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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. Mike also said : ''If you look at some of the actual demo NUMBBBB ummmh like the year numbers'' To me that's a confirmation that we will get a demo for Numb, he messed up.
  2. Everytime I read ''CHINA'' I can imagine Trump saying it LOL
  3. I won't call it a South American tour I believe that only Brazil can handle the cost and maybe Argentina but as far as I know the fan base there is not that big.
  4. That's not the way to explode for a show announcement have fun.
  5. I just realized that 90% of the album covers are White/Black/Gray and that sucks balls.
  6. They just don't give a fuck their mindset is to do whatever they want. (won't play a heavy setlist for Hellfest.)
  7. Chester is an official member of this band, not a guest.
  8. The ballad medley used to be cool but it got old pretty fast it's kinda hard to believe that they still play it. and... skipping my country for 10 years.
  9. Could you make a track by track review of this album? I love your opinion.
  10. http://lpcatalog.com/item/2001_hybrid-theory-misc
  11. Back in 2001 when In The End came out I was already a fan, the song was everywhere for those who didn't live the era the popularity of the song was the same as Adele's Rolling In The Deep. I remember watching MTV and everytime that ITE appeared I just changed the channel I was so fucking sick of it, because of that it's one of my less favorite LP songs ever.
  12. Good to know that they are still recording vocals, now I can go to bed extemely happy.
  13. It's kinda sad that this is the first time that Rob collaborates with someone (Visionaries doesn't count) no one loves Brad, Phi and Rob. This track is not bad but i don't like this kind of music.
  14. This is basically Camp Freddy! holy shit this is going to be insane!
  15. Geki should be invited he, Astat and Mark are the best writers of the whole LP community.
  16. I would love to create a page for the Monterrey 2012 show , all facts no personal point of view in case that you care hit me. This is really great pretty sure i'll spend a lot of time there, thanks!!!
  17. The best era was during the recording of Meteora trust me I lived those days we got to see episodes while they were actually recording the album man, it made the waiting time very easy and fun. Now is really weird the email updates are very boring, in every interview they say that they are really connected with their fan base to me that's not really true I feel like they are kinda distanced from us.
  18. Well we got a very short video of the making of GATS too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGlP-MY9oxc
  19. Does anyone have all the rotating banners? would be a nice throwback.
  20. Because they are a real band not a cover band, they deserve to have someone totally compromised with them.
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