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Posts posted by spraypaintninkpens

  1. Please, i'm sure you were one of the people who said lpu9 sucked because it only had one full length song with the rest being demos.


    I don't know if people understand the meaning of the word DEMO. It is equivalent to the word IDEA. It is an idea for a song they had. A demon can appear in different forms. It can be a guitar piece. A drum piece, a bass piece, a vocal piece or whatnot. It can be full song with the vocals or only the instrumentals because they couldn't figure out any words to go with it. Basically it can be at any stage of the song writing process until they scrapped it. It is a demo because it was never finished to the level the band deemed okay. So whining about a demo because it is only the instrumental portion or any reason to be honest is redundant and pointless. It's like complaining that your dog barks. Of course it barks. It's a dog. There is a reason the songs were not finished nor included on any album. You can't say you want demos and your complains be that you don't like them because they're demos. People need to seriously get a clue.


    uh no? You're not in the lpu so you wouldn't know. I've always said I liked LPU9.

  2. I'm glad I'm not sharing it with people like you. Why should you expect me to leak it? Fucking appreciate the updates you're given and stop bitching. You bitch about everything it has seriously become a joke now.


  3. Seems like the stingy people always get stuff first and never share it with the community. Oh well, this will leak soon enough. I'd buy the month package with the cd if we could get it instantly.

  4. Clearly you don't watch or read any of the interviews posted by the band for the past month, and for the last couple years regarding the new direction after Hybrid Theory/Meteora. The band, specifically Mike, has said for time and time that people will like or understand the new stuff/direction, and the people who dislike it are fans who want HT and Meteora again. Am I wrong? I don't have the patience to look up all the interviews and specific quotes right now, but if I must I will tomorrow if you want to continue this debate. Also, how dare you say patronize me i did not make a fool of myself i just spoke my opinion. congratulations for getting a hard on over the post by the way by the way.

    thesunsgoesdown is clearly right here. Some people here just have no reading comprehension and are interpreting Mike's post into a take that haters stance.

  5. Honestly people wouldn't be so mad about LP making a bad cd if they didn't take 3-4 years between each one. I don't think ATS is bad( besides TC) but I will undoubtedly be bored with this cd very quickly because there's only 7 tracks I like on the cd out of the 9 total. I really think a cd with more songs would appease both types of LP fans. We were promised FM energy from Mike on this cd and there still isn't that much rapping. Chester screams once. There is barely any guitar thats audible on the entire cd. Just elements that initially attracted people to LP from the beginning are now missing. I'm all for change but completely abandoning your genre of rock/rap is an entirely different thing.

  6. Actually genius, this would be their first show in two years. As in, their own show. Not a festival show with other bands here in the U.S of A. And like that dude said, i'm sure they don't count Transformers, MTV Awards, Kroq breakfast stuff as an an actual show and neither do I.

    This is their first Linkin Park show in two years.

    You forgot about Epiccenter last August. It was a year.

  7. Just got back from the show....it was insane. They really sounded great tonight. The new songs were cool, though I thought the Catalyst was a little messy. Wretches &Kings is badass live. Chester was spot on tonight, he really sounded great. The venue kinda sucked, but other than that it was awesome.

    Does Mike change his accent on songs?

  8. WOW


    MTV The biggest shit that i ever seen in my fucking life.



    Justin Bieber,

    lady gaga



    taylor swift

    katie perry


    (im writing their names cuz im seeing on tv)

    some gays that i dont know...

    and moreeeeeeee


    I Cant believe the quality of the music.

    Please LP

    Dont make nothing with MTV



    And sadly LP fits right in with TC.

  9. nice video - but i'm not going to buy the album or go to any LP concert anymore. maybe i'll listen to the whole album once the songs are on video platforms but i think i lost all interest in new LP albums and concerts in the past few weeks. i rather focus on bands that managed to grow up while at the same time they still stick to their sound (emils bulls and wirksystem for example).


    i'm no longer going to bother you: this is my last post and lpl forum visit (untill the next album i guess). still will be happy about getting lp news through lpl on facebook.


    Thats essentially what I did when MTM was released. Look forward to seeing you back for the upcoming hardcore LP record( let's hope)

  10. The one thing I'll never understand is, why do people compare this album to Meteora? Not ever Hybrid Theory or MTM, but Meteora? I swear, it's like the majority of LP fans have some kind of strange obsession thinking that the only good music LP has ever made is from Meteora when it's actually their worst studio album by far...who knows.

    Meteora to me was HT refined. My top two LP albums will always be Meteora and Reanimation.

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