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Posts posted by spraypaintninkpens

  1. So when Linkin Park actually HAD angry music, there was no cussing. Now Linkin Park isn't making aggressive music anymore but they decide to cuss and everyone is upset about it. :lol: I love change.

    It doesn't make sense. Especially since they've "matured" so much. Cussing usually takes place for lack of originality.

  2. Yeah Im trying to be open minded as well, im hoping we get some guitars and Mike's 10 second clip he gave fans a few days ago sounded great. The stems and this preview sound terrible though. I just feel like i've heard this type of song done better by other people, i just want Linkin Park TO BE Linkin Park, but it seems like these days I don't know what that is. Thats what bothers me about the band these days, we just don't know what we're going to get and thats not necessarily a good thing. i feel like based on their past work they get so much confidence by fans, but all this experimenting and trying out new things has translated into better music, just good music. As a fan who has to wait 4 years for an album, it's just discouraging and turning me away from the band. Hybrid Theory and Meteora holds a special place with me, so i'll never jump off the bandwagon, but if this album sucks I can see my devotion to the band slowly going away. Hopefully im wrong and the song/album impresses. So far it hasn't.

    This. I'm still not giving up on them yet, but this clip doesn't help.

  3. Well Well Well.........This is quite interesting.......March has almost ended but still 'this' month must mean march ( i want to believe that it's march). But its quite impossible keeping in mind that only 1 day is left for the month to end. And Mike making the announcemnet today, it is almost stupid to believe that tha game would release tomorrow. So this means that M was just being ignorant or he has lost track of time (Is he so engrossed in making the new record??) . So I think the game will be out in later part of april only (sob!!). Till then wait!!!! uhhh...i hate it!!!!



    He obviously meant later in April.

  4. For anyone who didn't see the 'Making of MTM' in theaters, it was awesome. It was basically a bunch of footage that wasn't shown on the DVD, Mike showed BIO with just the party in the background, talked about how Mike went home and made WID in one night, how Chester did the 18 second scream in GU and how he could have went longer, Phoenix joking about Chester always swearing, how the chorus of HHH is actually all the band members singing amen at once, that's all I remember. It was really cool though and way more exciting than the actual DVD IMO.

    I saw it back in the theatres at the time. It had some exclusive footage but I wouldn't say there was a lot of it. It would be good to see again one day, but I really hope we can just move on from MTM. Hopefully new LPTV is coming out and the album is almost done.

  5. Shouldn't this be on JKlive.net?


    I'm sick of reading about these bums. Their association with Linkin Park is like when your Dad's best friend comes over and you call him "Uncle."


    At least start a sub-page or something. :angry:




    I kind of agree with you but since LP virtually has no news and hasn't for awhile I see no harm in at least having something to discuss here. Lately, it seems more like the jklive.net site, but again it's because LP never has any news to discuss.

  6. They probably don't describe the album with more detail because if they did and they happen to change that aspect of the album before its released, you guys would be like, "OMG they suck! They said it was going to sound like a mix of the outro of Papercut mixed with the extended long version from the show in 2006 of Faint but it totally sounds like the 2008 super extended long version of faint. Total bullshit!"


    Just sayin.




    I hear you, but it would give us something to discuss when theres no lp news at all. Besides the d2d and 8 bit news, there's been virtually no lp news for months.

  7. Like I said before, lol rob chats.


    Why do they keep everything so secretive? Either they're really far behind the album process or they don't want to reveal what it's about. It's kind of annoying to the hardcore fan.


    Oh and mods, once again, great job passing questions. :rolleyes:

  8. no, i judge in quality, the actual rock bands (i will not talk names), are horrible, or all bands sound the same thing, or all bands have bad sound at least for me

    That just means you're more of a pop fan than a rock fan. There are a lot of great rock bands out there. You probably only listen to top 40 stuff judging by your username.

  9. DBS WAS NOT booed off the stage at Epicenter. "Booed off the stage" implies that the band cut their set short and left because people were booing them so much. That did not happen, therefore they were not booed off the stage.


    It was pretty close to happening. Mike got hit with shit from the stage because people were throwing stuff for a good minute or so after DBS was done.


    Also for those thinking Chester is doing this to sell more: 1 sold cd= 1 cent in his pocket. Why would he care if his twitter fanbase( which won't happen) all went out and bought another dbs cd? He knows it did not sell well and that's just the way it is. He just wanted opinion on why it did not sell well.

  10. This was definitely not a marketing ploy. Give me a break, what did like maybe a hundred people worldwide go buy the album because Chester is feeling bad about the sales? I honestly think it has to do with too high of expectations. Side projects do not sell nearly as well. The fact that Chester has never had an album before DBS to sell less than a million, he probably just is confused to what happened. I personally think it was a pretty good album. I did my part and purchased the cd in stores awhile back. I feel bad here, but no way I'm buying another one. He's the millionaire who has the greatest life imaginable granted he has earned it. I think he just doesn't know how to deal with less than spectacular record sales figures. He'll get over it though and hopefully give the fans more of what they want by screaming more like back in the older days of LP.

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