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Everything posted by MarathonMan

  1. And of course, Oklahoma is rejected once again...
  2. Personally I can't see What We Don't Know being a hit single. It's not catchy enough and it's a little repetitive. I don't know...maybe I'm just hearing it differently than everyone else.
  3. Yea Not Alone stuck to me for some reason. I still really like it. On a different subject, for those who complain that these are all just a bunch of instrumentals, it'd be a really good idea to open your mind to instrumentals. Instrumentals can say more than lyrics say and can take you places in your mind that songs with lyrics can't. Just be open minded.
  4. To be honest, I never really liked ATL all that much in the first place. I don't want to sound like a jerk, but I liked Not Alone a lot more than ATL.
  5. You know what...that synth in the backround of pale reminds me of the intro to Nine Inch Nails-Closer (Live) EDIT: Listening to it again, I have to agree with you. Pale is slightly more epic than ATL.
  6. Maybe...maybe not. Maybe I think In Between is better than both of them. Maybe I hate Linkin Park and I'm actually a die hard Justin Bieber fan with Jonas Brothers posters in my room.
  7. K...that's a little weird. Btw, I Have Not Begun Yet>ATL lol jk
  8. You do realize that no matter what anybody says, you're not going to let anyone convince you that ATL isn't the superior song, right?
  9. Very nice interview. Too bad I was probably the only one who really liked this song. aw well.
  10. I think Mike is Trent Reznor's little brother. Serisouly, that was an epic post by Mike. Just so you know Mike (not that you'd read this but whatever), I thought A Thousand Suns was LP's most amazing album since Reanimation. I love the direction you're going with your music and your live shows (more visual oriented stuff sounds so amazing I can't wait to see you guys). Keep up the good work.
  11. Best review ever. Though he was exagerating a little bit it sounds like he didn't say "No guitars? No screaming? No rapping? A song that sounds a slightly poppy? SELLOUTS!!! SELLOUTS!!! THIS ALBUM SUCKS DON'T LISTEN TO IT!!!" and instead took a good listen to it, took the music business into consideration, took their previous work into consideration, and took the constant pressures and nagging into the consideration, and then wrote the review.
  12. When They Come For Me is my favorite song on the album. It makes me want to start a revolution in a desert country. The only part I don't like about this song is the "Muthafucka" from Mike. I'm all getting into it and then Mike goes "MUTHAFUCKA!" and all the emotion just pauses. Instead of a revolution, it turns into a gangster rap song which is something we don't need on this album. But the chorus always brings me nack into the song. I also loved the slow songs. It feels very fluid, almost like I'm floating while I'm listening. I think this is Linkin Park's best work EVER. Reanimation is the only thing that competes with it in my opinion.
  13. DAMMIT!!! We were so close....I bet Mike is facepalming right now.
  14. I actually really like Mike's singing in the album unlike some of you. His deep smooth voice is a nice getaway from Chester's high scratchy voice. Iridescent and Messenger sounds a little too poppy for me, and Robot Boy and Burning in the Skies is tolerable from what I can hear. Everything else is AMAZING ASGHSOADIFJOS NFLINHASDFOFG!!1!
  15. Pop? Doesn't sound like any pop song I've ever heard.
  16. Trent Reznor is on this?!?! Sorry Brad.
  17. I have to say, this song grew on me FAST... as in, at first I thought it was alright but wasn't sure if I was ganna download it...5 minutes later I'm listening to it on my ipod. lol.
  18. Personally, the first half of the song didn't do much for me, but then the ending melted my face off. I give the song a 7.7/10 though it'll probably grow on me. What's really significant about the song is that it shows me that there's ALOT of potential for the album. I'm almost curtain that there are ganna be epic songs, like TLTGYA was for MTM, except I feel there are ganna be more than 1. I'm really excited.
  19. That...really didn't make any sence at all.
  20. *sarcasm alert* I have by far heared the most intelligent reviews of a whole song based on a 34 sec sample (btw, I'm not talking about anybody from LP Live...yet), like "Linkin Park has sold out. Just listen to the song. I mean it's not something that I've ever heared before, and not alot of bands have pulled something like this off successfully but...but....THEY'VE JUST SOLD OUT! There's no doubting it. They're obviously in it for the money". All sarcasm aside, I think people need to stop only listenting from their anger and start listening with their minds and hearts and realize that music that's not in your tastes doesn't mean they're selling out. In fact, they're doing the opposite. It's okay to not like their music, but saying they're greedy and their in it for the money is insulting...just a message to those who are thinking that.
  21. Dido. The beat used for the contest reminds me a little of "March of the Pigs" as a matter of fact. If this is true it's ganna be an epic album, but I can just see everybody from NIN fanbase going "COPY CAT COPY CAT COPY CAT!!! LINKIN PARK SUCKS CAUSE...cause...LINKIN PARK SUCKS!!!".
  22. Me thinks Mike seriously needs to get outa the studio. He's so bored, he's doing messages that have the same message. He should do something non-nerdy like play Modern Warfare 2 or catch butterflies or something.
  23. Whataburger Field FTW! I've been there several times and, I have to say, it's pretty good, not to mention...the whataburger *salivates*
  24. Ah yes...this reminds me of my days as a halo nerd and I used to try to decode stuff and come up with theories for the promotional games like ilovebees and the Halo 3 promotional stuff. But in all those games most of the pictures that had something to do with the game wasn't as vague as this picture.
  25. I wonder what would happen if LP (if they weren't controlled by WB) pulled a Nine Inch Nails and just go "The release date for the new album will be...let me check my calender...oh yea, TODAY." The website would probably crash instantly.
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