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Posts posted by spraypaintninkpens

  1. *copy-pastes my post from that other LP fan site you deservedly got banned from*


    It says "BEGINNING two weeks before release date." Meaning that today is the absolute soonest they would even CONSIDER sending out ONE preview clip, let alone clips of the entire album. The word "beginning" being in that sentence implies a gradual rollout of pre-release media, and also doesn't guarantee that anyone will actually get anything today, just that today is the earliest they should expect anything.


    The only people lying here are the people lying to themselves by thinking that we were ever "guaranteed" to be getting clips today.


    Its misleading, but then again when hasn't Warner been when LP is involved. Initially it said early access clips two weeks before the album, then they changed the wording a few days after the presale.


    Oh and

    Posted Image

  2. lol I genuinely find it funny that I have never seen one post from you that doesn't have any negativity in it

    I'm stating the truth kid. And if thats the case, search harder. This fully concerns me because I've been in the lpu since lpu 3.0. I'm sure you cannot say that same.

  3. Demo review: It's raw, real raw. It's ok, but it's definatly not great. This song makes them sound like Coldplay or another mainstream pop-rock act. Honestly, I think The Catalyst is much better than this.


    (Waits for leigons of fans to kill him for liking The Catalyst)


    TC is a lot more poppier than PTB is. PTB sounds like an early 90's rock song which is a good thing to me.


    If ATS sucks, at least I'll have Blackbirds, PTB and Blackout to listen to.

  4. Hang on - I jsut noticed....

    Monthly Online LPUX Pass // $10 per month


    PER MONTH????? WTF! Normal package membership $60... $120 a year for online??? THat better be a mistake.

    It seems like everyone is being billed for the damn laser shows even though most members do not live in NY or LA. People will buy it because its LP. Warner knows that.


    Also don't buy this just for the demo. lol at people paying 60 dollars for one song.

  5. pretend to be is sweet :)


    for those wanting to know - yes, as soon as you confirm your pre-order - a decade underground is instantly accessible (and therefore, pretend to be). however, as adam has already said - this is not the LPUX cd that is yet to come.


    Care to post a review besides saying its sweet?



    Badass. That's just awesome. I can't fucking wait. LPU 9 has my favorite LP song ever released. Across The Line is just amazing. If LPU10 is even better, wow.

    Anything close to how great lpu 9 was would be awesome. Hopefully unreleased tracks from the meteora time period.

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