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Everything posted by castro78

  1. Just realized that Jay-Z is performing at Yankee Stadium the day before the LP show in NYC. Anyone think there is a chance he asks LP to be a part of his show??
  2. Shorter set lists make no sense at all. they now have more material than they have ever had before, why play a shorter set? If this is true, I'm sure it will only be for these promo shows.
  3. I'm definitely going....I live 15 minutes away from the venue. Of course it will take 2 hours to get there in rush hour traffic, but it will be worth it.
  4. I'm growing more and more skeptical about this album every day. Nothing about this review is promising to me. I appreciate that they like to explore new sounds, but I hope it's not at the expense of their roots.
  5. I think it will fail live. I've listened to it a million times now, and though I like it better than I first did, it's still too "busy" for my liking. I don't see how it won't sound like a cluttered mess in it's live version.
  6. Major disappointment for me. I don't hate it, but not great in my opinion. Can people stop saying its "epic"...please. It's not.
  7. Just listened to it for the first time in it's entirety, and I am so disappointed. What's with the techno beat?? It sounds like a sloppy remix of a Linkin Park song. Only part I like is the end, when the chaos stops and Mike and Chester sing. For me, a strange choice as the first single, and nothing special.
  8. Why doesn't Mike save the beat making for the next Fort Minor record, and play some damn instruments.
  9. I'm really worried about this song, and now this album. The song is way too busy, it sounds like they didn't know what to make it sound like, so they put everything into one song. I'm all for experimenting, I just hope it sounds better when you hear it start to finish.
  10. What the hell happened to this band?? maybe I'll change my mind when I hear the entire song, but that preview does nothing for me. You're a rock band, start acting like it again. Way too much electronica going on there. Mike is becoming too obsessed with all the little toys he has now....how about some guitars.
  11. I'm as excited as everyone else, but I think people are overreacting a bit. How can you tell what a track will sound like by the title??
  12. Wow....just wow. I am overly impressed with what you guys have done. Thank you so much.
  13. LPU sucks anyway......I only join for the CD and even that has been disappointing lately. This site gives so much more and its FREE!!!
  14. This whole thing is getting so tired. They never give us any real info.I respect that they want to make the best album that they can, but does it have to take so long?? I'm sorry, but there are plenty of bands just as talented as LP, that can get an album together in half the time these guys take.
  15. You guys should post some more news about JK......
  16. Loxias.....you followed a dumb post with an equally dumb post. Great job. I'm frustrated with how they put out music too, but what are ya gonna do. Comparing Dream Theater and Linkin Park is just ridiculous.
  17. Loxias.....congrats...you win the award for dumbest post, maybe ever, on here. You must be proud. If Chester would just stop smoking so much dope, maybe they could get this album out quicker. Good call on Limp Bizkit too. They keep putting out quality material year after year. WOW. You really take the cake.
  18. I don't see why this is such a big deal. We have all of these songs in form or another. There is nothing here that is new. As far as not being allowed to share.....what did you think they were going to say?? This is how they make money. Business is business and no one gives their product away for free.
  19. It's amazing how some of you will defend them no matter what. Are we really supposed to think of Lockjaw as new material?? It's a 2 minute instrumental for christs sake. They took 4 years for M2M and it wasn't even that great. They talk a good game, but at the end of the day, they take forever to do everything. I'll be shocked if this album is out before September.
  20. I love LP as much as everyone else, but their recording process is a bit much. I appreciate them wanting to put out the best record possible, and I understand that it takes time. However, 4 years between records is ridiculous. All the remixes and MS produced tracks do not count as "new" music. Hopefully the record is done by June, but I am not holding my breath.
  21. There is no chance this album is out before July. Anyone who thinks they are almost done is crazy, they take forever to make new music. Also, I really hope they don't continue to abandon guitars on this record. I like that they try to make different music, but I fear that they are moving further and further away from what made them great in the first place.
  22. castro78


    All the teasing of exclusives is getting old. I love this site and appreciate all the work you guys do, but please stop baiting us. Let us know what you're working on, if you don't end up getting it no onw is going to complain. We get plenty of stuff from you guys at no cost to us. I consider whatever we get here to be a bonus.
  23. Outside of the vinyl and the cd, the package is garbage. What the hell are you going to do with a patch???
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