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  1. We probably won't get the boxset, but special edition TRT with bonus cd or an extra FM song at the concert, why not?
  2. billion versions From Zero isn't a cash grab? I Would rather pay for old unreleased music.
  3. If they are pissed at each other, it's quite unlikely that LP gave permission to release anything from Jeff Blue's vault.
  4. I think Mike has some early demos too. Around the time of LPU 11, he said something like he found old tapes with Blue and Slip in a "closet". But I guees he doesn't really want these old records to be "out there". I remember him discouraging us from "Deftest hunt", when the cassette with this song was auctioned.
  5. If the album is called "From Zero" it doesn't look so unrealistic to play Reading My Eyes
  6. already have track no. 2 on my PC under the name "Weight" so it was probably mentioned in the interview thread or in shoutbox. I'm not sure if it's 100%
  7. Sorry, it was Deftest and Weight HERE
  8. Thank you for this. This is my favourite LP chapter. I'm quite curious how it went, you could play any cd on a CD player somewhere in his office? Can expect proper video with interview or some snippets? (We already have snippets of Dreamer and Weight..., fingers crossed) 😊
  9. A podcast with a verbal description of unreleased songs would be great, if he played any for you. I hope something will appear in future.
  10. He has video with LPLive staff on his instagram account, I wonder why there is such silence around this meeting. Nothing in the newswire at all.
  11. Yes, they need something for HT30, M30 highly doubt we will be getting unreleased music through LPU.
  12. I thought there would be a studio version, why is it completely different?
  13. Awesome, hope we get something new before 2029
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