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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. They played with Aoki that would be the biggest surprise in a while, they wont change anything in their sets until the next touring cycle.
  2. why would anyone want the long version of Techinique when you have the freaking awesome SESSION
  3. That show too had many slow jams in the middle, but a hell of an encore
  4. I wonder how Blackout with Pyro would be YOU GOTTA GET IT INSIDE YOU PUSH IT BACK DOWN, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (KABOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM) LOL In a serious note, Blackout opening an encore would be great, i dont remember if it already opened one in 2011..
  5. I know, it was meant just for fun, we are the setlists nerds no one can fool with us great idea i will post it there
  6. Yeah they did a smart move there, they finally opened their eyes.
  7. Thxman for everything! how the hell this thread only has 11 replies? Doug can't beat Astat! lol
  8. With 2 minutes only you will lose the next song If i remember right, the real commercial break was The Little Things, it made the crowds fell asleep lol
  9. Yeah you posted about RME one week before the SSMF, but i think they were rehearsing for about 2 weeks? LP is a band that need to rehearse alot they dont improvise anything they are a machine. I think the next time you post the poll results they will listen to us, remember that in NZ they ask the crowd which song they wanted to listen APFMH or ITE, thats a nice sign. They didn't played in Mexico in 10 years and they came back, we need to be OPTIMISTIC.
  10. I think that at the beggining of the next touring cycle staff members should post the results of the poll that Mark did about the songs that we want to listen at a concert, maybe if they read that we can get P5HNG or F9 timing is everything.
  11. That recording is only interesting as an AUD the video is pretty boring, it doesnt have any zoom
  12. Never, Mike wont win the MTV ringtone of the year again =(
  13. It was great because it was our new toy, i still think that it sounds the same as the 2009 version, pretty solid stuff.
  14. You always say the same comment when someone talks about removing GU from the setlist C'mon one song is not everything lol
  15. Seems like LFY is a cake for them to play it, thats why they added it... and i also think that they dont want to get complicated with playing all the shit that is going on during Blackout the band is lazy.
  16. I think you should add a note explaining why it is special in the main topic for example i dont know why Blackout from the list is special
  17. APFMH Bucharest 2012 The Little Things Atlanta 2007
  18. COG you also learned it very quickly i still dont get how you guys learned everything pretty fast I consider that i know a lot but i did it step by step, i have lived every era since Hybrid Theory, i still remember the red flash design of LP.com those were the very great days.
  19. Can't believe Soul learned a lot of LP's history in less than a year, I wonder if you will still love the band when you are 24 y.o like me.
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