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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. Loop Jam was just a demostration of what you can do with all the samples that the program has.. it doesn't counts as a LP song, that's just my opinion i want to listen to Astat's opinion.
  2. They have leaked for sure, sometimes they arrive early i dont remember which year but it has happened.
  3. lol i'm not kidding it was so weird to listen finally to a LP song with latin elements, i love it.
  4. I would describe it as Latin Alternative! I'm proud of it, GREAT JOB RUBIN.
  5. Everything is about computers these days... I miss the old days when bands already had real stages created just for a video! even the stage they use for their live concerts it's so simple, remember the HT era? PR? that was really awesome.
  6. This seems interesting, pleas help to discover every genre LP has used Da Bloos - Blues ? Papercut - Nu Metal Victimized - Heavy Metal? Crawling - Hard Rock Numb - Power Ballad
  7. I dont really think they are rushed with this album, they toured less and also they work a lot on the road it's gonna be great for sure.
  8. That was confirmed like 2 months ago, he has said that in different interviews, so there's nothing new here, there's not an update.
  9. LOL the most misleading title ever... Mike gives updates? all he said was ''YO, I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ASK ME IN 1 YEAR''
  10. i remember there was a band that didnt like working with Rubín cause he was neveer around. was it Slipknot? lol
  11. Ill be Gone by Vice = ILL BE GANGSTA I fucking love it
  12. this game is crap you guys eliminated the best tracks already in this round lol
  13. YAY! I got tired while writing the title haha. anyway it's interesting that they keep saying that the new stuff they are writing is pretty heavy, i still have hope. BTW GEKI there you have your scans.
  14. I wont give you a summary, so read it by yourself https://mega.co.nz/#!ccYHVTSK!AbevF...WgoJtLdxqqw6m9M
  15. this thread about road travels makes me remember all the sacrifices i did to see the band in the World Stage, as you may remember the tickets were for free but i had to travel 3 times to Monterrey, and i'ts 5 hours away from my hometown 1) I had to travel to sign up for the contest and wait like 10 hours in line 2) i went to receive my ticket 3) i went to the concert it was like +30 hours in the road... best day ever.
  16. lol weird shit u didnt think stp with chester would be there first do u like em?
  17. Mmmm this video needed a band performance, they should have done something similar to In The End... use the big Aoki statue let the band perform in the top of it. I just dont really understand why they did a lot of AWESOME videos in their first albums, now it should be easier for them to pull another Papercut, In The End, Faint... FTI.. btw the song is so fast and the video is so slow, it feels like an anime music video lol.
  18. Behind the scenes http://www.dell.com/learn/us/en/555/videos...&modal=true
  19. Not sure about the bsides thing, but it isnt interesting. this is just a list, nothing to discuss about.
  20. Pretty Penny sounded really good, Black Heart was just okay.. It's nice to listen Chester in an acoustic setting.
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