: Keys To The Kingdom: Amazing intro to the album. LP has finally abandoned their logic to opening quietly then exploding into a massive track (though I do love each intro to every album) and open with this distorted scream. Chester destroys it and Mike sounds amazing. I would also like to note that the kid at the end immediately reminded me of MMM...Cookies. 10/10 All For Nothing: One of Mike's best verses I've heard yet, Wastelands has is beat though! I couldn't really identify Paige's part upon my first listen, so I'll have to go back and listen to it when I can. Overall a great song, really punch-in-the-face-y. 9/10 Guilty All The Same: This song sounds brand new within the album. It now has a definitive place between songs and doesn't just serve as this monstrous intro. While still huge in its sound, it felt as if I was listening to it for the first time again. It had a new perspective, I'd say. 10/10 The Summoning: Sounds a bit weird first time around. I like its weirdness and atmosphere, though. Nice track overall. 8/10 War: Is this LP? This is like early-Green Day on steroids. Chester's vocals are epic. I do feel this song wouldn't be possibly if he hadn't joined STP, he needs inspiration for this type of older-sounding stuff and needs to know how to deliver. As for Brad's solo: Holy shit. That's some intense stuff! 10/10 Wastelands: One of, if not the, best verses Mike has laid down yet. Mike goes hard in a rebellious-style chant similar to the feel of When They Come For Me. I love jamming to the song on guitar and it still rocks hard. I still feel as if this one sounded new, I feel like that's because it now has a place within this godly album. 10/10 Until It's Gone: I don't what it is about this album, but the songs that have been revitalized. Even though I've listened to Wastelands through Rebellion in an attempt to get a feel of the tracks leading into each other, they all just sound more massive to me. UIG sounds incredible, better than I've heard it before. 10/10 Rebellion: The only complaint I have on this album so far is the transition into this song. I really don't understand the baby noise. However, I won't let that detract from what may be one of the greatest songs I've ever heard. When the synth comes in after the main riff plays over a few times, I can't help be reminded of some medieval knights. This song defines what the band wanted when they said they were creating a "visceral" record. 10/10 ------Took a break to eat food right here.------ Mark The Grave: The song begins with a happy, sweet guitar riff, but then explodes. The song features a massive riff to begin, soft verses featuring a duet between Mike and Chester (which is somewhat reminiscent of the vocal progression of the last verse of Blackout). You can actually hear Phoenix! The song's breakdown features a heavy riff again, this time it feels inspired by Deftones. Chester's vocal performance on this track is fantastic, mother of god. 10/10 Drawbar: An interesting track. Beautiful piano and a atmospheric synth thing accompanying the piano. I'm honestly really unsure where Morello's part in the song is. Is it that synth? Rob's drumming in this is superb, it reminds me a little of The Little Things Give You Away. I love the track for its soothing nature, but Morello could have certainly be mixed up more. Truly fantastic piano work by Shinoda. I feel this song could be used as an outro transition of sorts live, maybe for Numb (like The Radiance was) or the outro to COG. 8/10 Final Masquerade: My pre-album release favorite track. I can't say right now if it's dethroned, but upon my first listen it has not. Then again, I haven't listened to ALITS yet. Chester's vocal performance is the best on this song, whereas MTG showcases his range, this one shows off his technique and ability to sing. Brad's solo is beautiful, it does have the Green Day feel I've heard it compared to. Can't wait to hear this one live. If it doesn't explode and get massive airplay, I will lose hope in society. ∞/10 A Line In The Sand: This song is probably what I've been most excited for prior to release. It opens up softly, with sounds of a battle heard muffled in the background. Mike's vocals, oh my god - or should I say, oh my Shinoda. The song goes from a ATS or MTM sounding song into a massive, progressive metal track. The guitar, while somewhat similar to GATS (They both utilize power chords in a similar fashion, the 5th fret and 8th fret specifically being used in succession to each other). While Chester sounds amazing in the chorus, Mike is really shining. A now he whips out a verse. I'm at a loss of words right now. This is a song I've wanted to listen to for the past few years. I could never find a song that was like this. Now I have. This just beat out Final Masquerade as my favorite track on the album. I can't begin to start how much win this song is. I need one of those signs from the Russia flash mob in 2012 that says "Mike is sex". I now fully agree. ∞ x ∞/10 Total: 10/10 - Possibly my new favorite album. Will post a full, in depth review once I get to hear the album a few more times.
  11. Definitely gonna post a review when I get a few more listens. Halfway through ATN, Holy fucking shit.
  12. iTunes Stream for the U.S. is out now: http://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZContentLink.woa/wa/link?path=linkinpark
  13. I'm guessing it'll be streamed at midnight in the U.S. store.
  14. LP is to play the Red Bull Sound Space on June 17, 2014 - The day of the U.S. release of THP! The event is going to be webcasted as well, so this may be the first proshot we get of some new songs! Source: KROQ Are any members of LPLive going to try and get into the show? Who's going to watch the livestream?
  15. Waiting it out until I get the CD. ...or until a leak in 320kbps comes out
  16. Didn't realize about the GU thing. However, about the WID thing - I completely forgot to go back and edit that, I was jamming too hard to the performance haha. I'll keep that in mind for the next time I do the post.
  17. Little Ponies Live - Made for the ponies, by the ponies.
  18. So much insanity still going on about this show, there's not a pre-show post for RiP
  19. This stream sounds so much better than the leak. SO pumped for the rest of the album. This is my favorite of the 5 that we have.
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