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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. This song is average at its best: 1) The instrumental sounds like something we've already heard million times before 2) Chipmunk vocals are unnecesary, trendy, cliché. 3) Mike trying to rap like Migos/Future, I don't think that's the best you can do Mike. 4) Is this their first song ever that they do the chorus 4 times? this song really needed a bridge 5) Good song but once again they managed to create another piece of DISPOSABLE MUSIC... I just don't see myself listening to this song in the future. #ReplayValueSucks.
  2. Chorus was inspired by this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8Tiz6INF7I
  3. It's a good song with a trendy sound, Mike kinda tried to rap like Future/Migos and the chipmunks suck balls Chorus is good I wish that Chester had like a bridge, repeating the chorus 4 times is not creative. 7-10.
  4. Me! i'm really looking forward to hear this track and the one that Corin Roddick produced
  5. I don't give a Fuck about lyrics as long as the music sounds badass but they should stop saying in every interview that this album has their best song writing ever.
  6. I wish that they could give us, the hardcore fans ONE FUCKING SLOT to hear something like High Voltage, Forgotten, F09, P5HNG. It wouldn't hurt the beautiful ears of the casual fans.
  7. I would rather die than having to listen to this run of songs at a concert. (EXCEPT FOR ALITS) 12. What I've Done 13. Numb 14. Until it's Gone | Leave Out All The Rest (while not playing Ballad Medley) 15. One More Light (transition outro) 16. A Line In The Sand - encore 1 - 17. Ballad Medley (LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent) | Battle Symphony (Piano) 18. Crawling (Piano) 19. Burn It Down (Acoustic 2017 Version) 20. Heavy (Piano)
  8. BIO would be a great opener 'cause it's a track that builds up slowly and then it blows up. Album version in the middle of the set would be cool too.
  9. I would only play this if i'm drunk.
  10. What if they play it similar to My Immortal by Evanescence? that would be fucking epic.
  11. I'm glad to see them performing together, I kinda dislike that Kiiara can't do her own chorus when they do it live, seems like she's a studio singer. The camera angles for the James Corden show performance were so so so so so so so fucking annoying and awkward, worst camera direction ever.
  12. A tip for you... in case that you find the CD... buy it dude you lost a huge chance of having a unique item, I love all your dedication thanks man.
  13. They should stick around w Sum 41 for a while thry are awesome.
  14. What a let down... the name sounded kinda like some rock & roll song.
  15. You forgot to mention that this last performance we might have a set w/ acoustic guitar Chester was carrying one at the airport.
  16. Road to Revolution bluray is mixed in a 5.1 setting and there's some files out there of Iridiscent in 5.1 or 7.1 I used to have them.
  17. Today was a cool day I got to see the best Heavy performance ever and the worst ITE version of all time w/ a band member involved. LP has a sound that it's very hard to replicate not even Camp Freddy could do OSC properly.
  18. Booklets are the way to go, BMI even states that they are not responsible for wrong info, with booklets you can make several comparisons in order to get the correct info. Glad to know that the discussion I brought about the My December leaded to this.
  19. I would rather see Chester and Brad w/ acoustic guitar playing some songs The way Mike plays piano is kinda boring.
  20. Mike did this remi for Metric, that direction would have been so fucking awesome. It's my favorite non-LP Shinoda remix.
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