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About Vdalem

  • Birthday August 27

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    In between dazed and confused.

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  1. ..... well duh! In fact, it's David Michael Farrell.
  2. Facts about the Bassman: Middle name's Michael, have brothers named Joe and Tyler, shortest member of band. Joe's the youngest in his family and only one with sisters. Only one without a middle name. He and Rob are the only ones not married. Joe's divorced and Rob is just single, lol!
  3. Well stop reading them. Most of us are big fans like you. We're not asking for anything that will kill them, just one concert. Unlike most here that may have seen them more then once in the past ten years! <_<
  4. I love all their music! I have it in my car. Play when going to work and play it when I'm driving home! My favorite!
  5. Paris?!? Why go there when you can come to New Orleans! So much closer!
  6. I always wonder if the other you know Phi, Brad and Rob would get ticked at Joe cause of all the stuff they do for the video but it never be used *scratches head*
  7. *squeals then faints*
  8. I loved it! Always wondered how it went in the Middle East? A dancing Hahn was a plus! *snickers*
  9. I went to SURU acouple of years ago, on Mr. Hahn's birthday! I so wished he was there but nope he wasn't . Would have gotten a shirt but......didn't have my size. Still love the man anyway!
  10. I'm so down with that!
  11. *sneakes in* All the talk about the song, and *whispers* I haven't heard it yet. *quickly runs out*
  12. I got the song "Snax Attack"! Love it cause of Phi's rapping!
  13. The way things are today, to buy an album instead of downloading it makes more sense. It helps small businesses. When I got MTM, I got it in a small business only to also see and for sale sign. Just was glad to get it there.
  14. Vdalem

    Happy Birthday Rob

    Wow, the last one joining the 30 club! Happy B-Day Robert!
  15. Looks like something I would go see.
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