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Everything posted by luki9875

  1. I found LPL when i accidently typed in "linkin park live" into google instead of youtube. saw the site show up so presssed it. I joined because its a good site (has all the important and less important news about lp and the gigs ofcourse and i love to be updated with my favorite band)!
  2. I love the song so i am deffinately happy to see that for a single!
  3. they better make another one from the uk tour etc ;P
  4. both sound amazing... well done LP... but chester please SHUT UP when mike sings
  5. RIP lpu9... had my last look the website lol
  6. happy bday BBB! thanks for beautiful TLTGYA solo and all the other stuff you done
  7. that is very cool his english accent is really good btw
  8. thought on this album are the same as when it came out... awsome... happy bday The Rising Tied!
  9. The best LPU cd ever. If you don't agree with this then you seriously have to visit your doctor. So many great tracks
  10. instrumentals or not i still cant wait to hear all of them... damn leak allready
  11. looks amazing... cant wait for a leak
  12. That was THE BEST linkin park show i have ever attended. Fucking amazing, so much fun! Chester had a couple of screw ups haha on new divide and leave out all the rest... Joe had a little screw up at the start of crawling it was still amazing
  13. 4am in the morning and just woke up! leaving in 30min for the airport... hell yeah see ya all there
  14. great performance cant wait until someone uploads it now
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