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About ana

  • Birthday 03/18/1992

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    Cologne, Germany

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  1. I love you ❤️
  2. what a great show!!! Chester has been in such a good mood and.. shape! incredible! Also brad seemed to be more enthusiastic than ever before good to see that the guys are still rocking the shows like in 2007...even better. Currently uploading my videos a bummer that my software isn't working so I have to use the original, shitty audio... but the videos are good. videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/Linkinparksoldier Pictures are here fyi: https://www.facebook.com/ABplusPhoto
  3. it was a really good documentary, Ive even heard some new things... definitely worth to be seen
  4. congratulation on the new launch! - ana
  5. ana

    "Set B13"

    thank you very much sir!
  6. ana

    "Set B13"

    Can you somehow combine all setlist into one picture or list to compare? would be cool. Okay there are always people complaining, sure. Ive seen the same setlist 5x so I know how it feels so I make a little wishlist and who knows... 1st: SOTD: Ive been to 10 LP concerts and the first time ive heard the song it was awesome. from that day on I wish that they wouldnt play it live ever again. Dave is not even playing the bass part at the beginning so why do they still perform the song? 2nd: the little things give you away, leave out all the rest should be used as the "slow" song instead of SOTD 3rd: atleast one "new" old song from hybrid theory. Im glad they brought back APFMH in 2008, so why not taking back another song like with you or by myself? that would definately please the hardcore fans because everyone has probably seen them in the last 3 years... 4th: meteora: figure 09 por favor Hit the floor...any of these songs they havent played for ages! they dont need to do play them all the time but, if we could atleast have a professional recording of it and some even have an awesome live experience...that would be cool! 5th: no roads left, Mike is singing way more than before, so why wouldnt they give a try to this song? but yeah they finally try to master blackout and BITS now, and since BITS is going to be a single they will play it live more often (mike told me that they mostly play all their singles at a show for the non-hardcore fans)
  7. errr who cares if lpl is "late" with these news... anyway I LOVE THE MUSIC FOR RELIEF EVENT <3
  8. haha yes, I was thinking the same: multitracks
  9. Oh yes LPUinternational I REMEMBER! and I believe that got me to lpl as well
  10. I got invited by Mark to join the LPL and I liked the site since day 1.
  11. thats what I got from this tour.. also have 2x DBS and 2x from meteora
  12. Ive sold my 2 tickets at the venue and I donated everything to music for relief. No joke. (I volunteered 3x)
  13. Frohe Weihnachten! EDIT: how can I put my videos in there?
  14. awesome interview! thank you very mucho!
  15. ah I wish i were the first fan to play bass on stage..asked 3x and never happened...well congrats
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