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Everything posted by Somebodyangry

  1. Don’t want to be the dick here, but I’ll never get the hype you guys seem to have for even more other HT demos, we have dozens and stuff like PB and CHB were nice, but even more demos ?
  2. Midnight here and can’t find the song on Spotify
  3. Ahaha yeah man I get what you’re saying. I like the scratch in LP songs
  4. CFTH is my least fav on HT, it’s really a song that fits to “its time” if you know what I mean. HV version with the “sometimes I feel like a prophet” Chester’s part is GREAT
  5. Catalyst/Messenger might be my favorite because the 2 songs are the opposite (the former being super complex, almost entirely electronic and lirically abstract and the latter being stripped down and beautifully simple). Papercut/OSC is just a banger
  6. Yeah a mainstream/energetic set. I could also see Good Goodbye (shortened, with Mike demo verse) due to the theme of the song
  7. https://www.google.it/amp/s/music.mxdwn.com/2021/02/06/reviews/album-review-grey-daze-amends-stripped-ep/amp/ here it says that the only untouched song is “Syndrome”
  8. This is getting really professional. I’m basically reading your comments and learning things I’ve never knew. Cool stuff
  9. Yeah I understood the mechanism, if someone is interested in bidding on this and is a crazy collector, well super fine, nothing against it
  10. If you’d buy a copy of every existing version of Amends and Amends stripped you wouldn’t probably spend 500 $. Like, lol. ignore me, I love being a dick around here
  11. I’d pay that much to get an exclusive LPTV video with Chester recording vocals for Friendly Fire and then get the MP3 of the song as an exclusive. It’d be cash grab level 10000 and I know they’ll never do something like that because LP and Warner are classy, but at least it’d be juicy. Anyway, Mike can do whatever he wants with his music, not bashing him, plus, I’ve seen his IG story and, if I understood it correctly, part of the earning of the project is going in charity.
  12. Oh god it’s so great. Sounds like THP mixed with some weird Mike electro shit, soooo dope this time
  13. Songs with Mark should stay where they are lol. But to be fair Dialate was nice
  14. Cruel Daze of Summer, Maestro and Kick the Bass have always been great. Not a HUGE fan of the band but seeing them release stuff from time to time is definitely cool
  15. Agree on the reinterpretation, when the instrumentals are totally re-written and it’s not a dancey/electronic record you can’t call it “remix”. The all caps is my fault not due to the hype but a bad habit with titles. Happy they corrected me
  16. In a recent interview about "Amends... Stripped" released on January 29, sitting down with MetalNation.com, Sean Dowdell was asked about a possible follow up to Amends (2020) and responded: “Yeah! We wrote the new album for the past 8 months, we just finished the writing about two weeks ago and now we are setting up to go into the studio in April and knock out the next record.” [...] "There are a few things I would like to try to do for Chester. There are a few people he would have really loved to play with had he been alive, and didn’t get a chance. I am reaching out to a few of those people and maybe they will, maybe they won’t. We will see. There is about five people that we are hoping want to play with us and play with him, we will see what happens.” So basically, as Cristin Davis confirmed back on his social media, the band is far into the writing (re-writing) process of the record and apparently we're not that far from the second remastered record by Chester's pre-Linkin Park band. Stay tuned! Check out the full interview here. UPDATE: on February 21 the band confirmed they finished writing the record after 8 months and they’re hitting the studio to record the new material. UPDATE: during the first week of April the band constantly teased their work on social media, hinting that we might not be that far from getting “new” music...
  17. Totally makes sense to me to get the songs “naked” and wanting to create stripped down versions while they were creating Amends. I’ve never compared it to LP albums, it’s a different situation mainly because these tracks literally scream to get acoustic versions IMO 😊
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