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Everything posted by leftshoe18

  1. Here's an alternate take on the tracklist inspired by some live alterations and adding in I Have Not Begun and then some simple rearranging: 1. The Requiem 2. The Radiance (with Mario Savio speech) 3. Wretches and Kings 4. Fallout 5. The Catalyst 6. Empty Spaces 7. When They Come For Me 8. Robot Boy 9. The Radiance 2.0 10. Burning in the Skies 11. Jornada Del Muerto 12. Waiting for the End 13. Blackout 14. I Have Not Begun 15. Wisdom, Justice, and Love 16. Iridescent 17. The Messenger (with extended drum and acapella outro) I've already remixed The Radiance with the WAK speech and The Messenger with the extended outro. All I need to do now is make a studio version of The Radiance 2.0 and I can put this baby together!
  2. This is the album that got me into hip-hop. For that, I say thank you Rising Tied. Red to Black, Petrified, Believe Me, and Where'd You Go? are my favorite tracks from it.
  3. Once this election is finished, we're gonna do the final election which includes the top three from every previous election. After that, I've got three ideas for election series to do: - Live albums (Live in Texas, Road to Revolution, possibly Rock Am Ring 2004) - LPU's - Side Projects (Out of Ashes, Rising Tied, We Major, may also include Grey Daze stuff to give Chester more representation) So, which one should we do first out of these? Do you have your own idea for an election series?
  4. Of course. It was on the album so you know for sure it was one of those 17. I guess it could also be possible that Pale was one of the five cut tracks.
  5. The round is over: Announcement Service Public 6 Unfortunate 4 Pretend to Be 1 Divided 7 Not Alone 4 A.06 3 What We Don't Know 1 Divided is the first to go. Here are the remaining songs: - She Couldn't - Dedicated - My December - A.06 - Unfortunate - Halo - Announcement Service Public - QWERTY - No Roads Left - New Divide - Lockjaw - Across the Line - Not Alone - Blackbirds - I Have Not Begun - Pale - What We Don't Know - Pretend to Be My vote goes to Announcement Service Public again.
  6. It's definitely not that I don't like it. I just like other tracks more. This election is extremely hard for me since I like most of the songs about the same.
  7. Announcement Service Public and Blackbirds were both tied for my least favorite. I just randomly chose between those two.
  8. Coal is a Xero track, not an LP one. I didn't think that Sold My Soul should count since it's built around samples from other songs. High Voltage was already in the EP election so I didn't include the remake of it here. A-Six is just a demo of A.06. I didn't include it for the same reason that Fear, Drum Song, and all the other demos aren't here.
  9. 2 of the top 3 were in my personal top 3, so I'm very happy with the results of this election.
  10. Here's the b-side and other song election. The rules are the same as before: vote for the song you like the least in each round and at the end of the round, the song with the most votes is eliminated. Here are the songs to choose from: - She Couldn't - Dedicated - My December - A.06 - Unfortunate - Halo - Announcement Service Public - QWERTY - No Roads Left - New Divide - Lockjaw - Across the Line - Not Alone - Blackbirds - I Have Not Begun - Pale - Divided - What We Don't Know - Pretend to Be I think that's everything. If I've forgotten something, please tell me. Anyways, have fun voting! My first vote goes to Announcement Service Public.
  11. Iridescent 16 Waiting for the End 7 Waiting for the End is the A Thousand Suns winner! The top three were: 3. When They Come For Me 2. Iridescent 1. Waiting for the End I'll edit this post later with the full election elimination order. Now come join me in the b-sides election!
  12. I voted for Session. I've always loved that track since the first time I heard it.
  13. Halo, Pale, What We Don't Know, I Have Not Begun, and Divided are all tied for me. I voted for Halo since I listed it first.
  14. Mike has always stated that he edits studio performances to get the best out of them. That's not anything new.
  15. The results of the tiebreaker are in: When They Come For Me 14 Iridescent 13 In a close round When They Come For Me is eliminated. The final two are: Iridescent Waiting for the End I'm voting for Iridescent.
  16. The round is over: When They Come For Me 13 Iridescent 13 Waiting for the End 2 We have a tie round so we're going to vote again tomorrow between: When They Come For Me Iridescent If the round is tied when I tally the votes tomorrow, then Waiting for the End will be declared the winner. I'm gonna vote for When They Come For Me Here's the order of elimination so far: 15. Empty Spaces 14. Robot Boy 13. Fallout 12. The Radiance 11. Wisdom, Justice, and Love 10. Jornada Del Muerto 9. The Requiem 8. The Messenger 7. Blackout 6. The Catalyst 5. Wretches and Kings 4. Burning in the Skies 3-1. TBD
  17. The round is over: When They Come For Me 7 Iridescent 9 Burning in the Skies 11 Waiting for the End 1 Burning in the Skies is elminated leaving just the top 3. The remaining songs on the album are: 5. When They Come For Me 8. Waiting for the End 12. Iridescent I'm voting for When They Come For Me. Here's the order of elimination so far: 15. Empty Spaces 14. Robot Boy 13. Fallout 12. The Radiance 11. Wisdom, Justice, and Love 10. Jornada Del Muerto 9. The Requiem 8. The Messenger 7. Blackout 6. The Catalyst 5. Wretches and Kings 4. Burning in the Skies 3-1. TBD
  18. So...what exactly did the two guys on Faint do? Guitar? Bass?
  19. the mystery song was from the inside. edit: unfortunately the surprise was ruined rather early when somebody reported the setlist for the show beforehand.
  20. cool that they changed things up and it's cool to see that one step closer is back where it belongs.
  21. Thank you for the kind words. I didn't know that anybody still remembered that. I'm going to be working on an updated version of that in the near future with different arrangements and whatnot on the songs. Ugh...I really wanna hear LPUX!!
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