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Everything posted by LinkinMark

  1. Took the words right out of my mouth
  2. Not sure that I can hold out for 10 more days... I have the stream open in the other tab I just haven't pressed play yet
  3. Is it just me or does LOATR seem too fast? Maybe I'm just used to the medley version
  4. I've watched that Metallica video a bunch of times before and always wondered why the people at the back are there. They must be a couple of miles away lol
  5. Then go ahead and do that.We all have our ways of listening to the album first time. The idea of listening parties doesn't appeal to me either but I wouldn't comment saying it's "useless and pointless". There's no right or wrong way.
  6. I'll probably wait. I'll go buy the CD then come home and listen to it by myself
  7. Crawling dropped finally!!! I don't hate the song I just feel there's better songs to play live
  8. I remember I was missing the first track on one I purchased. There is a contact email there I think. Send them an email telling them your problem they should fix it for you. They did for me.
  9. You like Machine Head..other people clearly do not. Everyone get over it.
  10. From ATS I'd pretty much like for BITS and Jornada to come back. It always amuses me how them playing old songs always equals "best setlist ever" Not for me
  11. Damnnnnn....I went down to the museum and found the clue with the rest of the fans. Then everyone just seemed to leave instantly and I got separated from the group. I made my own way to radio 1 with my friend and waited there for 2 hours...aaaaand all that time I had been waiting at the wrong BBC centre. ANYWAY I like the song. Most of their songs take a few listens to really get in to it.
  12. I think it sounded pretty good. Will probably get better as the tour goes on When they first played BITS I didn't think it was that good...now I'm hoping it makes the set for this upcoming tour!
  13. They're only doing back stage stuff on ustream I think...don't think it's possible to watch outside of the US
  14. Tinfoil sounds great but I think I still prefer The Requiem as an opener
  15. The guys have talked about having higher energy shows but I think the set will change for Europe. Can't see Runaway staying. Although, the title at the top of the page may say otherwise.
  16. Old stuff always equals "best set ever" on here lol.... I want BITS!!!!! EDIT: RUNAWAY???? Glad SIB is there!
  17. The last third of that sounds great
  18. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Jornada is probably not gonna be in the set
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