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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. Because that performance sounds really amazing? OMG THEY JUST PLAYED KEIS 2 THE KING DA FAQ. =P
  2. Well, Mike did Tools of Trade so anything can make it to the next album
  3. You can, they have a list you just need an ID
  4. Keep going, this is fun Linking Youtube videos is something super normal these days I don't see any problem.
  5. Ammosick can't be one of the finished songs for MTM It's the same deal as with Asbestos
  6. I'm getting interested in getting in the collectors world I recently picked up the ATS vinyl for $7, HT vinyls for $10 and the MTM Special Edition for 10 cents in nice condition I have tried Ebay, Amazon (amazing deals) and Discogs I would love to contact some collectors who are willing to sell stuff for a nice price and I would love discover some pages Thx
  7. Pretty sure you can buy 2 memberships to do that VOCALS ARE BACK Chance of Rain sounds beautiful, Mike's flow in Basil is GREEEEEEEEEEEAT can't believe that they finally heard us we really needed some vocals About the Pods, I heard the snippets and i'm done I dont need to listen to the whole thing FUCK YEAH
  8. Why would you do that? you can still download the cd somewhere else.
  9. Are the tracks available for streaming right now? the new demos
  10. I don't play guitar so I just want them to put them up in my wall
  11. Thanks Astat and Hahn I just found them for 5 bucks I will buy them they will look nice on the wall
  12. All of the designs sucks balls most of then are just copy paste of the original art and the rest are unattractive I can do better than that
  13. So where is the video of the full show? there was a streaming, right?
  14. The top 3 best writers in this site to me are Astat, Hahninator and Geki they always write amazing stuff we need him back
  15. I think that Geki earned the right to stay in the site, great post dude.
  16. According to wikipedia they joined the band last year.
  17. I can understand your argument if you are not a hardcore fan, regular fans don't give a fuck about demos and bsides. The guitar sounds similar to a Forgotten live intro, I love when shit like this comes out of nowhere I love the way M's voice sounded back in 2000.
  18. I Can't believe that WB passed the chance to re-release HT with some b-sides in order to make more money, I would love to have the HT videos in HD.
  19. could you do this for other Lp songs? Wow he was really bad sounda like me lol
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