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Everything posted by LPPanther

  1. Love it. Didn't read the whole thread cause there are too many replies and frankly a lot of you are terrible at describing songs lol. No offense to anyone but this was not the song I expected after reading a few reviews and boy am I glad. Cause it sounds nothing like how people described it. This album is going to destroy MTM. I'm already certain of that. And to the people saying welcome back Joe...did you listen to The Catalyst? He was there. He was there on MTM too just not scratching. I've fought this battle too many times and I'm not doing it again lol.
  2. Good read...just leak already haha.
  3. I dunno why but that made me laugh so hard lol
  4. Not staff but was in the past so I won't enter + I most likely can't go. But just wanted to say awesome idea and I hope whoever wins has a great time! Mark: See you on the US tour lol. in NOLA hopefully
  5. All I have to say is BLAH. People still play music games? They got old after a few years to me. I guess playing for real is just more fun. But I'm all for the multitracks.
  6. The "popper stopper" is just there so they don't touch the mic with their lips...as far as I know...that was a joke in the MTM DVD. I honestly don't understand the question...they sing it just how it is on the album?
  7. No one was being rude...we were all complimenting him lol...did you read our posts?
  8. This is random but it just hit me...WOW...LPUX? I remember 2.0! It's crazy how long ago that was. But yay for me being there 9/10 years haha. Well technically I never renewed for 9 but that's cause I didn't feel like paying for the forums which that plus the CD was all I really ever used the LPU for before (1 M&G too). LPLive forums are better IMO lol.
  9. I of course have just known you a while and know that you aren't directing your comments towards him but I think it's good you're letting him know that haha!
  10. I know this was pages ago but I have to say this. Adam: You are the best thing to happen to LP since Chester joined the band. No kidding. Of course LP was awesome before you came along but it's great having someone who comes and chats with us, on OUR website, not LP's site. And someone who cares what we think and let's the band know what we think. Thank you for all you do Adam!
  11. Seems a lot of people don't like the new LPU format but I don't mind it! Here's to hoping the $60 will bring more exclusive downloads and such
  12. That's not the LPUX tracklist, that's the bonus compilation.
  13. Alright, who's gonna spend the $60 to make us all happy with a new demo? If it's 2008 that means it's very early ATS sessions which should be interesting to hear. Weird to think of a song after MTM but before New Divide...who knows what it could sound like!?!
  14. Where are you seeing that?
  15. Interesting. Never heard about this.
  16. Gah I feel like an idiot for not renewing for LPU9 yet! I'm sure I could still find the CD at Best Buy but I figured I had till November to get the vinyl.
  17. Well damn! Never got around to getting that LPU9 vinyl any chance of them being sold on the LPU store at some point Adam? And way to start the hype train for the LPUX CD!!!
  18. Yeah we're human but he wouldn't KNOWINGLY post something fake or probably even if he thought there was a chance it was fake. I'm all down for sources but AndOne is a name to be trusted.
  19. Uhh not true. Mike and Joe and most of the other guys are huge Halo fans. And I'm sure tons of other current games as well. Well known fact lol. He sucks because it's the first time he's played, I'm sure he wasn't used to the controls or anything.
  20. That's true. But Mike obviously is gonna have to own up and do his share of the singing for the live show from now on.
  21. I was gonna say the same thing about it being more of a chant. Cause he doesn't really try to make it flow like rap, it's very jagged and disconnected. Sounds GREAT though. Ana, I don't understand what you mean by calling this a pop song. Maybe I can't tell cause I haven't heard the full thing but that doesn't sound like pop to me at all. Lyrically or in the vocal style. Just goes to prove that no matter what anyone says about this album, I can't judge it till I hear it with my own to ears. (not picking on you Ana, you're just the only one giving us a review so far ) Chester sings on the studio version of HHH too...same part he sings live. Dave sings Mike's harmony part live but that had to be done since Mike has two parts layered on the album.
  22. LOVED that Smile Empty Soul song back in the day...never heard any of their other stuff though, you're right! god, middle school was a weirdddd time haha.
  23. What you have labeled as "I'm Serious" is actually just called Freestyle. And there are two versions, one is a demo. I can never remember which is which though. As far as those other two...I have never heard of those. And I have heard of just about everything...Care to explain what these are? EDIT: Just found Reckless on YouTube. Don't know if Mike talking for 10 seconds counts as a featuring (The whole thing wouldn't load but if he had a verse I'm sure I would have heard it)...what is this from? EDIT2: I just realized that Live Glitch thing is from his blog. Doesn't count for me. If we're counting production (which is taking this way further than just FM) then you forgot The Instrumental from Lupe Fiasco's Food and Liquor plus the two songs he produced on Download to Donate. And probably some other things I'm not thinking of off the top of my head. Also there are different versions of 4 FM songs on Celph Titled's The Gatalog.
  24. These are my thoughts EXACTLY! Way to sum it up simply haha. Wise words as well.
  25. Not trying to be rude but why is that? Just wondering your reasoning for that. There are two distinct parts of the song to me. Not the same thing repeated a million times which makes the no verses okay in my book. Yes the two individual parts are somewhat repetitive vocally but the way the first part (god save us) builds and transitions to the second part (lift me up) is pretty awesome IMO. And even after that the lift me up part builds itself to it's own climax. It's epic IMO lol.
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