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Everything posted by spraypaintninkpens

  1. Right but Mike is barely shown throughout the video even tho he's primarily singing the song? Idk, just seems weird to me.
  2. I like LITE better but it's ok. The ending is good. I don't know why Chester is singing Mike's parts in the video, though.
  3. I'd like for Mike to just stick with the same people who made TRT, but maybe have a Jay track to rake up album sales.
  4. I was there too. I really wish I taped it because My Suffering was beyond epic with Chester screaming the verses.
  5. I almost went last year but I couldn't justify the $250 a plate to get in.
  6. I'm sure both Chester and Mike could find someone to fill in for Tak/Elias. I love the extra raw material we get with these side projects that we don't get to hear through LP. I love the small venues and intimate concert experiences they bring as well. I really hope we get one more go around of FM/DBS before the next LP record.
  7. I like SOB and have been waiting for this damn cd for years lol. I guess I'm just excited to see this get released and see Mike say FM isn't dead and he will probably go back to it in the LPU chat... Just seems like a good time for a new DBS/ FM album?
  8. I really like LT, but it still doesn't top HT or Meteora to me.
  9. Same, LT is miles ahead of ATS to me.
  10. I wanted to like it- up til MTM I liked every LP song, even the demos, b-sides, everything. I know I came off as a huge a$!hole the through the whole ATS cycle but that's how strongly I felt against losing my former favorite band. It's hard to explain rationally because this band meant the world to me when I went through a lot growing up. There's a huge emotional attachment I have to their music.
  11. After reading the fanboys still gocking over ATS on LPA, I had a quick thought: I'm so glad LP put some damn energy back in their songs! Being a huge LP fan for 10 years, I really am very pleased with LT, especially since it was less than a 2 year wait. Hopefully they expand upon LT and don't forget their roots like did on ATS. /last ATS diss
  12. Towards the bottom. http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=8671&st=280 No knock on MTM but I think a lot of my initial frustration with that album was that it took over 4 years. I'm a little less critical of LT because it took under 2.
  13. After the massive failure that ATS was for me, I was about to give up hope that I'd ever like a LP album again. MTM was a let down for me as well, not as much as ATS, but nonetheless, a let down. I went into listening with low expectations: LOST IN THE ECHO- This is the song I've waited for since Meteora. A perfect song IMO and completely restores my confidence back in the band that they can use their unique blend of energy, loud beats, rapping/screaming and make something new and fresh. It's FM mixed with DBS! 11/10 IN MY REMAINS I really like the chorus and outro. The song comes together nicely at the end, reminds me a bit of Hands Held High at the end. 10/10 I'LL BE GONE Really catchy- I love the lyrics in this one and the overall sound. Really great singing by Chester on this track. 9.5/10 CASTLE OF GLASS It's a good song all-in-all but the intro and building up of the song is a bit too weird for me. It is a grower and I have caught myself singing the lyrics as of late! 8.5/10 VICTIMIZED In your face- kick ass song. I love the old LP style! I just wish Mike has another verse or two thrown in. 9/10 ROADS UNTRAVELED I get a My December vibe from the creative background sounds we hear on this track. I love the harmonies by both Mike and Chester on this one. 10/10 SKIN TO BONE This is probably my least favorite song on the album. The lyrics are a bit shallow and I'm not really digging the vibe that much. Astat compared it to In Between on MTM and I couldn't agree more. It's not bad- but it's the least interesting song on the album. 7/10 UNTIL IT BREAKS The opening of this song makes me think it's just a Mike track which would have been really awesome! A in-your-face aggressive rap song with heavy beats! That would have been amazing. Instead, it turns into a completely different song at the end- almost sounds like a lullaby at the end to me. With that being said, I still like the song as a whole and find it to be an extremely unique song. 9/10 TINFOIL Really great instrumental- It gives me a session kind of vibe. 9/10 POWERLESS- Reminds me a bit of Numb, which is a good thing since that was one of my favorites off of Meteora. I think it'd make a strong single- I really appreciate the sincere lyrics. 9.5/10 LIVING THINGS 9/10. I'm pleasantly surprised I like the cd as much as I do. LP is back and I couldn't be happier about that. They finally washed the bad taste out of our mouths that was ATS. I think the band finally found a happy medium between their older style and newer style. I'm again excited, like I was in 2003, about what's to come next.
  14. I'm hoping they use the riff for Madison in a song someday. Heaviest LP song.
  15. I hated ATS but I don't hate LT. I think we're fooling ourselves thinking they'd make anything that'd compare to HT anymore. That ship has sailed long ago, trust me, I'm constantly in Mike's ear on his blog lol. I kept expectations low after ATS and I'm surprisingly happy with the cd so far.
  16. Placeholder for my review to come....
  17. Really my youtube links got taken down? Whats the difference between the LPA links?
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